COD4 MP Live arranging thread

I'm no where near good mate. The grenade launcher I can judge quite well 'cos it's a standard measuring unit for altitude so can usually line up the horizontal lines with the horizon and be quite accurate. But apart from that, I'm just average mate.

A small map like that I tend to watch the red circles, see where people are, throw a grenade to lure them away and wait for them in an anticipated escape path. Usually works ;)
he he, might have been the ship one, i finished 2nd on that level iirc?

only one of those levels i've played before, its enough to learn my way around let alone have M16 grenades hitting me in the head all the time (points to previous poster :P)
We frown upon users of the nube tube :p

Rogadog, sorry mate, was in the middle of doing 'Your Show Sucks' invite again if your still about.

LOL is that what it's called, the nube tube?

It's a god send when you get the idiots jumping up and down behind windows like zippy and george on acid. Careful aim, check your surrounds, aim, fire and listen for the abuse. O how I laugh.
Ive gone now anyway- Good games earlier, i like team hardcore even though sometimes I do pretty crap

My best game was the one when i was put on the other team. :p
Best kill was on Wi99is, I put down a claymore and then he came from nowhere so I panicked and just run into the claymore and took us both out. :p:D
I did enjoy thos games last night, its a different experience altogether on hardcore.
Best kill was on Wi99is, I put down a claymore and then he came from nowhere so I panicked and just run into the claymore and took us both out.

Faded, i remember that kill, in that house by the bridge, lol.
What's the difference with Hardcore then? Not tried that yet. Only done the team deathmatch, free for all and search and destroy (the latter I hate!)
I did enjoy thos games last night, its a different experience altogether on hardcore.

Faded, i remember that kill, in that house by the bridge, lol.

I think I killed you 3 times in a row from camping in that little area.. :D
Sorry, did I say camping....I meant...erm....oh...crap. :p
What's the difference with Hardcore then? Not tried that yet. Only done the team deathmatch, free for all and search and destroy (the latter I hate!)

Friendly fire is on, there is no UAV unless you get a 3 kill streak and you are a lot more careful when walking about.

Oh and if you go into hardcore remember to turn the martydom perk off! I didn't realise they were in hardcore last night and I joined them mid game, needless to say people weren't pleased I had martydom on. :D
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Bullets also do more damage. I really like it as if there is no UAV up no one has clue where the bullets are coming from (there is no radar unless UAV is up)

UAV jammer and a silencer are ideal.

Thing I like is that every works together and updates on the enemys location, it is is a lot more tactical. No longer a mad run about firefight
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