COD4 MP Live arranging thread

I will be online from about 8ish as usual.

I must admit since playing online with all you lot I find myself getting bored and frustrated when having to play by myself (ooo.. errr... ;)) Playing with friends is great and imo the only way to go.

Looking forward to some americano whooop ass tonight.
I'm not on, about to head to the girlfriends.

Had a really rough day, all manner of tests performed on me! Bloody sucks i tell thee.

Will be around Sunday if I can get an invite then :)

Tests to see how an ugly bloke scored a hot chick? Hopefully they can unlock the key for the rest of ;)

Hope your ok mate :)

You had a couple of real good S&D games there oneshot, I was gonna set a lobby up but will wait til a few more are about.
Dannyjo what a classic "just shot down our copter" "I blame it on the San Miguel"

Decent games, apart from the uber laggy one and the last one with "that" Canadian kid
Good games tonight lads, finally got our S&D act together towards to end. :)

I think a fair few of us wanted to rip that little yanks throat out! :D

I'm actually going to blame tiredness for how poor I was all night tonight, I think I only managed to finish on top in about two of those games.
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