Colleague sacked for being Racist

VIRII said:
And there was me thinking that we are all just people.
Your statement effectively stereotypes white people and black people. It is in effect racist.

Yeh so ****ing shoot me then:p, i dont make stereotypes...i accept everyone for who and what they are. I could say and do say that even when i see my fellow asians who think they are black...really annoys me. So i guess that makes me a raging racist then does it???.
Spawn said:
Yeh so ****ing shoot me then:p, i dont make stereotypes...i accept everyone for who and what they are. I could say and do say that even when i see my fellow asians who think they are black...really annoys me. So i guess that makes me a raging racist then does it???.

LOL. Yes it does make you a racist because in your mind certain behaviour is only for certain people. To you black people should act "black", Asians should act "asian" and so on. Believe me what you have just said means that you most certainly DO stereotype.

It is no different from suggesting that the Police force is purely for white people and that all blacks are drug dealers and all asians are terrorists. :)
Spawn said:
Ahhhh i was waiting for you to turn up, glad to see i wasnt disappointed..:p

Of course, the word 'race' was in the title. Havnig said that, I'm not here for a flame war (unless anyone get excited) and most of the important bits have been covered now so most liekly my role in this thread will be sarcasm.

Yes quite right you are, ill be honest and say that there have been times where ive been quite racist on my fellow pakistani people. Some of them really **** me off bigtime with their utter stupidity, usually its the banana boat type that get me going lol. But ive been called a coconut by some of my asian mates but as i said before its in a joke type manner ie taking the mick etc.

You'd be surprised how you can say racist things when people aren't up tight about it and fancy a laugh. People are supposed to take the whole race thing very seriously and if you dont and you get on well enough people with people to know its innoffensive, it can be quite funny.
Spawn said:
usually its the banana boat type that .........

If a white person was to use that phrase to describe a group of immigrants or their descendents then it would almost certainly be construed as racist.
cleanbluesky said:
You'd be surprised how you can say racist things when people aren't up tight about it and fancy a laugh. People are supposed to take the whole race thing very seriously and if you dont and you get on well enough people with people to know its innoffensive, it can be quite funny.

What I find interesting is that Asians and Blacks are racist to eachother but whites don't go around calling eachother "Whitey" or whatever. I wonder why that is.
I got warned at uni for my racist comments for asking for some more chalk for the blackboard whilst i was giving a presentation.

Publicly infront of a room full of fellow under grads. I informed the lecturer that Blackboard is not racist, its accurate, and then the next two hours were spent arguing the uni's PC policy.

(some how I still got a good mark for the presentation).
Nix said:
If it's an INNOCENT mistake, it's much easier to repeat as it's not intentional. A diliberate mistake would be intentional and much easier to control.


Do you habitually speak before you think and / or suffer from short term memory loss? It will be interesting to see if the appellant uses this as a defence.
callmeBadger said:
I got warned at uni for my racist comments for asking for some more chalk for the blackboard whilst i was giving a presentation.

Publicly infront of a room full of fellow under grads. I informed the lecturer that Blackboard is not racist, its accurate, and then the next two hours were spent arguing the uni's PC policy.

(some how I still got a good mark for the presentation).

WTF? The name is a blackboard FFS. See, this is where PC goes too far.
Nix said:
What I find interesting is that Asians and Blacks are racist to eachother but whites don't go around calling eachother "Whitey" or whatever. I wonder why that is.

Becasue we do not consider ourselves victims of racial opression therefore can forgo adopting a slur as a form of rebellion.

Its a form of taking a concept and reconstructing it - summed by someone talking about Richard Pryor's use of the word ******...

"Yes, I'm a ****** and wouldn't you like to be one too..."
cleanbluesky said:
Becasue we do not consider ourselves victims of racial opression therefore can forgo adopting a slur as a form of rebellion.

Its a form of taking a concept and reconstructing it - summed by someone talking about Richard Pryor's use of the word ******...

"Yes, I'm a ****** and wouldn't you like to be one too..."

I think the native British White is oppressing themselves due to allowing the ethnic minorities to get away with a sight more. The laws or at least the perceptions of PC is very hypocritical.
CLAWS said:
Dont get me wrong Nix, but even a joke will only go so far especially where ethnicity is involved. For someone like me I can take some healthy banter and give just as good as I get
Good man!
Nix said:
I think the native British White is oppressing themselves due to allowing the ethnic minorities to get away with a sight more. The laws or at least the perceptions of PC is very hypocritical.

Yes, but just be thankful that we cannot point the finger of blame elsewhere - we cant take responsibility for this and in many ways a lot of us have by refusing to conform to PC standards...

We don't need a "self-esteem" movement in the way that black Americans have in the past, we just need to believe that it is okay to express our self-esteem in public...

Morrisey said:
Irish blood, English heart
This I'm made of
There is no one on earth
I'm afraid of
And no regime
Can buy or sell me
I've been dreaming of a time when
To be English
Is not to be baneful
To be standing by the flag not feeling
Shameful, racist or partial
Irish Blood, English heart
This I'm made of
There is no one on earth
I'm afraid of
And I will die
With both of my hands untied
I've been dreaming of a time when
The English are sick to death of labour
and Tories
and spit upon the name of Oliver Cromwell
and denounce this royal line that still
Salute him / and will salute him forever

Used to think Morrisey was a fag before he did that. "Irish Blood, English Heart" from You are the Quarry
Nix said:
I don't mean to offend, but I do find that ethnic minorities are all too keen to use the "Racism" card when it will advace them in someway. If an ethnic majority complained about something being racist, they'd usually just be ignored. Racism works both ways, but somewhere along the line this has been forgotten.

How true- been called a 'White******!' before whilst minding my own business walking down the road; was a bunch of asian (pakistani?) kids/youths all with da bling and puffer jackets etc... fools.
VIRII said:
LOL. Yes it does make you a racist because in your mind certain behaviour is only for certain people. To you black people should act "black", Asians should act "asian" and so on. Believe me what you have just said means that you most certainly DO stereotype.

It is no different from suggesting that the Police force is purely for white people and that all blacks are drug dealers and all asians are terrorists. :)

My sherlock your on the ball today arent you???:p. I think everyone stereotypes, including you Mr Virii but whether you admit to it is another question.

Virii said:
If a white person was to use that phrase to describe a group of immigrants or their descendents then it would almost certainly be construed as racist

Of course it would construed as racist if a white person said it, but it also very much depends on how you say it and in what context you say it in. Ive had people say to me have you just stepped off the banana boat or something but im smart enough to figure out if they have said in a racist manner or not. Personally i wouldnt bat an eyelid if a white/black or yellow person said i just got off the banana boat...i think i would be too busy laughing tbh.
I'm not playing Devil's advocate, but could this been taken out of proportion.
I had a black work mate, and me and him had a good relationship, where we used to mock eachother lots etc. I used to call him "Token" ... my token (The N word ) friend. It was taken in jest , since we were good mates ... and I played up to beeing a stereotype South African.
He took no offense, and I took no offense to the Slurs he chucked my way.
But if someone elswe might have overheard and been offended, could I have been fired because of it ?
cleanbluesky said:
Yes, but just be thankful that we cannot point the finger of blame elsewhere - we cant take responsibility for this and in many ways a lot of us have by refusing to conform to PC standards...

We don't need a "self-esteem" movement in the way that black Americans have in the past, we just need to believe that it is okay to express our self-esteem in public...

Yes, but its got to the point where even the most innocent remark can land you in trouble.

See the blackboard incident.
callmeBadger said:
I got warned at uni for my racist comments for asking for some more chalk for the blackboard whilst i was giving a presentation.

Publicly infront of a room full of fellow under grads. I informed the lecturer that Blackboard is not racist, its accurate, and then the next two hours were spent arguing the uni's PC policy.

(some how I still got a good mark for the presentation).

This sort of thing is exactly why what constitutes racism cannot be solely in the eye of the beholder, as Visage advocates.
cleanbluesky said:
You'd be surprised how you can say racist things when people aren't up tight about it and fancy a laugh. People are supposed to take the whole race thing very seriously and if you dont and you get on well enough people with people to know its innoffensive, it can be quite funny.

Totally agree with you there CBS, personally i think this whole racism thing is a bit overrated imho. I dont think ive ever accused anyone of being racist towards me in my life...even growing up in Canada i was racially taunted as the place i grew up in had no other asians other than me and my family. But did i let it affect me??, nah not really...yes it did hurt because everyone i guess wants to be accepted by others. So maybe thats why i dont take the whole racism thing too seriously....
Spawn said:
My sherlock your on the ball today arent you???:p. I think everyone stereotypes, including you Mr Virii but whether you admit to it is another question.

I have not as yet claimed that "I never stereotype" though :)
Spawn said:
Of course it would construed as racist if a white person said it, but it also very much depends on how you say it and in what context you say it in.

Unfortunately it depends not on the context in which YOU say it but upon whether or not the recipient decides that it is or is not a racist comment.
Some people seem to look for reasons to find offence in something.
Some people thrive on playing the persecuted man.
Some people even kill others over cartoons.
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