Colonic Irrigation

Save some money and wait till you need a ****. A Colonic Irrigation just removes the crap you'll **** out next time you go for a dump.
Save some money and wait till you need a ****. A Colonic Irrigation just removes the crap you'll **** out next time you go for a dump.

There's some benefit if you're really packed up or have a really crappy diet. One of those health programs had an obese lady on there who had it done, they got out a piece of pepper that had started fermenting inside her :eek:
my mate has had it done. no idea why. in fact hes not my mate anymore :p

anyway he said they pumped what he thought was coffee up his jacksie until no more coffee would go in. he then had to sit on the toilet and have an non voluntary anal evacuation. then water was pumped up and out and with it came pieces of food he'd eaten 20 years ago, pieces from the board game operation, chewing gum, monopoly hotels etc

i might go out and book myself a session... lmao
I'd have it done if it was free, i take a dump, then it feels like it's not all out, 5 minutes later i'm back on the toilet.
I usually take about 3-4 dumps a day, maybe my colon could do with a cleaning.

It's like having your ears syringed, you can hear clearer after that.
Except you're having a bit of hose shoved up your pooper, who cares, you're not doing it for sexual gratification.
I take it you have a link to some medical journals demonstrating the benefit?

No but you don't have to be a doctor to know that if you're really backed/packed up then the benefit is no longer being backed/packed up, whether or not that's medically beneficial or not I don't know. Now I'm no Doctor but I would hazard a guess that a fermenting pepper is better out of your poop shoot than inside it.
No but you don't have to be a doctor to know that if you're really backed/packed up then the benefit is no longer being backed/packed up, whether or not that's medically beneficial or not I don't know. Now I'm no Doctor but I would hazard a guess that a fermenting pepper is better out of your poop shoot than inside it.

What was this medical show with the pepper in question?

Just that it sounds like a Gillian McKeith production.
No but you don't have to be a doctor to know that if you're really backed/packed up then the benefit is no longer being backed/packed up, whether or not that's medically beneficial or not I don't know. Now I'm no Doctor but I would hazard a guess that a fermenting pepper is better out of your poop shoot than inside it.

I watched another program that disproved the medical advantages to it. In essance it clean out what will come out naturally.
There is absolutely no evidence supporting any benefit from colonic irrigation. Whilst it can have unpleasant side effects.

Don't do it.
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