Perhaps some day Horizon will cover it and either debunk it or find there actually is some benefit.
None of that stuff is in your "system" any more.I would have it done. I quite like the idea of getting rid of all the rancid kebab and MacDonalds I ate back in '97.
If you haven't tried it i would recommend getting some Fybogel Hi-Fibre from the supermarket.It comes in sachets which you mix with water.
Since taking it regularly i've never had better digestive transit lol
I had to have one a few years back whilst I was being checked for colon cancer and, all I would say is - Don't knock it till you have tried it !
It is not something I was looking forward to but i have to say that i felt great afterwards and for a few days I just felt better - hard to put a phrase that catches it but i was more energetic, felt cleaner and less stuffed up.
I am not sure if it was something I would pay to get done regularly but there is definitely a positive side to it
Has anyone ever had it and how much is a good price to pay?
I am living in london and thinking about getting it. Any good places to go?