
2 Dec 2004
Under The Desk, Wales
Not after any medical advice.

Anyone had a colonoscopy?

I am booked in for one this monday coming. Got to drink the laxative mixture on sunday evening. 2 ltrs!!

Not looking forward to the prep or the procedure!
I've had two. One with general anaesthetic, one with local. I highly recommend the general.

Prep is the worst.
Wife had one, she got hit on the head by the barrier in the car park, then walked I to the door frame on the way out... Be careful
Brother's had a few, there are probably much worse procedures to undergo. Besides some mild discomfort it shouldn't be particulary unpleasant.
I've had two. One with general anaesthetic, one with local. I highly recommend the general.

Prep is the worst.

Really? It's a mildly uncomfortable procedure and that's mainly down to the gas they use to inflate the bowel, I've had to have a few over the last couple of years and I dont even bother with any extra sedation, a GA seems massively disproportionate.

The prep isn't great for sure, Moviprep is what I've had, 2 x 1 ltr of thick sickly liquid. Though I must be getting used to it as the last time wasnt too bad lol.
Yeah had one a few years ago, had to take some stuff called picolax as the prep, let's say it was extremely effective, make sure you're no more than about 5 seconds away from a toilet.

Was done via a local, procedure wasn't painful but rather uncomfortable, more so the weird feeling of being lubed up round the starfish before the camera was inserted, and being fully awake.
Tbh, I was quite impressed with how the prep worked. Drink the litre over an hour, starts working within10-15 mins after that and over in about an hour. With the effect like a fire hydrant :cry:
Have a couple of meals with high fibre content before the prep. Let's just say it makes things easier when the floodgates open.

As for the procedure itself, it's really nothing to worry about. Just feels like your a little bloated at times when then open up the pathways.

Don't be afraid to suck on the gas they give you either and be prepared for excuses when it's over and you let out a massive fart. It's all very interesting especially if you get a good Dr who is willing to to tell what's going on when your watching the screen.
Done it under sedation, wasn't bad, only slight memories of the procedure and if I needed to do it again I wouldn't be at all worried. Prep is the worse bit really, read the advice about meals in the days running up to the event and then take the drink.. Its effective!
They steer a camera through your backside, so...a bit of a bum steer.
Personally I found the part where they inflate your bowel and go across pretty uncomfortable.

In the grand scheme of things though you'll be fine.
You’ll probably not remember much in detail due to to the sedative. It wasn’t bad tbh. You will be farting like a trooper during :D
Not after any medical advice.

Anyone had a colonoscopy?

I am booked in for one this monday coming. Got to drink the laxative mixture on sunday evening. 2 ltrs!!

Not looking forward to the prep or the procedure!
Drinking the prep is the worst part, enjoy the sedative and huff the hell out of the gas and air :D
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