Coming 2 America - Out Now

That's a shame, for some reason I thought it would be this year. Cinemas might be open again by March, seems odd to wait so long as I heard it was complete.
Anyone lookin forward to seeing this?

Mixed feelings about it myself as the original was great and there was nothing more to tell of the story really. Plus there all about 40 years older so not really going to have their spark as they once had in their prime. Still if it manages to make me laugh then its done its job i guess.

Id link to a vid but not any trailers etc worth it really.
Coming to amazon prime in dec.

Nooooooo!!!!! Leave it alone !!!!
A black guy playing a old white jewish guy, cue youtube rants ! :p

Trailer looked ok, so hard to tell with Eddie Murphy films as they tend to be hit or miss. Trading Places > Coming to America for me but CtA 1 did have some good moments so fingers crossed, I'm expecting a heavy amount of memberberries in force.
My work colleague is an extra in it(NYC cop) he has a scene running down an alley chasing a kid. Hopefully it made it into the final cut. They filmed that scene in Atlanta.
I'm looking forward to it. I saw the original in the cinema, Milton Keynes The Point, in 1988 and loved it. Of course this was still the time when Eddie Murphy was funny.
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