Coming home to an empty nest..

Sone said:
can i ask how do you humanly kill a wounded animal. Was mowing the lawn yesterday and hit a frog :eek:

Knock off 2 of its legs but it was still alive, i put it a cup of water as i assumed it would drown pretty quick. Went straight to the bottom and stayed there so i think it worked.

Annoying thing is i went on the lookout for frogs before i started and sent 3 next door, also he was on the very last bit of grass i mowed :(
Trying to drown incapacitated amphibians probably isn't the easiest way to polish them off, hopefully you sautéed their legs though:)
knip said:
Ok so lets say you broke your leg or your arm, or someones dog attacked you, would you expect to then be buried under the ground?

My only fear of death is reincarnation. :)
Sone said:
can i ask how do you humanly kill a wounded animal. Was mowing the lawn yesterday and hit a frog :eek:

Knock off 2 of its legs but it was still alive, i put it a cup of water as i assumed it would drown pretty quick. Went straight to the bottom and stayed there so i think it worked.

Annoying thing is i went on the lookout for frogs before i started and sent 3 next door, also he was on the very last bit of grass i mowed :(

Step on it.
Pour salt on the wound.
Throw in salty water
Finish it off wit hthe lawn mower.
Well the OP may not have been comfortable with using a blow to the head to kill them as for some people it's just too traumatic (no pun intended) and they are unable to bring themselves to do it.
Asphixiation is commonly used when people can't bring themselves to kill by "violent" methods.

So i wouldn't go so hard on the OP.

You also have to wonder whether the immature birds even have the ability of cognitive thought, be able to feel pain and be fully aware of their situation and surroundings. In which case they wouldn't have suffered as their brain couldn't comprehend as it's just not capable of doing so.

I'm not on either side just thinking out loud :)
Col_M said:
You also have to wonder whether the immature birds even have the ability of cognitive thought, be able to feel pain and be fully aware of their situation and surroundings. :)

I belive they would have the ability to feel pain by comes as standard frpm birth. As for been aware of there situation, it is debatable. :) See am thinking out loud too....dont mind me.
neocon said:
Just looked out the patio window to see the cat coming up the garden with something in its mouth. Turns out she had caught 3 new born baby birds, must have been hours old. I put the cat in the garage and buried the chicks alive down the garden. Nothing else I could have done really. The cat is a total nightmare.

What a loon. So instead of letting the cat kill & eat them you're bured them alive? :rolleyes:
squiffy said:
What a loon. So instead of letting the cat kill & eat them you're bured them alive? :rolleyes:

Give him a break guys. Obviously, he thought he did the right thing as at the time. Besides he might not like killing things with his own hand (literally) :)
Vita said:
Buy yourself a Tiger
Why? Surely a tiger would just end up bringing bigger catchings home like dogs and immigrants. Imagine the implications of burying live immigrants in your garden just because your pet brought them home semi mauled :p
Jonny69 said:
Why? Surely a tiger would just end up bringing bigger catchings home like dogs and immigrants. Imagine the implications of burying live immigrants in your garden just because your pet brought them home semi mauled :p

Pfft an african immigrant would make meal of it :p
Col_M said:
Well the OP may not have been comfortable with using a blow to the head to kill them as for some people it's just too traumatic (no pun intended) and they are unable to bring themselves to do it.
Asphixiation is commonly used when people can't bring themselves to kill by "violent" methods.

So i wouldn't go so hard on the OP.

You also have to wonder whether the immature birds even have the ability of cognitive thought, be able to feel pain and be fully aware of their situation and surroundings. In which case they wouldn't have suffered as their brain couldn't comprehend as it's just not capable of doing so.

I'm not on either side just thinking out loud :)

Of course they were able to feel pain! It's not an ability anyway, it's innate and serves as a survival function - try punching a baby, it'll cry.
Jonny69 said:
Why? Surely a tiger would just end up bringing bigger catchings home like dogs and immigrants. Imagine the implications of burying live immigrants in your garden just because your pet brought them home semi mauled :p


That's what I was trying to come at. Burying the birds alive, I couldn't. I rather would have phone the RSPCA.

But seriously a pet tiger on a leash. That would rape.
trojan698 said:
Of course they were able to feel pain! It's not an ability anyway, it's innate and serves as a survival function - try punching a baby, it'll cry.
Ok, so i actually meant that ability to process pain into an emotion and therefore feel suffering.

Punch a baby then ask if it they remember it when they are older and it can't as it didn't have the ability of thought as it's brain isn't developed enough (lol we're discussing punching babys :confused: ) so you could argue that it can't comprehend suffering just give a pre programmed reaction. If a human baby with a massivly larger brain doesn't have the ability to think in this way and be aware of what is happening then a baby bird surely can't.

Besides they wouldn't have felt pain from asphixiation and their brains are so small and aren't developed i doubt the birds were aware of any suffering :)
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