Command + Conquer 3 screens

30/03/2007 is the release date.

I promise you it will not change solely due to the fact that EA are crap. Other games companies will delay titles to ensure the finished product is of high quality. EA will sacrifice just about anything to get the game out on time and move on to their next project.

Having said that, I personally thought Generals was an excellent game. Although as suspected, EA cut corners; it was riddled full of bugs, no "classic C&C" in-game film clips etc
locutus12 said:
sure it looks modern, but for the technology they have today and the power of the PC, there seems to be very little thats special about it, yet another run of the mill el generico late DX9 period pos from EA games.

despite the fact that Kreeeee and i dissagree on the best RTS of all time, what we do both recognise is that Starcraft and Total Annihilation had something that other RTS games have never managed to replicate since.
I agree on that!

Everyone is raving about this game based on graphics alone. With RTS games I find that the more detail and effort put into the graphics the poorer the game plays. Supreme commander will wipe the floor with this and show what a modern RTS should play like.

Still won't touch starcrafts level of gameplay though ;-)
Have they announced the build style yet? Will it be C&C style, or the Warcraft mode they used in Generals?

I hope it will be back to classic C&C!
jim5000 said:
Have they announced the build style yet? Will it be C&C style, or the Warcraft mode they used in Generals?

I hope it will be back to classic C&C!

It'll be Generals with a different name.

Bit like Fifa 2002, Fifa 2003, Fifa 2004, Fifa 2005 etc

EA cash-in tbh :(
It might look pretty but i gaurantee it will stick. EA have never, ever been able to write good AI code. The pathing will be awful and the units will be about as smart as bush
Locrian said:
It might look pretty but i gaurantee it will stick. EA have never, ever been able to write good AI code. The pathing will be awful and the units will be about as smart as bush

Are EA actually making the game or just publishing it?

looks awesome, I loved almost all the C&C games. Generals failed a bit in the single player but it was very good via LAN.
I can see why people hated C&C generals, especially with all the online bugs/glitching and imbalances (especially after zero hour), but it was still incredibly fun and well designed at its core. If your judging the game based on gameplay then generals was far from an utter flop; it just suffered greatly from poor online support and bug fixing. Anyone who played the game online knows, at its peak there were many excellent matches to be had as long as you played with the right people.

If C&C 3 fixes all the bugs and retains the generals style of play it'll definitely be a winner.
Castor said:
I've always loved C&C but they've lost the plot with each succesive game. Total Annihilation still owns it's ass.

I would have to agree with you there. Even though Supreme Commander doesnt look as graphically good, its scope, originality and gameplay look far far superior. They are just having a laugh now churning out the same old carp with updated graphics. Of course its still too early to pass judgement but its probably where its going.
MoNkeE said:
Are EA actually making the game or just publishing it?

They are actually making it. People bad-mouth EA a lot but not everything that comes out of them is complete crap.
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