Command & Conquer remasters in the works

Sooo many hours of fun with C&C series, remaster would be awesome.....but EA :(
If you didnt experience C&C and company of heros when they came out, you missed out on some classic pc gaming.
Generals killed the franchise for me. It was a decent rts with the c&c name tacked on for sales, it missed everything that made c&c great.
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I remember reading a review of RA2, it said something along the lines of "You can mind control a cow. Then strap dynamite to the cow. Then send it to the enemy base to blow up". :D
My favourites were the first command and conquer and red alert on ps1, red alert 2 and Yuri revenge on pc and my favourite of all was kanes wrath on xbox 360, I played many hours on it.

Red alert 3 was a bit of a downgrade from kanes wrath IMO and was a bit of bad port on console so I never got into it and I didn't have pc at the time.

I have number 4 on pc and it's kind of fun but it's not really old school cnc and the zoomed in view is horrible with no option to zoom out.

Would love a new Yuri revenge!!
It will be in testing to see what they do with the remasters. One of the things that made C&C great was the deliberately bad acting in the cut scenes etc. Trying to replicate that charm will be difficult because I don’t think will have aged very well for a modern audience.

I think they lack a bit of depth now compared to more modern titles like CoH, star craft, dawn of war. There is another series I am forgetting, I’ll post it when I remember.

Edit: TS, RA2 and generals were my favs.
If they purely make it a HD rework and keep everything as it was can see this doing well as RTS lately have all started moving into Moba territory looking at you Dawn of War

If they start trying to double dip with micro transactions it'll be dead in the water.
RA2 was my first proper online multiplayer game as it could be played with 56K. I put many an hour into it. 3v3 on Yuri's revenge could last hours! Not sure if todays instant gratification kids could handle that.
I still play the CNCNet version of Red Alert. Free just like OpenRA but closer to the original version.

I also still play C&C3 and RA2 from time to time. Occasionally Dawn of the Tiberium Age (a mod for Tiberium Sun which brings the factions from the first two games together on the TS Engine).
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