Command & Conquer remasters in the works

Sadly if they do remaster Red Alert 2 I believe it will incorporate a lot of the new mechanics.... which coincidentally is what ended my interest.

I've got the original on Origin but could never get it to work
They were all great up until C&C 3, after that, awful. Generals zero hour and RA2 being my faves. Wouldn't say no to a remaster or two. Good RTS games are hard to come by nowadays.
My son's and me spent more time fighting each other to get on the PC to play C&C series, will keep a eye out for the C&C Remasters.
I will probably be up for this. My PC just about runs the original and some of the levels playing as NOD are tough as old nails. Of course the tactic working from levels with a fixed base was either: a. Sandbag your way across the map, then seal the enemy in. Or, b. The big tank rush. I suspect they will have nerfed "a" but a Win 10 native implementation and maybe a graphic refresh will make it fresh again.
The gameplay graphics of C&C3 are just fine apart from the cursor, which needs to scale to higher resolutions as it's too small; the video could do with being HD / 4K though.
We should get some OcUK games going if this is any good. Not generals though, that was just some generic RTS with the C&C slapped on it.
Give me zero hour or kanes wrath and ill take 7 of you on at once :D Hell maybe some Firestorm, but thats going back some.
I still play OpenRA quite a bit for C&C/RA and think Tib Sun is on there now or coming soon.

I'd like to see a return of C&C Sole Survivor or Renegade :D
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