Command & Conquer: The First Decade

Duke said:
Just had a classic 1v1 lan game of C&C... was all good until the memory error crash half hour into it :(

Same thing with Tiberian Sun here mate. Really good game and then it crashed about 30 mins in.

I think EA should be a-bomb'd.
I despise EA as much as the next person, but i still think they produce quality games. It's just the after care of games and the lack of support they give once a game has reached the bargain bin. It's not hard EA!
neverender said:
Anyone having troubles with Zero Hour?
Generals is fine, but Zero Hour is all chuggy and, well, generally b0rked. This isn't in game though (haven't even got that far), even the EA splash screen and intro sequence are jumpy....

I had to update my motherboard chipset drivers when that happened to me. Give it a go and see if it works. A weird solution but it worked for me.
Any ideas what happened to this? I can't seem to find it it HMV or GAME anymore, I can get it online, was just wondering why it's no longer in the highstreet stores.
RobH said:
Any ideas what happened to this? I can't seem to find it it HMV or GAME anymore, I can get it online, was just wondering why it's no longer in the highstreet stores.
It's still in full production as far as I know. I've seen it in woolies.
Been replaying C&C TS and Firestorm past few weeks. Awesome. Love it :D Only had one crash so far and that was in TS. None in Firestorm so far.

The folks that have dual core or what have you systems should try setting the processor affinity to just one CPU. Remember these games are very old and will easily get confused if they are switching between cores/CPUs.
I am on an Athlon XP 2600. The only games that crash are TS/FS/RA2/YR. I believe they all use the same engine. They all crash after about five or ten minutes of play. This is getting ridiculous.
I guess me and the group I play with are lucky. None of us have had any crashing issues in any of our games, extensively played over LAN on all versions.
Hey there. Been trying to get RA2 + Yuris to work over the uni lan but having trouble. Here is what we ahve done so far.

Installed IPX/SPX on all computers; selceted Ethernet II under frame type int he IPX options.

In the game we have made sure to select the right ethernet card but looking at the ipconfig out put and finding out the mac address of out lan card.

Disabled firewalls.

We are also running battlelan

We still cant see each other in the lobby or see eachothers games.

What could I try? Can you direct connect with RA2?
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