Command & Conquer: The First Decade

ah i realised that cnc was set to 640x400, changed it to 640x480 in options and the monitor was able to scale just fine.

yay i can enjoy original cnc goodness!

hmmm on a side note, command and conquer installed fine and i havent had any of the problems that people are experiencing. guess i am getting lucky.
Mod as in change certain factors in the game. Tiberian Sun for example had all it's settings in one rules.ini file where you could add/edit/delete units and the way they looked, moved, cost, etc.
been playing this for a few hours now, Tiberium sun is ace,m it was always 1 of my favs, that game works perfect. u can even set to 1600x1200. i have got a problem with Red Alert 1 tho, it runs fine if i drop to 640x480 but it scrolls the map way to fast, even if i set the scroll speed to the slowest, its way to fast to make it playable
The Jet said:
Mod as in change certain factors in the game. Tiberian Sun for example had all it's settings in one rules.ini file where you could add/edit/delete units and the way they looked, moved, cost, etc.
Hehe I remember changing all the units in the original C&C.. Orca had grenades, Rocket Men had Sam Site missiles, Hum-vee had Obo Laser etc :D
Duke said:
Hehe I remember changing all the units in the original C&C.. Orca had grenades, Rocket Men had Sam Site missiles, Hum-vee had Obo Laser etc :D
lol, I changed those plane bomber things so their napalm load would like cover the whole map :D Sam Missles=Lasers, infantry riflemen=lasers, mammoth tank secondary wep = erm lasers :D
TrueBlue said:
cant find how to mod these games, there was rules.ini files but im struggling to find em.

If I remember correctly the ini settings were in a HUGE file and that you had to copy them out into a separate file called rules.ini to override the settings.

I made a whole new army for Tiberian Sun using some of the stuff they never used in game (the mammoth mark I firing lazers was a classic).
aww man I remember Sole Survivor! Good old 56k Interweb days :cool: Only played it a few times though as it was so hard to keep connnected :(
[Death] said:
nice 1, worked a treat, man i love the C&C games :)

No problem mate, I've done a lot of tweaking to get the old games running networked on WindowsXP. It's nice to pass on the knowledge.
Been having loads of fun with this.......

I installed the whole lot 9GB+ (removed all previous installations) and its all working without any problems. :D

Of course the original C&C and Red Alert graphics do look bad on my 19" TFT at that old school res but oooh the memories of playing these on my PlayStation originally :D (I have all but now abanded console gaming)

Of course some of the resolutions can be manually altered in each games inf file except the really early ones where your stuck with one res! Tiberian Sun is quite acceptable on 1280 x 1024.

For those who don't like IPX on Red Alert 2 well its so easy to set up anyway just make sure you get the correct MAC addresses! I'm now using the discs from my old copies to run 2 player LAN battles. Picked up Generals Deluxe for a tenner five months ago and so can now play two player at last with this new installation / copy.

Yes there are a few the missing Soviet videos in RA1 and lack of internet play (doesn't bother me) but trust me these all work and play fine under Windows XP. Maybe I'm lucky but the whole thing works fine :)

EA may have not got in perfectly right as a package but its good value nevertheless ;)
kreeeee said:
you need to check the box that says back buffer in video memory in the RASETUP.EXE program.

BINGO... Many thanks!

Problems Remaining

1. Yuri's Revenge takes a "decade" to load.
2. Yuri's Revenge network play doesn't load, and jams on the loading screen showing the two players.
3. Tiberian Sun randomly crashes after about 10-20 mins of play in network games.
4. Still trying to work out how to play network muliplayer in C&C or RA1
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