Only if you give me samples.
I'll email you some!
Only if you give me samples.
It is indeed legal to make backups of media you own......... however, it is illegal to circumvent copy protection on media.
Wrong. They do it to receive royalties from second hand games.
Not that they should receive royalties on second hand games.
I used to use pirate software but not anymore. It is indeed wrong and immoral and I regret my actions in those days.
Why not?
Because they sold the game and made their money. I know what you are saying about the whole IP thing but these companies are in bed with the same people they are complaining about selling second hand games.
Exactly this.
Look at any other industry, do Sapphire start charging users who sell their cards on Ebay? Do Ford charge drivers who seel their cars to garages? Do Samsung charge users for selling their TVs? (i could go on like this all day)
Why not?
Is a 2nd hand Ford identical to a new Ford? A 2nd hand gfx card identical to a new card? This is why software and music are licenced not sold like physical goods. They are not the same thing at all.
If Steam is anything to go by, the best thing that could happen to video games is for the 2nd hand market to die.
Best for everyone - not just pubs/devs.
This sort of stance and attitude is online with "a developer should be paid full price for each person that uses said game", which is an angle some of them want to make a reality.
The developer should be paid for each person that uses the game. Absolutely.
But who said full price?
If you wait for a Steam sale you can get games for peanuts. It's legal, you get to play the game, the dev makes some money.
If everybody wants to play the game at or close to release, then yes, everybody should pay the dev the full price.
The 2nd hand market is a really bad idea for digital commodities which, as pointed out, don't degrade over their lifetime. A 2nd hand copy is identical to the brand new copy - unless you care about the box, which most don't.
The onus is on you to explain why they should receive additional compensation for the sale of second hand copies of their games, because of how out of touch with normality it would be compared to other industries.
Exactly this. No one would mourn the loss of high-street games shops like no one mourned HMV and the like for music. Digital music hasn't become a monopoly and prices have not sky-rocketed in a digital marketplace.Why should anyone other than the publisher/dev and the seller benefit from the resale of goods they made?
These retail stores are making a killing from the second hand market. How are their sales benefiting the games industry?!
Consider the fact that without pre owned games highstreet games stores would not survive. The likes of gamestop threatend to stop selling consoles if MS went full digital and stopped pre owned games. If we did manage to do away with pre owned then digital prices would be rough as it would be a monopoly a few years down the line when the brick and mortar shops have gone
Then these hightstreet stores need to change their business plan. I'm telling you it's daylight robbery.
They can sell a game at rrp. Then buy it back from the customer for 70% of the Rrp then put it back up for sale at a couple pounds under the original rrp.
Then these hightstreet stores need to change their business plan. I'm telling you it's daylight robbery.
They can sell a game at rrp. Then buy it back from the customer for 70% of the Rrp then put it back up for sale at a couple pounds under the original rrp.
Yeah I was agreeing with you. But I quoted two people with different views so as to be as confusing as possible. Success!
I have no love for 2nd hand game shops. They're parasitic.