Community ! Can't believe there isn't a thread.

I haven't enjoyed this season so far, just haven't found any of it that funny.......until that last episode. OMG, that was freakin' hilarious. Troy's timeline was just immense
didn't know there was a thread for this.. huge fan of this show up there with the big bang theory and how I met your mother for me.

The last episode was hilarious, the best Community episode i've seen.


^ makes me laugh every time :p
It's a superb show to make gifs from because....well because it's a superb show to make gifs from!
No D&D's though :D

I personally thought the D&D ep wasn't that great, it could have been so much more.

For me the best eps have been the Season 1 Paintball, and Season 1 & 2's Halloween eps.

I just love the ABBA background tracks in Season 2's Halloween special :D
I loved the new episode, All of it was awesome and the Troy and Abed bit at the end, I was literally laughing my arse off! :D
Britta is looking better now too, she kind of looked like bones in some eps!
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