Community ! Can't believe there isn't a thread.

Really? That /is/ what troy and Abed are all about. I assume you've been watching previous seasons...
Watched it from the start and I don't agree with you. They become like 5 year olds, they were like 12 year olds.
I think the Troy/Abed relationship has gone as far as it can, and agree with the above - the Abed character is a bit.. well, lost.


Watched it from the start and I don't agree with you. They become like 5 year olds, they were like 12 year olds.

I think it'd worse than that, remember Troy was the footballing Jock, he would have been the cool kid at school. Abed's weirdness was a funny side note, just like chang's abuse, chevy's racist/sexism, Jeff's narcasim etc.
It started to go south for me when episodes didn't follow a little of those dynamics each week, and focused on a single character. (when was the last time we had a chang classic, the old dude, starburns, the guy that went woop woop or whatever)
Jeff has become rude, Britta became annoying. The series now seems to have started to focus on Abed as the main character with his sidekick Troy, all because of the excuse that he is a bit mental he can think up strange and stupid storylines. (The dreamatorium, blanket forts, bunkbeds, stupid imaginations etc etc)
I'd say the only character that has stayed true to the start of the series is Annie.
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I started this thread when the show was amazing. I'm a little scared to go back to it now... reading here and I can just imagine what's happened to it all. Season 2 started to go downhill and I expect everything i didn't like that was happening has got worse.

Series 1 - truly amazing.
A man's gotta have a code.

The last episode was brilliant, I miss Pierce's scenes a bit but the show manages to go on with him out anyway.

I don't mind this season being Troy and Abed focused. I can't see it going for much longer, though.
As people have said in the last few posts, generally speaking all the characters that were in the first series, have simply become the generally worst character trait over time and nothing else.

Jeff isn't ever really a nice guy who will do something mean now and then, he's just mean. Britta isn't a nice friendly quirky person who is sometimes stupid and sometimes a bit OTT about some cause, she is now only stupid or into a cause. Troy isn't cool at all anymore, he hasn't really been into chicks lately(though that is partially explained), and as said acts like a 5yr old when he used to be 10. Same goes for all the characters, they used to be characters with funny/quirky traits, now they are just caracitures of their old characters.

The multiple time line ep was mostly great, and the Troy gets the pizza timeline was nothing short of god damned amazing. But in the first series there were 10 episodes that good, in series 2 it was maybe, at a stretch 5, in series 3 its basically that single one so far.

I hope it gets a 4th, even as "bad" as it is compared to series one its still miles better than most comedies on tv. I'd freaking love it to get back to its best, get back into the more college/campus/community feel rather than just those 6 and stop focusing on all their negative character traits as its way to limiting, and honestly, kill off Shirley, far prefer to see her go than Pierce.
Realistically though, how many years can we believe these people have been at the college trying to get a degree lol.
Character's change. If you don't like it, stop watching it, really.

I've enjoyed the way they've been developed. In the traditional sitcom format characters don't change at all, so the fact we're seeing that happen is always a good thing.

Don't you guys see how it's playing with the sitcom tropes every week? Abed's weirdness is acknowledged instead of being a quick of his character that the others just deal with. It has, certainly this season, been a focal point of many episodes, with just about every character commenting on how irritating it can be.

In the traditional sitcom no one would comment on it.

Every character does the same for every other character - they pull them apart week in and week out, they have everyone else comment on their most irritating aspects which does, in true ironic fashion, enhance those traits on a weekly basis.

This is why the show works. I'm glad the characters are changing. I'm glad they mess with the format. It still works - every episode since it's came back from the break has demonstrated exactly why this technique has worked and is working. You guys are coming in and saying that the latest episodes are great; this is why.

When they do give it its fourth season, which I'm about 90% confident they will purely just so Sony can make muchos cash from international syndication rights, they'll change things again. It's great.
I still love it, easily the comedy I look forward to the most. I watch others (Parks and Rec, HIMYM, Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, New Girl) and while they all entertain me Community is the only one that has characters I really love and look forward to seeing more of every week.
Maybe some episodes are better because certain particular writers are responsible for them, whilst the other writers in the team aren't as good?
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