COMPETITION - Design a System Landing Page for the new Antec Custom Cases - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

I added a little more information to sell the cases better... I do have another design to come, don't know if I have time to finish it though.


Any feedback would be much appreciated!
Finally managed to get some time in to squeeze out a couple of entries!

I took the liberty of going off brief for my first one as I wanted to keep it quite minimal with some strong imagery to act as a lure to click directly through to I thought that once there you could see all the specs and prices and so I could keep the design uncluttered.


I then did a version with all the gubbins listed in the brief...


Really like both designs, wicked textures and that icy fog thing going on. Great work Narziss
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I got as far as this


and decided to give up. Maybe on another comp :)

Good luck all you entrees (or w/e the proper word is)
Tough competition as the deadline looms. Good luck all!

Here are my entries...



Both designs are in the same PSD, allowing for quick and easy edits but that can be rectified if needed.
Can anybody borrow me a hammer, please, I wanted to hit my stupid head :eek: I've read date 16th some time ago, today started to work at project.. and by the way checked the deadline .. it was bloody 11th my name day. Or even better two hammers to deform my head symmetrically :mad:
Can anybody borrow me a hammer, please, I wanted to hit my stupid head :eek: I've read date 16th some time ago, today started to work at project.. and by the way checked the deadline .. it was bloody 11th my name day. Or even better two hammers to deform my head symmetrically :mad:

Could always just enter your work anyway, and hope for the best. Maybe they will bend the rules a little to let another entry in. :D Who knows..
Doubtful they are announcing winner tomorrow, they probably took all the entries on the 11th and emailed them off to Antec to see which ones they liked before OCUK make final decision.
Doubtful they are announcing winner tomorrow, they probably took all the entries on the 11th and emailed them off to Antec to see which ones they liked before OCUK make final decision.

Yeah, probably. Although it would be a shame to see his work to go to waste. Maybe he should just post it up for all us to admire. :)
So when do I find out I've lost out to someone who was 'inspired' by mine that used loads of Photoshop filters to make a passable entry?
So when do I find out I've lost out to someone who was 'inspired' by mine that used loads of Photoshop filters to make a passable entry?

Oh get over yourself FFS :rolleyes:

To be perfectly honest there are plenty of better designs than yours on display here.

Yes you were apparently copied a few times, but that's the nature of the beast - treat it as a compliment, and I am sure OcUK wouldn't choose something that was a blatant rip-off anyway.
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