COMPETITION - Design a System Landing Page for the new Antec Custom Cases - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Okay, here's my effort.


There's some seriously good entries so far. Good luck to everyone!

I wonder if some people can give me some feedback on my progress so far. I just want to know whether other people's monitors display any anomalies. With things blended from black it often varies screen to screen. This isn't anywhere near done of course - so please don't point out that it's light on text!

Updated mine, tweaked it a little bit, gave it a red and black theme so it would fit in with OCUK Site, blue one still available if that one is preferred:
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Updated mine, tweaked it a little bit, gave it a red and black theme so it would fit in with OCUK Site, blue one still available if that one is preferred:

Looks pretty good... think I liked the blue one better though.
I like the idea of putting the sites Header and Nav bars around it too may try that later!
My last design variation with OcUK Site Headers and Navigation.


I think it works well, there is a good quantity of information before the most common resolution cut off, so any "1 click and away" people see all 3 cases without even having to scroll.

What do you guys think! Any suggestions that I can do in 3 days?
I have also previewed what mine shall look like as a landing page:

Looks weird as I had to resize the image but ah well :)
Also gratz to the others, really nice work. :D
Finally managed to get some time in to squeeze out a couple of entries!

I took the liberty of going off brief for my first one as I wanted to keep it quite minimal with some strong imagery to act as a lure to click directly through to I thought that once there you could see all the specs and prices and so I could keep the design uncluttered.


I then did a version with all the gubbins listed in the brief...

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