COMPETITION - Design a System Landing Page for the new Antec Custom Cases - WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Oh get over yourself FFS :rolleyes:

To be perfectly honest there are plenty of better designs than yours on display here.

Most of these look like they were created in paint.

I didnt do mine to look the prettiest, I did mine to show off the product and its specs while highlighting the customisation and choice of the fans.

I think mine is laid out the best and has the best balance of design and information. So does my professional graphic designer chum who I've been chatting with about this competition.

Most of these look like they were created in paint.

I didnt do mine to look the prettiest, I did mine to show off the product and its specs while highlighting the customisation and choice of the fans.

I think mine is laid out the best and has the best balance of design and information. So does my professional graphic designer chum who I've been chatting with about this competition.

If you was really so confident in your design and ability you would stopped crying like a little girl ages ago.

For me and my advertising chums who have worked on some massive TV and magazine advertising campaigns they all agree 110.3% Narziss's design caught the eye much better than yours.
If you was really so confident in your design and ability you would stopped crying like a little girl ages ago.

For me and my advertising chums who have worked on some massive TV and magazine advertising campaigns they all agree 110.3% Narziss's design caught the eye much better than yours.

Because he knows how to use photoshop filters and tutorial websites to make an ice/cold looking design.

I wanted to keep away from clichéd nonsense like that.

"omg the fans make the case cold, lets put snow and ice, llololololol"

Im not confident in my design because half the people in here dont have a clue about design, they go off what looks the most prettiest and ultimately most tacky completely ignoring the brief. I know i've already lost.
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Because he knows how to use photoshop filters and tutorial websites to make an ice/cold looking design.

I wanted to keep away from clichéd nonsense like that.

"omg the fans make the case cold, lets put snow and ice, llololololol"

I'd say the "clichéd nonsense" is more to do with the names of the cases which OcUK actually gave, rather than fans making the case cold (Ice box, freeze box and frost box if I remember correctly). It's pretty clear that from the naming of the cases they wanted something which has a focal point around that aspect, although they didn't state it. Just because people can see that and you didn't want to conform to a cliché doesn't mean that others get marks down on their design due to yours being something different.

Im not confident in my design because half the people in here dont have a clue about design, they go off what looks the most prettiest and ultimately most tacky completely ignoring the brief. I know i've already lost.

At the end of the day, when you see an advert for something, you want it to ultimately be eyecatching to spark some interest so people click it, it's not meant to strictly be a professional looking thing which is intergrated into being part of the website.

If you saw an ad on a webpage, you're more likely to click 1 that catches your eye than 1 that looks as if it's a part of the page itself.

Congratulations! Narziss Is the winner!

Please can you email me via my trust email and I will discuss this with you.

I need the source files from you in order to be able to change the various pricing and setup the buttons to be clickable etc etc.

P.S. I will point out that the choosen winner was between 4 designs in the end. It was very close between the final 2. As for the way the winner was picked all the OcUK staff and the UK Antec Staff each picked there favourite. The most votes won!

Because he knows how to use photoshop filters and tutorial websites to make an ice/cold looking design.

I wanted to keep away from clichéd nonsense like that.

"omg the fans make the case cold, lets put snow and ice, llololololol"

Im not confident in my design because half the people in here dont have a clue about design, they go off what looks the most tacky.

So you are a design expert then i take it?, or your mate apparently is? Mmmmm, ok then:rolleyes:
Bit of a cheek really telling people they do not know what design is and they go for the most tacky don't you think?

If you was really so confident in your design and ability you would stopped crying like a little girl ages ago.

LMFAO:D , he is right you know, get a grip man

Narziss's design caught the eye much better than yours.

Agreed, talent i would call it, and something i would love to be able to achieve one day regardless of how i learned the skills needed. Back to MS paint for me as that is about the scope of my design skills :)
If you was really so confident in your design and ability you would stopped crying like a little girl ages ago.

For me and my advertising chums who have worked on some massive TV and magazine advertising campaigns they all agree 110.3% Narziss's design caught the eye much better than yours.


Because he knows how to use photoshop filters and tutorial websites to make an ice/cold looking design.

I wanted to keep away from clichéd nonsense like that.

"omg the fans make the case cold, lets put snow and ice, llololololol"

Im not confident in my design because half the people in here dont have a clue about design, they go off what looks the most prettiest and ultimately most tacky completely ignoring the brief. I know i've already lost.

What a joke.

grow up:mad:

Well done Narziss:D
I've said it before and i shall repeat it again. Design is subjective and everyone thinks they are a graphic designer and has opinion. It's just one of those things :)

I've worked in design for over 13 years now and am well used to having my work both applauded and criticised. Do I take it personally? No, I just accept that we all have different opinions and different taste when it comes to what we find visually appealing.

There are universal design rules that any decent graphic or web designer will adhere to, but outside of these constraints design is a creative process and as such is subjective. If someone doesn't like a design i've done, its fine. I know I have excellent taste and that i've designed something that is fit for purpose and meets or exceeds the design brief i've been given but that's what I think - I fully accept that others think and see things differently.
Twice now I've lost out to someone with no talent who owns a warez copy of Photoshop who knows how to press photoshop filters.

Dude stop maoning about it, never seen your designs so can't comment (seems you removed them a while ago).

In the end the most eye catching design won.
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