Competitors - a clarification

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This is something I'd like to see.

Going headlong into retail games would be a hugely pointless move though surely? It's a dwindling market as it is nevermind being done better by others than OcUK could probably manage anyway.

Amazon wouldn't be launching the service that caused all this hoohaa to erupt in the first place if boxed retail games were the way forward.

Personally, i'd just sack the games off and focus efforts elsewhere, rather than trying to make money out of a market that's so old the biggest players are starting to move on from it.

Fear my Paint Skillz. :P
At best games are a side market for OCUK, I for one would never buy a game from here when I could get it cheaper elsewhere, and even on my rubbish Internet connection I prefer the digital distribution methods anyway.

OCUK are not competition for the bigger players in this regard and I suspect probably never will be. The sooner OCUK realise this the better, OCUK should stick to what it's good at (i.e. hardware).

isn't ocuks revenue something like 30 million yet game's is 1.8 billion?

I doubt you could ever compete with that kind of clout considering that they get exclusive bonus content from the publishers yet ocuk doesn't so even if you sold at the same price people would buy there.

Certainly but then again Amazon is huge by any reckoning but doesn't really compete with our core products - I think it's about focus and brand.

I'm certain a few mil spent carefully could put OcUK on the path to being at least a bit part player in the games market, certainly to the point of being competitive enough to be able to cross-promote with hardware sales. I'd be less sure that few mil would ever be made back as profit though, in my lifetime at least :)
*sigh* Can someone just let me know when all the mods have decided on a rule, and then can the sticky perhaps be updated with it. I clarified the rule with ThundyCat last night and it appears to have changed again less than 24 hours later. Nobody knows what on earth is going on because we're getting so much conflicting information.

One minute the rainforest is banned completely, next it's banned only if mentioning it in relation to your products.

One minute Steam is allowed, next minute we're not allowed to mention any games you sell on it (this is going to lead to mass suspensions in the sales then isn't it!)

One minute competitors in general are fine as long as we mention and don't link, now you're telling us they're not (Seriously this one was confirmed last night and now it's changed again!!)
Certainly but then again Amazon is huge by any reckoning but doesn't really compete with our core products - I think it's about focus and brand.

I'm certain a few mil spent carefully could put OcUK on the path to being at least a bit part player in the games market, certainly to the point of being competitive enough to be able to cross-promote with hardware sales. I'd be less sure that few mil would ever be made back as profit though, in my lifetime at least :)

I do agree with this, it just seems strange that you would only have 20 or so products and thats it. Same as the lightbulbs, clearly got them cheap from somewhere, but not the right place to be selling them (IMO of course!)

I sell online, and am also selling laser cut parts, but because it does not suit the core business, I am going to be opening up an additional E-Shop but yet promote it on the main site.
*sigh* Can someone just let me know when all the mods have decided on a rule, and then can the sticky perhaps be updated with it. I clarified the rule with ThundyCat last night and it appears to have changed again less than 24 hours later. Nobody knows what on earth is going on because we're getting so much conflicting information.

One minute the rainforest is banned completely, next it's banned only if mentioning it in relation to your products.

One minute Steam is allowed, next minute we're not allowed to mention any games you sell on it (this is going to lead to mass suspensions in the sales then isn't it!)

One minute competitors in general are fine as long as we mention and don't link, now you're telling us they're not (Seriously this one was confirmed last night and now it's changed again!!)

Yeah, we're going back and forth with the rules, every time it seems to be taking the wrong course.

In the past 24 hours we've had 4 sets of rules, the ones from Sept 2010, then the new rules brought up by Ace Modder and argued by valkia, then reverted and cleared up by ThundyCat and now it's all messed up again with no clear statement on how the past and future threads are going to look like.
best not mention any dell products anymore or any apple products..

why do you have an apple forum section when they are in direct competition with you? that makes less sense than this games rubbish and is only riling up your genuine customers who always look at your store first for the core of your business
Just be considerate and balance the needs of members to find the cheapest stuff with the needs of the business to sell stuff.

I don't think there's a hard and fast rule which will be fair to both sides so some give and take is best imo, less rage and more understanding of each others needs ;)
Regardless of people saying "Cheers, that clears it up", it really doesn't, there's many examples given.

Just be considerate and balance the needs of members to find the cheapest stuff with the needs of the business to sell stuff.

I don't think there's a hard and fast rule which will be fair to both sides so some give and take is best imo, less rage and more understanding of each others needs ;)

Does that mean Valkia will be balanced in his judgement on whether or not we're not balancing the need for the cheapest stuff with the balance of the business? I don't think so. What you've said is down to interpretation.
quoting komedy:

I will cover the following so that the DONS and OCuK can sit down and look at the current situation rationally and understand how we as the community and more importantly loyal customers feel about it.

Its been said before and last night this particular beat stick came out again. OCuK provide the forums for us at a considerable cost (OCuk terms not mine) for which we should all be humbly grateful and tow the line.

Spie is not a stupid man he realised sometime ago that the provision of these forums encouraged a loyalty to his business and in that assumption he is quite correct. I myself made my first OCuK order in 2007 not long after I joined the forums and in that time I have spent £3500+ with OCuK on PC kit. In that same period I have not spent a dime on PC Hardware from any competitor, nada. Even though your own twitter which you encourage me to to follow promotes three of your direct competitors - DOH !

I cannot speak for other regulars here but I am sure there are plenty who place orders for gear with OCuK. I have been round the block along time and as others do, I know exactly where to get PC kit from, yet I choose to buy at OCuK because the prices are competitive and the service is good with the exception of games.

I fully understand that nowhere on these forums should there be a link or promotion of any store selling products in direct competition with OCuK. However games are not your core business nor are spuds.

The fact that in here we as predominantly gamers share good deals we find on PC Games should delight you and here is why:

1. It has us posting in here everyday, therefore I visit your site everyday and in doing so see YOUR promos and ads for the gear you specialise in = OCuK Win

2. Gamers in here buying games, recent releases and older, results in rigs being upgraded = OCuK Win

3. Gamers saving money on game purchases have more to spend come upgrade day = OCuK Win.

4. there is a thread in here that is very popular "PC Gaming Daily Deals". Go Google "pc game daily deals" and look what comes up. Generating new visits hits, members and hey future business = OCuK Win

It is now time that OCuK recognise and respect the loyalty many many people on these forums show towards OCuK. It is now time to stop this nonsense that the mere sight of the Jungle word will have me running to buy everything they sell.

Its time to face it that you are not and never will be competitive in games. You have no digital download service.

As a customer of OCuK I would be grateful if you didn't treat me like a chimp.

So I urge the DONS and OCuK to review the current rules and enable the situation where we can freely and without fear of a ban or some other punitive action discuss games and where we can get them, whether that be Steam, D2D, the new service coming in October or even my local supermarket.

I cannot remember a time in here where anything other than a game price was promoted at a site outside of OCuK.

Give us the respect we as loyal customers deserve and it disappoints me that a supplier I once held in high regard is so small minded and incapable of thinking outside the box.

I don’t normally get involved with these discussions, but as a long term OCers customer I have to add my support to this statement. Furthermore, I would not be happy to find overclockers expanding their game section and thus limiting games deal discussions on the forum. As it stands, your game prices are not competitive and I cant see that end making any significant profits (maybe I am wrong).

However, my point is I come here to read about and buy hardware from OCers, plus find the best deals for games to use on that hardware. If the last was limited/taken away I would unfortunately have to find another forum to spend my time on which would break my link with OCers, losing you business!
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Just be considerate and balance the needs of members to find the cheapest stuff with the needs of the business to sell stuff.

I don't think there's a hard and fast rule which will be fair to both sides so some give and take is best imo, less rage and more understanding of each others needs ;)

well i like to think of it as , the more money we save on games the more money we spend on our computers :p
Does that mean Valkia will be balanced in his judgement on whether or not we're not balancing the need for the cheapest stuff with the balance of the business? I don't think so. What you've said is down to interpretation.

Feel free to message me (in trust) if you think somebody's interpretation needs a 2nd opinion. So long as you don't catch me before my morning cuppa I can be quite reasonable :)
Based on the number of stock for each of the titles in the PC Games section (there's approx 50 [dependant on how many 10+ Crysis2's there are]), might it be an idea just to have a nice big community competition, accept your losses and be done with the Games selling section of OcUK?

(No, I don't have a business background... I'm just naturally talented at bsns shz (I can rhyme too!))
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