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Conroe is hype

Yup HZ will work fine. If your unlucky and the board won't boot, bung in some value ram, set the timings/voltage manaually and whack in the HZ again. Sorted.
FatRakoon said:
I still cant find out if that kingston will be ok in the Gigabyte DS3 ?

This is 400mhz DDR2 yes? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is the i965 chipset needs a minimum of DDR2-533 (PC4200).

Bear in mind with the Conroe, to run the memory at a 1:1 ratio (the minimum supported on the chipset), the memory will need to run at 533mhz (266x2). The Conroe has an FSB of 266mhz (quad pumped). So, assuming the board recognises the memory, you'd need to either underclock the processor, by changing the FSB to 200mhz, or overclock the memory. I think I'd just try to get new memory (533 as a minimum but 800 if overclocking is on the cards).
Thats where I am also confused too!

AMD are bad enough, with FSB no longer being FSB but rather HTT - EH? - its still a bloody FSB isnt it?

Then with Intel with the 533, and so the RAM only needs to be 133 and then 800 or 1000?

The thing is, that the RAM is DDR400 yes? Well, QDR would actually be 800 wont it?

So, why will I have to use at least 533 in it?

Surely this DDR400 will be right then? single=200, double=400, DDR2=800???

Oh, I dont know?

I have tried to contact gigabyte, but nothing yet.

Hey, what I could do perhaps, is use the P4 in that board, and use the kingston... I could try the Conroe and if it dont play, I wil just get new RAM... Surely the RAM will be ok for the P4 perhaps? After all, I do also want to have 2 of these boards so the last thing I need is to need RAM for the P4 too! - its not THAT much of a CPU compared to my AMDs and its a lot worse in many cases, so I could just get shot of the P4 if it comes to it to get better RAM for the conroe.
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DDR2 is not quad data rate, as far as I know anyway. Otherwise logically, it would be called QDR. Check the Memory FAQ in the relevant section.

So DDR2-400 is really running at 200mhz (double pumped to 400).

DDR2-533 is really running at 266mhz (double pumped to 533).

Conroe FSB (as standard) is 266mhz (quad pumped to 1066mhz).

So to run a synchronious 1:1 ratio on a Conroe, the memory needs to be capable of running at 266mhz (or 533mhz DDR/2). The 965 chipset allows you to set dividers to run memory asyncroniously at a higher speed. Eg a 2:3 ratio would run the memory at 50% faster than the FSB, so this would be applicable for running DDR2-800 (really running at 400mhz remember). But it does not allow you to run dividers to run at a lower speed than 1:1 e.g running memory at 200mhz while running the FSB at 266mhz.
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Papa Lazarou said:
DDR2 is not quad data rate, as far as I know anyway. Otherwise logically, it would be called QDR. Check the Memory FAQ in the relevant section.

So DDR2-400 is really running at 200mhz (double pumped to 400).

DDR2-533 is really running at 266mhz (double pumped to 533).

Conroe FSB (as standard) is 266mhz (quad pumped to 1066mhz).

So to run a synchronious 1:1 ratio on a Conroe, the memory needs to be capable of running at 266mhz (or 533mhz DDR/2). The 965 chipset allows you to set dividers to run memory asyncroniously at a higher speed. Eg a 2:3 ratio would run the memory at 50% faster than the FSB, so this would be applicable for running DDR2-800 (really running at 400mhz remember). But it does not allow you to run dividers to run at a lower speed than 1:1 e.g running memory at 200mhz while running the FSB at 266mhz.

Above is correct. The 965 chipsets do not allow memory speed to be run lower than the FSB speed, there's certainly no option in the P5B at anyrate.

@ the guy who brought 3200 kingston is it DDR or DDR2 memory? From your post its a little unclear...
OC_A64 said:
Above is correct. The 965 chipsets do not allow memory speed to be run lower than the FSB speed, there's certainly no option in the P5B at anyrate.

@ the guy who brought 3200 kingston is it DDR or DDR2 memory? From your post its a little unclear...

Yeah, the Kingston is DDR2 and it is 400mhz

I bought it thinking it was DDR, but its DDR2.
easyrider said:
You are still on your opty 170?,

I sold mine for 240 quid while I could.My upgrade to conroe cost me about 100 quid by the time I sold my mobo and ram.

I'm not die hard to splash out £xxx.xx amount of money just to have the fastest possible machine.

I sold at the correct time and upgraded to a faster cpu,thats it.

Now if i had of left the upgrade longer, then I would have got diddly squat for my 170 combo and the upgrade to conroe would have cost me a lot more.

But TBH the description you mention "i.e "OMG My new Conroe absolutely DESTROYS my overclocked x2" etc is not far from the truth TBH.

As my conroe clocked to 3.8ghz really does eat my old opty 170 @ 2.8ghz for breakfast. :D

This is not a made up and amplified behond reason.This is fact and from experience.

Unless AMD do something quick their cpu line up is already antiquated!


dont understand though , you still sold your original setup at a loss right?

for instance if it cost u 500 pounds and you got 250 for it , you still lost 250 then plus what ever conroe setup cost you , say another 500

so in total it really cost 750 ?

you understand what I mean ?
OC_A64 said:
Above is correct. The 965 chipsets do not allow memory speed to be run lower than the FSB speed, there's certainly no option in the P5B at anyrate.

@ the guy who brought 3200 kingston is it DDR or DDR2 memory? From your post its a little unclear...

But 975 does, anyone know the ratios mostly available ?

The ddr2-533 is just marketing imo, its basically the same speed as 266mhz ddr1
which is still good of course
I'm sure there was a compatibility thread saying the HZ doesnt work in DS3 boards hence the reason everybody was getting GeIL at the time when it was cheap?

HZ works in the DS4 I remember that though.
Roughneck said:
dont understand though , you still sold your original setup at a loss right?

for instance if it cost u 500 pounds and you got 250 for it , you still lost 250 then plus what ever conroe setup cost you , say another 500

so in total it really cost 750 ?

you understand what I mean ?

I bought my opty for 275 sold it for 240
I bought My DFI expert for 140 sold it for 100
I bought my Gskill Ram for 146 I sold it for 125,

So I lost 35 on the cpu 40 on the mobo and 20 on the ram.

My conroe was 275
My mobo was 145
My ram 175

Equals upgrade to conroe £130

Of course had I waited longer I would have not got these prices for the s939 setup.
UKTopGun said:
I'm sure there was a compatibility thread saying the HZ doesnt work in DS3 boards hence the reason everybody was getting GeIL at the time when it was cheap?

HZ works in the DS4 I remember that though.

I will flash to the latest bios on the ds3 and try the gskill hz later tonight.
Oh, thats cool.

A mate owes me £400 and I tole'im if he buys me a DS3 he can knock off £150 from what 'e owes me...

I just got an EMail confirming that my Mobo will be arriving on Friday.

So, as of friday I will finally have a Gigabyte DS3.

Hehe... I just told him that if he buys me a good Cooler and 2GB of GEIL then he can consider the money owed as paid... He is considering it, but he dont have the cash right now! - he got a credit card though, so thats not my problem.

Ok, so I lose out a little, but hey, do I care? Not really cos I have waited for a few months already for him to start paying up, so this way I get what I want and he saves a few quid... Everyones a winner.

But for now, I wil have a new Mobo!
Soooooo you can see my rig below... should I sell my x1900xtx for £200 and go for two 7900gto's (oc them of course) in SLI costing £180 quid ish after I sell my card? or save the money and wait for DX10? or sell up my mobo ram and cpu and splash out a load of cash on the very much debated core2duo (lol in this thread at least and real people not those with cash to burn)?

PS i am solely a gamer and I want to raise my min frames per second in first person shooters such as FEAR combat. I have a 1680 1050 res which is a tad too big (in my opinion) for goodies and frames on high end card but then 2 cards may be over kill and a lil bit too small res to justify the cost?

Please help, my real friends only reep the benifits of gaming PC's but dont know **** all about PC's.

I feel confused because its like should I sell whist I still can? Is conroe really that amazing, like hundreds more amazing over my current rig? Would 2 7900gto's in real world gaming raise my min FPS enough to justify the cost?

thanks people and all opinions appreciated

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I dunno you know...

I am lucky, I think, in that I have more PCs than I can realistically use, alll of them are more than capable of playing all my games at more than respectable frame rates... Hell, I cant even tell the difference between 80 and 180 except if a lot goes on, then soem of the lesser cards might show a slight lag... Might.

I dont have dual Graphics... Last time I had that was a pair of Voodoo 2's which by the way I still got and they are still working in an XP2000 Rig running 98SE and they are fine for their job ( Bad comparison I know )

The best clocks I have had out of my systems are 3Ghz on an XP17 ( Still got that very PC but its not cold enough yet to go again, so its hovering at 2.7 right now and thanks to InsanCen in giving me his old WC kit it will be going again to break the 3Ghz barrier ) and my Winchester Rig in the Neo2. Its rock steady at up to 290/295 but after that its flakey at best, but its hit it...

I have recently got myself a conroe... I messed up in assuming it would be ok in instead of the P4, but its not and I messed up again by gettign cheap and nasty Mobo and its still not playing, so I am workign on the P4 now ( Wasting time more than anything ) but its still good fun!

For me, its not having the fastest or the best... My AMDs are doing all that I need them to, its more of a curiosity more than anything, but I have to say that even though the Intel efforts I do have are perhaps the most unreliable piles of junk I have ever wasted money on, I can see that they are a lot faster ( CPU-Wise ) than the AMDs... Both the P4 ( Precott 660 ) and the Conroe ( allendale ) are both apparently excellent clockers and so they should get some nice speeds.

What we have here though is a silly mentality, in that many people have a fully working flawless AMD setup. They might want a nice little boost, and so they get a faster CPU... Thats great. The price has dropped massively recently and they can get their Venice or Winchester PC to a dual core for pennies.

But, instead, they are being told that in doing this, they are utterly stupid, because the Conroe is cheaper!

The thing is, that they already have the Board, RAM etc and its already setup as they want it and its probably the most reliable system in the world because they have done it as they want it, btu are now being told that they are think in not wanting top go to a completely ( Possibly unknown ) new platform!

This is not only wrong, but its down right stupid of the conore users to do this.

Its already been said that AMD might not stick with 939 and to be honest, I myself dont think they will, but, what happens in a few months time, AMD come out with a new CPU, perhaps a quad, perhaps more or less, I dont know? that just happens to be the equivalent of a 5GHZ Conroe? What if, just on the off-chance, its a friggin Socket 939???

How will the people who have just sold off their perfect AMD setups feel then?
You will get the conroe users saying that they should have stuck with their AMDs

This is the nature of the PC. You stick with what you know. I stick with AMD myself because I know how they work, I know their little querks and I like them... Hell I was even going to get a tat with the AMD logo just to annoy the missus cos she says I love my PCs more then her ( Shes right too ) and I seriously hate Intels. But I have 2 of the buggers now and guess what? they are great. If I manage to work out why they keep hanging on me they will replace my AMD PC. Of course they will, but if they dont, then someone is going to get a couple of nice Intel PCs and I will buy myself a couple more AMD CPUs instead! - after all, the 3700 is now less than £60 and I have already got the Boards, RAM, Coolers etc to just plot the CPU right in there and go straight away

We have all had a laugh at intels the past few years, its intels turn to laugh at us now... Tomorrow it will be AMDs turn, end of the day, does anyone truly actually give a fat monkeys flying f...lip about it?

If they do, then its a little bit immature, and if they dont like it then I will tell my mummy

so ner.
deadkomodo said:
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Lol I enjoyed reading your post and you put in some perspective for me, I will keep my rig and upgrade when i need an upgrade or for a brand new technology like direct x 10 not as you say for 'a nice little speed boost'.

Lol no SLI for me then, three SLI boards so far and I have not used it once, I am waiting for proof that two cards in lots of real games improve performance by something like 80% (not too much to ask is it?). I see the second card in most reviews benchmarks doing like 20% increases, making it a really expensive second card and 80% worse value than the first.

My friend has two x1600xt's in crossfire and they have never done anything more than 3 to 5 percent increases, he has always installed the latest drivers and even formated windows and has had two crossfire boards. The only time he get a 50% improvement is 3dmark05. Poor guy most of the time his single card is faster.
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