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Conroe is hype

2 Oct 2006
LOL okay BillytheImpaler I will shorten my rig put it on 4 lines, but in response to 'this is irrelevant to this topic and this thread', have I been reading OCUK forums longer than you or something or do you only read your own postS???? because OCUK forums always end up being 'irrelevant to the topic and the thread'!!! (but thats what I love about OCUK forums they are in general chilled and friendly) Now if you read my post I wanted to know should I too go conroe, will it REALLY BOOST MY FRAMES? Cos if not and its mainly all hype then where best is my money spent upgrading to boost those frames?

So yeah trust that normally at about 5 posts down you would be hard pressed reading from the posts what the topic is actually about. ;) YOU KNOW I SPEAK TRUTH :D


neways :p
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17 Feb 2006
deadkomodo said:
LOL okay BillytheImpaler I will shorten my rig put it on 4 lines, but in response to 'this is irrelevant to this topic and this thread', have I been reading OCUK forums longer than you or something or do you only read your own postS???? because OCUK forums always end up being 'irrelevant to the topic and the thread'!!! (but thats what I love about OCUK forums they are in general chilled and friendly) Now if you read my post I wanted to know should I too go conroe, will it REALLY BOOST MY FRAMES? Cos if not and its mainly all hype then where best is my money spent upgrading to boost those frames?

Yes it will boast your frames by quite a lot if you got any of the Conroes at 3.2Ghz. Just think of a Conroe 3.2Ghz if your opty was a 3.4-5Ghz.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
AndyOcUK said:
G-Skill DOES NOT work in any of the Gigabyte DS/Q6 boards.

The Geil 6400 (12-4-4-4/ 800Mhz @2.1 Volts works very well.


OcUK Tech :)

Hi there

I think plenty of forum members on here will disagree with that statement Andy. Some of the best overclocks have been achieved with the Gigabyte DS3 board when running with G.Skill. :)
24 Dec 2005
Gibbo said:
Hi there

I think plenty of forum members on here will disagree with that statement Andy. Some of the best overclocks have been achieved with the Gigabyte DS3 board when running with G.Skill. :)

I have yet to test the Gskill HZ.My ASUS P5 W DH is on RMA and will be using this mobo as a stop gap.

However I will be testing tonight.I'm hoping for 3.6ghz on my E6600 and the ram running 4:3 at 1ghz.

If this happens then I this mobo might not even be a stop Gap :p

Of course 3.8ghz will be nice :D

Have yet to find a mobo that will allow 4ghz 24/7 :(
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5 Oct 2005
Gibbo said:
Hi there

I think plenty of forum members on here will disagree with that statement Andy. Some of the best overclocks have been achieved with the Gigabyte DS3 board when running with G.Skill. :)

Yes I know he is wrong with the HZ RAM no one has had any problems with the HZ RAM and DS4

8 Sep 2005
AndyOcUK said:
G-Skill DOES NOT work in any of the Gigabyte DS/Q6 boards.

The Geil 6400 (12-4-4-4/ 800Mhz @2.1 Volts works very well.


OcUK Tech

Eek it's worrying this guy is an OCUK tech manager... :D
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Man of Honour
14 Nov 2005
Up North
Richdog said:
Eek it's worrying this guy is an OCUK tech manager... :D

Lol, harsh but true.

I'm sure however that he is acting in the best interests of anyone wishing to buy a system that is compatible out of the box, there are indeed a few reports of the DS3 not working right with G.Skill (or any ram needing 2.1v). That said he could have been a little more informative rather than being blunt as Gskill WILL work, if you can use a different set to get into bios and raise the vdimm. Some ds3's work fine regardless, others don't. It is however, always usefull to have a 'representative' on these forums and even though they may sometimes be misinfomed, its a little harsh to bash them imo.
18 Jan 2005
I dont buy the whole conroe thing either tbh. In fact dual core also I didnt bother upgrading. I played CS:S on a conroe system and then again on my opteron rig with same card... Absolutely **** all difference.
Personally I cant ever think of a time when I would want/need to be burning with nero, downloading, running a million apps, folding, gaming bla bla bla. And this whole benchmark thing. I have had memory that gives mem test errors that has been stable in a gaming rig for over a year. I have had prime/occt etc fail and claim instability when a rig has been fine etc. Benchmarks only tell half the story, and people who buy into the new hardware are always going to point out the benchmarks where it does perform.
17 Oct 2002
GREAT Britain
sniper007 said:
I dont buy the whole conroe thing either tbh. In fact dual core also I didnt bother upgrading. I played CS:S on a conroe system and then again on my opteron rig with same card... Absolutely **** all difference.
Personally I cant ever think of a time when I would want/need to be burning with nero, downloading, running a million apps, folding, gaming bla bla bla. And this whole benchmark thing. I have had memory that gives mem test errors that has been stable in a gaming rig for over a year. I have had prime/occt etc fail and claim instability when a rig has been fine etc. Benchmarks only tell half the story, and people who buy into the new hardware are always going to point out the benchmarks where it does perform.

Thats true for now, definitely; depends how you use the computer. However, the next batch of games are multithreaded, resulting in massive increases in performance simply because the CPU is used a lot more. Traditionally, since 3D accelerators, the GPU has had the heaviest load by far. Now the load is starting to even out with AI and physics becoming significantly more detailed. Better still it allows for parallel asset loading, so no more loading screens once in the game! It just streams content in the background, wonderful, wonderful use of multiple processors.

Of course quadcore will be out by the time multithreaded games come in force this christmas / early next year ;)

Oh yeah - Prime failing is a certificate of instability. 'Fine' is very much relative. I've had people claim their computer is super-stable only to use it and find lag, crashes, and all sorts of nasties. 'Oh its always done that', or 'thats the first time thats happened'. Its one of those human things - you like the performance and it doesn't happen *that* often, so you just forget/ignore the occasional blips. You'll also find a lot of people who are very into a specific brand will never report anything problematic they've had with the hardware - never. Personally I like the HardOCP stress test since its much more realistic. They run multiple different applications in a loop for 24hrs - all at the same time. Almost any computer, unstable or no, can run a single application for 24 hours. However, the computer really does have to be stable to run the HOCP stress test. I have an AMD system that my nephews use, standard 'stress tests' will run for days on end, however leave it in their hands for a few hours and it'll lock up or crash. Not neccesarily a bad mark for AMD, more likely a bad mark for the VIA chipset ;)
13 Nov 2005
There are still a few CPU limited games it does make a noticable difference in so I don't agree with any of that.. UT2004 gets a healthly boost from my E6600 as does Tm Nations, HL2 and most older games. Far Cry is very CPU limited in places, mainly the outdoor environment.. Also all these noticable increases are at 1920*1200 4xAA/16xAF so they can go suck my hairy balls.. CPU does matter allot in some cases, less in others.. Much like everything else :D

Oh and then theres the best playable settings crap they use, I decide my best playable settings not [H] so there reviews mean nothing to me at all.
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17 Oct 2002
GREAT Britain
Shocky-FM said:
There are still a few CPU limited games it does make a noticable difference in so I don't agree with any of that.. UT2004 gets a healthly boost from my E6600 as does Tm Nations, HL2 and most older games. Far Cry is very CPU limited in places, mainly the outdoor environment.. Also all these noticable increases are at 1920*1200 4xAA/16xAF so they can go suck my hairy balls.. CPU does matter allot in some cases, less in others.. Much like everything else :D

With all of those games you mentioned a Core Solo clocked faster than a Core Duo will perform faster. They're single-threaded, it doesn't matter if you have 1000 cores. Core Duo is just an extremely efficient CPU, so its faster than the equivelent AMD.

1920x1200 with 4x AA is very taxing on a GPU. You got something like quad SLI to always move the pressure to the CPU?
13 Nov 2005
Boogle said:
With all of those games you mentioned a Core Solo clocked faster than a Core Duo will perform faster. They're single-threaded, it doesn't matter if you have 1000 cores. Core Duo is just an extremely efficient CPU, so its faster than the equivelent AMD.

1920x1200 with 4x AA is very taxing on a GPU. You got something like quad SLI to always move the pressure to the CPU?

Most games are single threaded anyway, you could probably count on one hand the games that actually make good use of the second core.. No, Just the single GX2 and yes I notice a large increases in some games at those setting over my old X2 [email protected].
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Oh, fat hairy monkeys

I got the DS3 today.

Came a couple of days earlier than I was told, so thats a bonus!

Trouble is, I only got home at 6:45 and had a job on as 7:30 and didnt get home till 10:15 and spent the rest of the day with the missus...

Only just come into the PC room to start playing and I find this board only has one IDE port???

Where the hell am I going to plug all my DVDRW Drives in now?

Sodding PCs

That means that I am going to have to rob a card just for the DVDRW Drives now.

Ah well... I got a SIL0680 somewhere thats not being used.

Will report back later on, but I still have a few thigns to do first... If I manage to stay awake that is!
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
The Main PC has 4 DVDRW's ( 2xNEC3440 + 1xNEC3540 + 1xLG DVDRAM )
The No2 PC has 3 ( LG DVDRAM + BTC Thingy + Pioneer 110 + 1 Liteon CDRW )

All the rest have one, a few have a CDRW too.

If the intels are set to replace the AMDs then I will be using 4 DVDRW Drives in them.

At this time, they only have 2 anyway, but I have not really cared so much as I am not bothering with them due to the motherboards being naff, so I was rather hoping this one would have the 2 ports for 4 drives you see...
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