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Conroe is hype

AndyOcUK said:
Not really, just that theres other thing rather than fretting cos someone slags you off for being slightly behind them in 3D Mark.

You should try em some time lol :D

And what on earth makes you think I don't get beer or sex? The fact I like computers? :confused:;)
Richdog said:
And what on earth makes you think I don't get beer or sex? The fact I like computers? :confused:;)

Not at all, I just get annoyed when someone posts an opinion and everyone jumps on the fanboy bandwaggon refusing to see any other opinion other than their own.

I've built dozens of conroe systems recently and clocked the crap out of them all - they are FANTASTIC chips. Thats no reason to write off everything but a conroe and gob off urging everyone to succumb to their rants and spend thousands of pounds on unnecessary upgrades.

Personally, the difference, to me, between 3 mins and 15 mins is 12 mins - that's just enough time for a brew and a cigarette.

Is that so life threateningly important that it needs an instant pile of £50 notes throwing at it?
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AndyOcUK said:
Personally, the difference, to me, between 3 mins and 15 mins ****** is 12 mins - that's just enough time for a brew and a cigarette.

Is that so life threateningly important that it needs an instant pile of £50 notes throwing at it?

Coming from someone who spent an arm and a leg on a FX cpu!

6300 120
DS3 100
DDR 2 130

clock this to 3.4ghz and you have an AMD sytem crusher for £350

The price of a single top end GFX card.

Factor in the resale value of the AMD combo and the gap shortens again.

The majority of people not upgrading to conroe are doing so cause they hate INTEL.

If AMD had released a new chip like conroe instead of intel.I bet you would all be upgrading to that.
AndyOcUK said:
Is that so life threateningly important that it needs an instant pile of £50 notes throwing at it?

Everyone has a hobby... just because you don't think it's "cool" doesn't mean it's any different to having a fast car and spending thousands modding the hell out of it. If people didn't OCUK wouldn't make as much money, so I think one of their employees dissing PC enthusiasts on the forum and trying to play the very tired "huh huh you need beer and women and to stop spending so much on computers and be as cool as I am" spiel is perhaps not the smartest PR move?

AndyOcUK said:
Thats no reason to write off everything but a conroe and gob off urging everyone to succumb to their rants and spend thousands of pounds on unnecessary upgrades.

I'm sure some members may find that offensive...
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Hi there

Some people really are too fanboyish, get a grip folks.

I purchase all of OcUK's hardware and am responsible for displaying it on our website and have all sales report to hand.

Anybody in my view buying an AMD setup now if doing a large upgrade or buying a new system are pretty much dumb and need good guidance from an un-biased source.

Looks guys OcUK don't care if you buy AMD or Intel its still turnover and profit for us but to buy AMD now you'd be a fool unless you just upgrading your current AMD CPU to a slightly faster one.

A CPU does not only effect games you know, it effects every application your computer runs. Also lets not forget the Core 2's run completely silent and are the coolest running CPU on the market.

Also games that are currently out can easily bring a high-end system to its knees if you have the right monitor capable of the right resolution. Its all about minimum frame rates. If your AMD rig is say capable of running game X at 1920x1200 with all details but in certain game areas drops to a choppy 15fps its gonna be pretty unplayable, however with the equivalent Core 2 processor your minimum frame rate could be increased by as much as 10fps. That means you no longer get slow downs in games.

Really if you wanna waste your money on AMD fine, OcUK does not care but look at the facts and don't let the fanboys blind you Intel are destroying AMD at the moment in every aspect, buy Intel. Again OcUK don't care you buy its still a sale but to recommend AMD now would be a crime.
Gibbo said:
Hi there

Some people really are too fanboyish, get a grip folks.

I purchase all of OcUK's hardware and am responsible for displaying it on our website and have all sales report to hand.

Anybody in my view buying an AMD setup now if doing a large upgrade or buying a new system are pretty much dumb and need good guidance from an un-biased source.

Looks guys OcUK don't care if you buy AMD or Intel its still turnover and profit for us but to buy AMD now you'd be a fool unless you just upgrading your current AMD CPU to a slightly faster one.

A CPU does not only effect games you know, it effects every application your computer runs. Also lets not forget the Core 2's run completely silent and are the coolest CPU on the market.

Also games that are currently out can easily bring a high-end system to its knees if you have the right monitor capable of the right resolution. Its all about minimum frame rates. If your AMD rig is say capable of running game X at 1920x1200 with all details but in certain game areas drops to a choppy 15fps its gonna be pretty unplayable, however with the equivalent Core 2 processor your minimum frame rate could be increased by as much as 10fps. That means you no longer get slow downs in games.

Really if you wanna waste your money on AMD fine, OcUK does not care but look at the facts and don't let the fanboys blind you Intel are destroying AMD at the moment in every aspect, buy Intel. Again OcUK don't care you buy its still a sale but to recommend AMD now would be a crime.

Agree 100%

easyrider said:
Agree 100%


Thanks m8!

Fact is don't be a fanboy and don't buy into all the marketing, press and fanboy crap on forums.

I think you all know by now I recommend whats best, not who I like best.

When AMD release Quad Core and if it whollops Intel then that will be my advice as I really don't care which is better because we sell it all. It just annoys me when people spout crap because they think there 6-12 month old PC is uber and amazing and car run all games at silly frame rates. Well good for you. However don't be so narrow minded to dis-regard that newer hardware thats maybe from a different manufacturer than you currently is superior.

It makes me laugh as most people hear are still at 1600x1200 or lower resolutions, but there are now lots of people with 24" and 30" panels and if you want smooth frame rates in current games on those panels then an AMD machine just won't cut it, you need Core 2 and ideally some sort of SLi and Crossfire. :)
conroe is overhyped, period. its not even that much faster than K8 in everyday applications in anyway at all, and don't even bother wasting your time quoting super-pi times to me cause its really pointless, simple answer, intel have failed big time, they spent all this time to beat K8 by a massively less than spectacular amount, its really great isn't it huh? :confused:
Gashman said:
conroe is overhyped, period. its not even that much faster than K8 in everyday applications in anyway at all

Eh? Not faster in everyday applications in any way at all?

and don't even bother wasting your time quoting super-pi times to me cause its really pointless, simple answer, intel have failed big time, they spent all this time to beat K8 by a massively less than spectacular amount, its really great isn't it huh? :confused:

I hardly call coming out with an architecturre that is approximately 40% faster than K8 at the same clock insignificant.

Your entire post is completely prejudiced...
I havent brought an intel since the days of pentium 75 but this time they have done something new and amd is on their backfoot. I'd prefer for AMD to do best if anything but thats not the case at present.

anandtech.com did a review of games on conroe and mostly they dont need the upgrade to do well. Apart from the very high res graphics as allready mentioned, it will be games that use a lot of AI that are effected most.

Age of empires I think is one game, championship manager uses dual core and fear has its minimum frame rate doubled. Apart from that there is no rush to upgrade imo but theres no doubt intel have come through this time
Gashman said:
conroe is overhyped, period. its not even that much faster than K8 in everyday applications in anyway at all, and don't even bother wasting your time quoting super-pi times to me cause its really pointless, simple answer, intel have failed big time, they spent all this time to beat K8 by a massively less than spectacular amount, its really great isn't it huh? :confused:

lol i needed a laugh :D, all i know is my games fps have gone up over my previous amd rig so am happy when gaming at 1600x1200 you need that extra bit of boost.
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Gashman said:
conroe is overhyped, period. its not even that much faster than K8 in everyday applications in anyway at all, and don't even bother wasting your time quoting super-pi times to me cause its really pointless, simple answer, intel have failed big time, they spent all this time to beat K8 by a massively less than spectacular amount, its really great isn't it huh? :confused:

Hi there

If your serious then you've got me laughing, no really you can't be serious?

OK tell you what let me put together an E6300 uses the cheapest components and ooh watch when it destroys your PC at every application and game.

Why do some people have to be so blinded by fanboyish. I really don't get it, it just hardware, its not a person just a piece of hardware and neither AMD or Intel give jack about you all they want is sales.
Gibbo said:
Why do some people have to be so blinded by fanboyish. I really don't get it, it just hardware, its not a person just a piece of hardware and neither AMD or Intel give jack about you all they want is sales.

I have never understood this either.

I get the fastest for my money.

I was so close to getting a x1950 but GX2 was faster.

If AMD release a cpu in the future that destroys conroe I'll get one.

If ATI release the next gen cards and they are faster tha NV offerings I will get one.

I dont care who makes it.,its a company.

They certainly don't care about anything else its the £ and $ they care about.

Not us the consumer.
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