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Conroe is hype

9 Jan 2003
Gibbo said:
Hi there

If your serious then you've got me laughing, no really you can't be serious?

OK tell you what let me put together an E6300 uses the cheapest components and ooh watch when it destroys your PC at every application and game.

Why do some people have to be so blinded by fanboyish. I really don't get it, it just hardware, its not a person just a piece of hardware and neither AMD or Intel give jack about you all they want is sales.
I don't get it either
I didn't beleve the reviews so I went to see for myself, know a few students in one house with two systems C2D E6300 and a AM2 3800 (everything else the same cept motherboard -know this as I built them, 2gig ram etc) the Conroe system performed much faster than the AM2 system on all tasks. end of story - we had them next to eachother playing CS:S, FEAR, Quake 4 etc running oblivion on max, far cry, doing all kinds of other tasks (encoding vids, rendering images etc), the core duo was faster by a large margin.
enough so that the guy who bought the AM2 system is selling it so he can have a Core Duo system!
26 Dec 2002
Gashman said:
conroe is overhyped, period. its not even that much faster than K8 in everyday applications in anyway at all, and don't even bother wasting your time quoting super-pi times to me cause its really pointless, simple answer, intel have failed big time, they spent all this time to beat K8 by a massively less than spectacular amount, its really great isn't it huh? :confused:

Yes it's Overhyped - BUT ! it deserves it & sorry I disagree with you, my everyday apps are faster on conroe then my amd in my sig & thats with a no frills motherboard, due to my everyday apps tend to me encoding tools.

edit - ps. Gibbo, is there any dates when the RD600 Boards will be on sale for Conroe ? ta.
10 Apr 2004
Wow, this thread has escalated, so I might aswell put another 2p into it.

I used to have a X2 @ 2.4, 2Gb, X1900XT.

It was fast, but now I have:

E6600 @ 2.8, X1900XT-X.

And yes, I can't really notice anything in Windows, but then would you feel anything between a 1Gb P4 and a 3.8ghz Conroe.

But in games it apsolutely flies, BF2 FPS have doubled even at XT clocks, DVD CPU usage is down to 1-2% instead of 5-10%, folding at home shifts and it is much much much more stable, it actally blue screens instead of locking if there is something wrong.

So was the upgrade worth it? Yes, absolutly!

Buying a new system, get Conroe, AMD atm is a waste of money.

If you have a high end X2 system and your happy, then leave it. If you don't see the point in upgrading for 10FPS, then don't no-one is making you do that.

As most people here are, im a overclocking performance fanboy. Thats buying cheaper stuff that kicks ass as it is, then overclocking it to destroy everything. I've have AMDs since I started building PCs.

Conroe is not overrated, Intel has come out with a winner this round and no-one can deny that.

X1950 is over-rated, a X1900 overclocked will give near (up to 5% difference) in performance, and with the His cooler its a win win thing.

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Richdog said:
Impossible, they would be slower in any game, you must have been doing something seriously wrong. :)

Yes, normally.

If you read my previous posts you will see that the reason why both the P4 and the condom are so useless for me, is simply because while the CPU is good, the Motherboard they are running on, are not, thus making game-play or at least loading times etc, disgustingly slow.

I would much rather play games at 50FPS that load on 10 seconds, than a game at 80FPS that loads eventually, and then stutters every few minutes for some unknown reason ( No, I have tried various installs of various Windows versions and various versions of drivers in various ways, and there is abolutely no difference... they have always been poor PCs )

Actually this is not entirely true...

When the system is running and doing just the one thing, its actually fairly nippy...

It slows down badly when its tryign to do more than that.

For example, I can burn a DVD just fine. While doing this, I can in fact also do something like Office, browsing, or Emails, but only one of those 3 because the system starts farting about and if I try doing more than that, then the Burn will almost always fail, and going between say Outlook Express and Internet explorer can take about 5 - 10 seconds - this is ridiculously bad.

On my main PCs ( My old Barton does this too just fine ), I can and often do burn 3 DVDs at once, sometimes the same files, sometime not from various drives, convert some AVI or WMV files to DVD using Santa, output a video to my TV, and play HalfLife 2 at the same time, oh, and I also run utorrent 24/7, folding@home and dimes, and Thunderbird is always permanently on too.

All my AMD PCs can do this... I expect them all to, otherwise they get palmed on to the kids, but both the Intels dont even come close.

Yes, this is quite probably due to the Motherboard not the CPU... Its not due to the HardDrives thats for sure... Those HDs run just peachy in other PCs... The motherboards are just carp plain and simple.

Ok, can you imagine how poor a celeron with only 128MB is ?

Well, now you can also imagine my P4 and conroes are!

Im not joking on that one.
3 Nov 2004
Gashman said:
conroe is overhyped, period. its not even that much faster than K8 in everyday applications in anyway at all, and don't even bother wasting your time quoting super-pi times to me cause its really pointless, simple answer, intel have failed big time, they spent all this time to beat K8 by a massively less than spectacular amount, its really great isn't it huh? :confused:
I think they're open for new members here
24 Dec 2005
FatRakoon said:
Yes, normally.

If you read my previous posts you will see that the reason why both the P4 and the condom are so useless for me, is simply because while the CPU is good, the Motherboard they are running on, are not, thus making game-play or at least loading times etc, disgustingly slow.

I would much rather play games at 50FPS that load on 10 seconds, than a game at 80FPS that loads eventually, and then stutters every few minutes for some unknown reason ( No, I have tried various installs of various Windows versions and various versions of drivers in various ways, and there is abolutely no difference... they have always been poor PCs )

Actually this is not entirely true...

When the system is running and doing just the one thing, its actually fairly nippy...

It slows down badly when its tryign to do more than that.

For example, I can burn a DVD just fine. While doing this, I can in fact also do something like Office, browsing, or Emails, but only one of those 3 because the system starts farting about and if I try doing more than that, then the Burn will almost always fail, and going between say Outlook Express and Internet explorer can take about 5 - 10 seconds - this is ridiculously bad.

On my main PCs ( My old Barton does this too just fine ), I can and often do burn 3 DVDs at once, sometimes the same files, sometime not from various drives, convert some AVI or WMV files to DVD using Santa, output a video to my TV, and play HalfLife 2 at the same time, oh, and I also run utorrent 24/7, folding@home and dimes, and Thunderbird is always permanently on too.

All my AMD PCs can do this... I expect them all to, otherwise they get palmed on to the kids, but both the Intels dont even come close.

Yes, this is quite probably due to the Motherboard not the CPU... Its not due to the HardDrives thats for sure... Those HDs run just peachy in other PCs... The motherboards are just carp plain and simple.

Ok, can you imagine how poor a celeron with only 128MB is ?

Well, now you can also imagine my P4 and conroes are!

Im not joking on that one.

I have no idea what you are talking about :confused:
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Concorde Rules said:
And yes, I can't really notice anything in Windows, but then would you feel anything between a 1Gb P4 and a 3.8ghz Conroe.

I have seen some well looked after systems like a Cyrix 333 and a Celeron 466 that are clean and faster than they should be, and I have also seen some high end kit such as a 3Ghz P4 running like an absolute dog, so yes, sometimes you can see a difference in windows between PCs.

Concorde Rules said:
If you have a high end X2 system and your happy, then leave it. If you don't see the point in upgrading for 10FPS, then don't no-one is making you do that.

I would also add that you dont even need x2 to have a great system either.

There is nothing wrong with any PC as long as it does what you ask of it.

My 2 sons both have very similar spec systems, both are NF7S one has an XP17 the other an XP25, thankfully both clock like hell, but even at stock, they both play Quake 4, Doom3, HalfLife 2 just fine... Ok, at 800x600 I'll admit, and the XP17 is starting to lag when there is a lot going on, but then again, that why its clocked.

In my honest opinion, there is still no reason other than gaming or video editting for anyone to need even a single core x64 never mind dual or conroe, but then, thats what OCUK is all about I suppose.

End of the day, I still use my kids PCs every so often, adding a new game, running some clean up tools, defragging or whatever, and not once have I looked it them and thought that they were any slower than any of my higher end systems... They all run like a rocket and do more than I could ask of them.... Admittedly I wouldnt waste my time converting my ghost videos or anythign like that on them, but thats what I got my own for.

Concorde Rules said:
Conroe is not overrated, Intel has come out with a winner this round and no-one can deny that.

I can... But I would be a liar!
28 May 2004
FatRakoon said:
On my main PCs ( My old Barton does this too just fine ), I can and often do burn 3 DVDs at once, sometimes the same files, sometime not from various drives, convert some AVI or WMV files to DVD using Santa, output a video to my TV, and play HalfLife 2 at the same time, oh, and I also run utorrent 24/7, folding@home and dimes, and Thunderbird is always permanently on too.

I certainly couldn't do that on my Barton system. Actually it used to ground to a complete halt task switching from Nero while burning. The Conroe feels much quicker when several programs are running. I doubt my Conroe system would happily play a game, burn a DVD, and encode a film at the same time either although I must admit I haven't felt the need.
17 Oct 2002
easyrider said:
I have no idea what you are talking about :confused:
me neither :(

wtf is this thread about?

I think this forum could do with a way of tagging threads into categories. Something like "fanboy crap" would be good for this one :p :rolleyes:
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Ok, try to be as simple as I can.

Some are slagging the Conroe

Some are not

Some are half way

I myself have one, but while Im impressed with the CPU itself, I find its limited by being in a poor motherboard.

So, I am still using AMDs that are supposedly slower, yet, at this time, they are many timer quicker.

easyrider said:
I have no idea what you are talking about :confused:

Sorry, I do waffle, but try to read what I am trying to say rather than what I have typed if you can.


Papa Lazarou said:
I certainly couldn't do that on my Barton system. Actually it used to ground to a complete halt task switching from Nero while burning. The Conroe feels much quicker when several programs are running. I doubt my Conroe system would happily play a game, burn a DVD, and encode a film at the same time either although I must admit I haven't felt the need.

I am sorry to hear that!

Many many people say that their PC wont do this or that, but quite often a simple reason will be behind it as to why it does not.

Nasty motherboards, naff drivers being 2 main culprits, but also having only one HD also being a top cause...

Try having a number of HDs ( Not partitions, HDs ) each with only the one partition, have them split over multiple controlers too!

The NF7S has a possible 4 IDE and 2 SATA, but at the time, I may be wrong on this, but I had the following:-

IDE0 = C: - Windows only - no other junk, but windows and system tools

SATA 1 = D: Apps & Games etc
SATA 2 = E: Media

IDE4 = F: Junk & other misc rubbish

Ideally, having the DVDRW Drives on their own line is better, however, if the Data is only going to be going in one direction, it does not matter.

Now, Defrag C:, play a game from D: and burn data to all *** drives at the same time from E: or F: and you will find that it can probably do it.

Try it.

As for Nero, it takes up nothing from the CPU... Plenty of RAM yes, usually about 86MB per session

This is pretty much how I have my 2 main PCs now... I have Windows and system tools like defrgger, AV, and spyware protection etc on C:, and this is only 8GB, withthe rest of that drive, being used only for temp storage such as Game ISOs and the like, but nothing is ever installed to C: unless its tiny like an AV and such... Everything else is installed to D:\Program Files\ and this also means that I can defrag my C: in about 1 minute no matter how messed up it gets or how long its been since I last defragged it because its always kept clean.

I also split up the PageFile too, whether this does anything is still a long debate, but 256MB on C: and 512MB on the others.

Hell, here I go again,, waffling. but try it.

The slowest PC I have that can happily burn 4 DVDs at a time, defrag the drives and play UT2K4 is probably the duron 1200... I can show you proof of that doing this if you want, you just tell me how you want the proof!

If yours cannot do it,then its not setup right cos all mine certain can and they do!
24 Dec 2005
FatRakoon said:
Ok, try to be as simple as I can.

Some are slagging the Conroe

Some are not

Some are half way

I myself have one, but while Im impressed with the CPU itself, I find its limited by being in a poor motherboard.

So, I am still using AMDs that are supposedly slower, yet, at this time, they are many timer quicker.!

Ok so what mobo have you using with your conroe?

Simply concise answer please :)
11 Feb 2006
Brand loyalty doesn't benefit consumers - only the bigshots at AMD/Intel.

It's always funny when you see some people who think big corporate companies actually give a flying-747-toss about you choosing to be loyal to them. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Competition leads to innovation. K8 kicked Intel in the balls, just like Conroe kicks AMD in the sack. The truth is, we depend on Intel and AMD reversing roles every once in a while. Without it, we would probably still be paying mega-bucks for a 'rubbish' CPU.

We shouldn't be arguing about AMD vs Intel, we should be freakin' grateful that we have choice, competition and innovation.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2003
Got to love some of the AMD fanboy views. Just buy whichever suits your budget (conroe) and/or gives the best performance (conroe) and/or quietest (conroe).

Hmm :)

I went from P4 2.4c (remember how great OCing they were - had mine at 3.3!) to a P4 3.2 @ 3.8.. then Venice 3000... Opteron 146... now onto Conroe E6600. I have only bought CPUs which I know will overclock with ease. I don't care if it's AMD or Intel.
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