So let me get this straight - you had 10 Conroes from your Intel contact and you, quote, "sold them all, directly 10 i had and all went for £485 each", then told everyone you "get them cheap if not free and get to test them".....and yet despite all this you ended up giving FCG a load of money for one, like every other Tom, Dick and Harry who hasn't got any inside source at Intel.
I haven't paraphrased you, those quotes are from the horses mouth from this very thread. You've contradicted yourself on so many occasions it's almost a parody, though I'm sure you don't even realise when you've done it (classic case of "tell enough lies and sooner or later you forget which ones you've told to which people")
And recently you've been asking for help on XS to sort an RMA on an Intel Badaxe board that by your own admission you modded (and messed up).
Nothing you ever say adds up, it's all half-truths and aspirations wrapped in embellishments or blatently incorrect information that you've gleaned from skimming the threads on XS, re-posting it on here and passing it off as if you're the author presumably to try and garner some respect.
Do I need to bring up the incident where you posted the "omg first conroe pics" that you claimed to be yours, which just so happened to be boardys? (i.e. nothing to do with you whatsoever)..... you remember what happened to that thread I'm sure....
Just stop posting this crap pretending to be someone you aren't. You aren't a tech insider, you haven't got any meaningful contacts in the industry. The more you post this sort of drivel the lower everyones opinion of you will sink - your name is already mud on XS, and from what I gather you've been suspended on here for talking utter crap. Maybe you didn't learn your lesson the first time around.