Conspiracy theories...


I can't even be bothered with the moon one any more and certainly not for rubbish like that you can easily look up and find the answers for yourself.

There's far to much evidence we landed on the moon and not one single bit of
"evidence# conspiracy theorists put forward stand up to any scrutiny.

Exactly my feelings these days. I've debunked the most popular Moon Hoax Theories™ on here several times before, and honestly can't be bothered to deal with dolts who still refuse to believe in one of mankind's greatest achievements. I find it sad that there are people out there who honestly *want* to believe that NASA didn't get people there.
I find it sad that there are people out there who honestly *want* to believe that NASA didn't get people there.
Yep especially when it can be proven that they did land and it can also be proven all the conspiracies about the moon are wrong. But some people love to be spoon fed tripe and believe it as they have some vendetta against the establishment.
I totally believe that we landed. Though I just wonder how much is kept from us? Like for example if they did see a UFO up there... would we ever know about it? would they conceal it to prevent panic?
I totally believe that we landed. Though I just wonder how much is kept from us? Like for example if they did see a UFO up there... would we ever know about it? would they conceal it to prevent panic?

Buzz Aldrin has freely admitted on camera that they saw a UFO on the way to the Moon.
I totally believe that we landed. Though I just wonder how much is kept from us? Like for example if they did see a UFO up there... would we ever know about it? would they conceal it to prevent panic?

Given that this is the same organisation that freely admits just how close they came to utter disaster on several of the flights to the Moon (the engine arm switch breaking on 11's LEM, the lighting strike during launch on 12, everything that happened to 13 etc....), I don't think they keep all that much from the public :)
Did you just refer to your self in 3rd person?

No it was in reply to Booner!'s comment on gillywibble.

I watched this documentary "Dark Side of the Moon" before which i think came to the conclusion that they did go to the moon but some or all of the videos and photos were faked, can't remember if it was technical problem or some other reason now as it was some time ago that i seen it.
I watched this documentary "Dark Side of the Moon" before which i think came to the conclusion that they did go to the moon but some or all of the videos and photos were faked, can't remember if it was technical problem or some other reason now as it was some time ago that i seen it.

It's because they assume the same properties on earth would applied to a planet with a highly reflective service and no atmosphere. But no the photos weren't edited or faked.
Have you watched it?

I have, if it's the one I'm thinking of. Many of the supposed inconsistencies these guys spot in photos and video on the Moon are found due to their poor understanding of photography. As an example - the cursor crosses being partially behind astronauts (always a favourite amongst Hoax Believers) is simply a matter of over-exposure. You can and will get the same results whether you're on Earth, the Moon or the planet Zog in the Andromeda galaxy. Light objects will bleed into dark ones, so white space suits bled into the black crosses and partially obscured them. Nothing desperately sinister about that.

Damnit, I wasn't going to get drawn into this....

Actually - this is the one that reckons Kubrick was involved, isn't it? Doesn't the film-maker go on to claim that Kubrick was killed by the CIA to keep the 'secret' from getting out?
Isn't it more likely that they went to the moon but the most of the footage was rubbish, so they prepared some in a studio? Perfectly feasible if you ask me.

They took some very good equipment up there, and were trained to the point of boredom with said equipment. All those great looking photos they published? That's the result of all that training. And they do occasionally show the completely miscued photos, the massively under-or-over-exposed ones.

I can think of a few that were edited for publication - for instance, the famous one from 11 looking into Buzz's faceplate got cropped as it had a lot of black 'sky' at the top. That brought on another moment of feverish drooling by the Hoax Believers - they thought it meant that Neil was standing in a crater when he shot the photo, but there were no craters that deep on the video feed, so it must have been faked. Nope, just cropped later on so it would actually fit on a page....
Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying there is evidence. I'm no photography expert and frankly haven't looked at the moon landing in any detail. I'm just saying that 'if' it could be proved that the footage has been faked, it doesn't mean that we didn't go the moon.

very true, but so far there has been no evidence that holds up to even minute scrutany let alone detailed.

The mirrors and Russia tracking radio transmissions proves we landed on the moon. Let alone any of the photos or anything else.
Random thought - isn't it amazing how Hoax Believers rarely (if ever) talk about 13?

A quick summary - 13 was supposed to be the first landing in the lunar 'highlands' of Fra Mauro, where all the interesting (by Moon standards) geology was to be found. Nearly 56 hours into the mission, an oxygen tank blew up forcing the crew to shut down the now-crippled Command/Service Module and use the LEM as a) life support, b) their communications equipment and c) their guidance system and engine. Through some of the greatest jury-rigging space exploration is ever likely to see, they managed to get home. Those who believe the missions were all a hoax never like to talk about that one for some reason....
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