Ringo was a really good drummer.
This does raise the "Paul is Dead" conspiracy too!
Did the original Paul die and was replaced with a lookalike? And would anyone really take up that role knowing they'd have to commit to being that Liverpudlian? For life?
There's also the rumour floating around that on the famous Beatle's Album "Help", the fab four (aka "The Beatles", aka those blokes what did cross the road that one time.) signalled to us all via the old naval means of semaphore, but due to lack of effort, and/or funds, they neglected to use flags. Although after very limited research, flags are not a requirement of semaphore. Nay. They simply assist in making the characters displayed via semaphore more obvious (although I personally disagree as the frivolous and 'devil may care' of the fluttering fiends would distract me entirely.)
It was speculated that their stiff appendages (minds out of the gutter please...) spelled out the uncommon word and/or phrase: NUJV
Now, this may not mean anything to you, or anyone else neurotypical for that matter. But for for so called "Beatles conspiracists", or "Common nutters" (the kind you would typically avoid when alighting a crowded train, or perhaps when choosing a non-seated position in a congested pub or wine bar), the meaning of NUJV could simply be “New Unknown James Vocalist”, in reference to the replacement of James "Paul" McCartney (Known as the previous husband of famous veggie sausage enthusiast, Linda McCartney, and as one of the chief noise makers comprising The Beatles).
Paul (James? {Paul again?}), famously played the "Father Guitar", or "Bass Guitar" within the band. With deeper, sterner, and more "father-like" tones in comparison to co-star George Harrison's "Mother Guitar", or "Guitar" which instead offered lighter, softer and more "mother-like" tones. Now you may consider me, and by extension, the musical word incorrect. But please remember, this was the 60s, when gender stereotypes were not only in full-force, but also borderline acceptable, and muttered by estranged Uncle, and greengrocer alike, unlike today!
Had Paul died and been replaced? Were The Beatles sending us messages via sound and screen? The only true way to know would be to invest significant interest into the matter, which quite frankly, I am not willing to do. So therefore, the mystery remains... Unsolved.