Constantly being hacked , bluetooth

I am. However that requires a level of sophistication that most people simply wouldn't bother with, at least not some guy next door or your average support call scam.

I'm not saying it's not more sophisticated but it's normally better to start with the basic in these sort of situations (Occam's razor), something the OP has done as they immediately jumped to it being something to do with BT.

You don't know this for certain. You can format and be done with it within an hour.
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You don't know this for certain. You can format and be done with it within an hour.
No i don't, that's why the OP has been asked to start with the basics, reinstalling an OS and updating the BIOS is an extreme solution to what maybe a simple problem, it's using a sledge hammer to crack a nut.
Sure but like i keep telling you that's like using a sledge hammer to crack a nut, it looks like you're arguing for the sake of it and as i don't have time for that I'm out.
Right so i updated the bios and reformatted all offline, then suddenly when in windows it says usb device not recognised the screen starts tearing up and now when i try to login someone is constantly pressing keys like llllllllll or tttttttttt etc.
Is there anyway i can sort this out or the pos that's harassing me?
It sounds like your keyboard is either dying or has moisture ingress causing keys to stick.
It sounds like your keyboard is either dying or has moisture ingress causing keys to stick.
Not sure if being sarcastic.
The notification saying usb not connected is a defo hacker attack followed by the screen scrambling and this.
I have had enough it seems like there is hardly any protection for windows pcs with attacks like this.
I invested a lot of money in a pc like this and for what?So some pos can hack me in seconds/ Unless there is a credible solution i really don't know.
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