The thought of touching my eye or poking in my eye with lenses freaks me out, someday I might get over this fear
They keep mailing me offers for £399 per eye. So assuming I get both eyes done, that's just under 4 year's worth of lenses. That's not very long-term thinking.
L: -4.5 Cyl: -1.25 Axis:30
R: -4 Cyl:-0.75 Axis: 160 (not that it really matters anymore, thanks Optic Neuritis )
I use Air Optix for Astigmatism monthlies, very comfortable!!!
I pay £20.50 monthly to my local optician and that includes peroxide, eyedrops, and checkups. Considering lenstore comes out at £70.85 for what I get every three months, I think that's pretty good going!
Does anyone ever re-use daily lenses? I know they say you shouldn't but what are the reasons why? I don't mean multiple days wearing them for 8 hours I just feel like it's such a waste and quite costly to use a pair for an hour or 2 when i go to the gym/pub/whatever then throw them away.
Especially when it's £45 for 30 pairs as i have astigmatism so none of the online places have better deals.
Is there any truth to this article? (DM i know :/)
Why don't you use monthly disposables? I have astigmatism and use continuous wear lenses by Bausch and Lomb, you can wear them non stop for a month and completely forget about them being in they're so comfortable.
Does anyone wear rigid gas permeable lenses?