'Contact lost' with Malaysia Airlines plane

Yeah I actually found that hypothetical scenario an interesting read. If all those things are true (Malaysia politics, him being pseudo grounded then called back into service due to a shortage etc) then it's definitely pretty mind blowing.
Or.. or.. he could have jumped off a bridge and not taken out 250 people. .

Well yes, but that hardly maximises attention or brings shame and disrepute to Malaysia Airlines and the Malaysian government.

I wouldn't be surprised if this causes the collapse of Malaysian Airlines. Their finances and reputation must have taken a serious battering.
Not sure a pilot who turns suicidal and into a mass murderer does either but hey..

Perhaps not, but if he's been suffering from depression then he won't exactly be thinking in the most logical manner about such things.

Will be a shame if that turns out to be true, but it's the most credible theory I've heard so far as to why the plane wreckage would be where it is, if indeed it is ever found around there.
Well yes, but that hardly maximises attention or brings shame and disrepute to Malaysia Airlines and the Malaysian government.

I wouldn't be surprised if this causes the collapse of Malaysian Airlines. Their finances and reputation must have taken a serious battering.

I'm flying to KL with Malaysian in 2 weeks, hope they stay in business long enough ;)
What are people's thoughts on the method of notification to the deceased next of kin?
By all accounts it was texted to them all...not really sure what to think about it. Seems, efficient but very impersonal and cold to me.
What are people's thoughts on the method of notification to the deceased next of kin?
By all accounts it was texted to them all...not really sure what to think about it. Seems, efficient but very impersonal and cold to me.

I don't think that's right, many were there and seemed to have been told in person, it's the ones still in china that seemed to have been txt and in English.
Either way disgusting.
Should have told relatives, before even announcing press conference, then there would have been no time restraints, which seems to be the excuse of why they sent txt messages.
Found this theory on the net.

A lot of speculation about MH370. Terrorism, hijack, meteors. I cannot believe the analysis on CNN – almost disturbing. I tend to look for a more simple explanation of this event.

Loaded 777 departs midnight from Kuala to Beijing. Hot night. Heavy aircraft. About an hour out across the gulf towards Vietnam the plane goes dark meaning the transponder goes off and secondary radar tracking goes off.

Two days later we hear of reports that Malaysian military radar (which is a primary radar meaning the plane is being tracked by reflection rather than by transponder interrogation response) has tracked the plane on a southwesterly course back across the Malay Peninsula into the straits of Malacca.

When I heard this I immediately brought up Google Earth and I searched for airports in proximity to the track towards southwest.

The left turn is the key here. This was a very experienced senior Captain with 18,000 hours. Maybe some of the younger pilots interviewed on CNN didn’t pick up on this left turn. We old pilots were always drilled to always know the closest airport of safe harbor while in cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us and airports ahead of us. Always in our head. Always. Because if something happens you don’t want to be thinking what are you going to do – you already know what you are going to do. Instinctively when I saw that left turn with a direct heading I knew he was heading for an airport. Actually he was taking a direct route to Palau Langkawi a 13,000 foot strip with an approach over water at night with no obstacles. He did not turn back to Kuala Lampur because he knew he had 8,000 foot ridges to cross. He knew the terrain was friendlier towards Langkawi and also a shorter distance.

Take a look on Google Earth at this airport. This pilot did all the right things. He was confronted by some major event onboard that made him make that immediate turn back to the closest safe airport.

For me the loss of transponders and communications makes perfect sense if a fire. There was most likely a fire or electrical fire. In the case of fire the first response if to pull all the main busses and restore circuits one by one until you have isolated the bad one.

If they pulled the busses the plane indeed would go silent. It was probably a serious event and they simply were occupied with controlling the plane and trying to fight the fire. Aviate, Navigate and lastly communicate. There are two types of fires. Electrical might not be as fast and furious and there might or might not be incapacitating smoke. However there is the possibility given the timeline that perhaps there was an overheat on one of the front landing gear tires and it blew on takeoff and started slowly burning. Yes this happens with underinflated tires. Remember heavy plane, hot night, sea level, long run takeoff. There was a well known accident in Nigeria of a DC8 that had a landing gear fire on takeoff. A tire fire once going would produce horrific incapacitating smoke. Yes, pilots have access to oxygen masks but this is a no no with fire. Most have access to a smoke hood with a filter but this will only last for a few minutes depending on the smoke level. (I used to carry one of my own in a flight bag and I still carry one in my briefcase today when I fly).

What I think happened is that they were overcome by smoke and the plane just continued on the heading probably on George (autopilot) until either fuel exhaustion or fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed. I said four days ago you will find it along that route – looking elsewhere was pointless.

This pilot, as I say, was a hero struggling with an impossible situation trying to get that plane to Langkawi. No doubt in my mind. That’s the reason for the turn and direct route. A hijack would not have made that deliberate left turn with a direct heading for Langkawi. It would probably have weaved around a bit until the hijackers decided on where they were taking it.

Surprisingly none of the reporters , officials, other pilots interviewed have looked at this from the pilot’s viewpoint. If something went wrong where would he go? Thanks to Google earth I spotted Langkawi in about 30 seconds, zoomed in and saw how long the runway was and I just instinctively knew this pilot knew this airport. He had probably flown there many times. I guess we will eventually find out when you help me spread this theory on the net and some reporters finally take a look on Google earth and put 2 and 2 together. Also a look at the age and number of cycles on those nose tires might give us a good clue too.

Fire in an aircraft demands one thing – you get the machine on the ground as soon as possible. There are two well remembered experiences in my memory. The AirCanada DC9 which landed I believe in Columbus Ohio in the eighties. That pilot delayed descent and bypassed several airports. He didn’t instinctively know the closest airports. He got it on the ground eventually but lost 30 odd souls. In the 1998 crash of Swissair DC-10 off Nova Scotia was another example of heroic pilots. They were 15 minutes out of Halifax but the fire simply overcame them and they had to ditch in the ocean. Just ran out of time. That fire incidentally started when the aircraft was about an hour out of Kennedy. Guess what the transponders and communications were shut off as they pulled the busses.

Get on Google Earth and type in Pulau Langkawi and then look at it in relation to the radar track heading. 2+2=4 That for me is the simple explanation why it turned and headed in that direction.

Smart pilot. Just didn’t have the time.
It's been posted several times and debunked several times... :confused:

It worked until it was shown that the plane took several course changes after aiming at the airport before finally doing a 90 degree turn and flying to the south atlantic.
It's been posted several times and debunked several times... :confused:

It worked until it was shown that the plane took several course changes after aiming at the airport before finally doing a 90 degree turn and flying to the south atlantic.

Yes, sARCASm detection failure was disabled.
The 777 only has main wheel fire detection and not nose wheel. A nose wheel fire is very rare.

Loosing all communications due to a fire would have to be so catastrophic that the plane would have been coming down in bits. Even with a full electrical failure the crew could deploy the RAT (Ram air turbine) and have basic radio functions and electrical power to essential systems.

There are two transponders on a 777 although they are not much use in the middle of the ocean both are fed from different bus bars. There is also UHF/VHF and HF comm's as well as sat phone and data link comm's. There is also an emergency radio connected direct to the A/C battery supply on the emergency DC bus bar. For all of these to go down was either intentional or catastrophic failure.

The nose wheel does not take a lot of the aircraft weight most is on the mains especially on landing and take off.

A fire in a wheel bay would need to break through the pressurised bulkheads to enter the cabin there is no access to either the nose or main wheel bay's from inside the cabin.

The Trent 800 engines in this 777 have a data link direct to Rolls Royce in the UK which sends critical data for monitoring. This is updated at frequent intervals during the flight of each aircraft. Also transmitted is a GPS location signal.
The location of the Aircraft will be known within a zone and that is what is being searched. The system was developed by RR to pre empt engine problems and predict a more accurate servicing schedule for the aircraft.

Just my 2p worth more than likely said before....
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Get it while it's hot. Unfortunately the page is scheduled for deletion. Repasting here in case the overzealous Wikipedia admins decide to do so.


Since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mysteriously disappeared on March 8, 2014, many explanations for its disappearance have been proposed. However, although Najib Razak, Malaysia's prime minister, has stated publicly that the plane's flight ended somewhere in the Indian Ocean, no explanation for why this occurred has yet emerged as the most likely. As of March 24, many questions about what brought the plane down and why remain unanswered.[1] Some have described certain proposed explanations as conspiracy theories, although others have described all proposed explanations thusly.[2] This page describes all such explanations that have been dismissed as absurd by the mainstream media. The reason these types of explanations have arisen is also uncertain, but Andrew Leonard wrote that conspiracy theorists were encouraged by the revelation of new satellite data two weeks after the flight disappeared.[3] Others have pointed to the lack of a satisfactory explanation for the plane's fate as a factor driving the popularity of conspiracy theories. Rob Brotherton noted that this tends to happen immediately after a catastrophe occurs and conclusive information about why it did so remains unavailable.[4] Many theorists are actually Chinese relatives of some of the Flight 370 passengers, have questioned the veracity of the Malaysian government's statements about the plane's demise, and organized a protest at the Malaysian embassy in Beijing with the goal of forcing the Malaysian government to reveal the "truth" about Flight 370's whereabouts.[5]

Contents [hide]
1 UFOs
2 Pitbull and Shakira
3 Shoot-down theory
4 Meteor strike
5 Black hole theory
6 Numerological theories
7 North Korean involvement
8 Phantom cellphone theory
9 Conspiracy theories about the search
10 Cyberattack
11 See also
12 References


According to Boston.com, Alexandra Bruce at ForbiddenKnowledgeTV proposed that the flight had been captured by extraterrestrials. As evidence, she pointed to a YouTube video depicting a computer simulation of the plane's departure from Kuala Lumpur, which resulted in the simulated Flight 370 moving unusually fast.[6] However, Boston.com journalist Jack Pickell also noted that the object in the simulation which is alleged to be a UFO is actually identified on the simulation's website[7] as Korean Airlines Flight 672.[6] Pickell also quoted the site's CEO as saying that the plane's apparent supersonic speed in the simulation was probably the result of a glitch in the system.[6]

Pitbull and Shakira

The proposal that Pitbull and Shakira's song Get It Started displays prior knowledge of Flight 370's disappearance has been reported on by The Independent. The lines cited most often by advocates of this conspiracy theory are 'Now it's off to Malaysia' and 'Two passports, three cities, two countries, one day'.[8]

Shoot-down theory

Rush Limbaugh, according to CNN, first proposed the "shoot-down theory" regarding Flight 370, which he described thus: "The jet is flying along and you have a total electronic failure, but the engines keep working. So then the crew says, 'We got to get back home. We got to get back to Kuala Lumpur. We can't fly with no electronics.' It's dark, nighttime. They fly over a bunch of unfriendly countries, and they can't identify themselves, and they're not identified, there are no lights on. There's been a total electronic failure. What if some hostile country flew up there and shot it down, and then discovered their mistake and nobody wants to admit what happened?"[9] Supporters have noted that civilian aircraft have been inadvertently shot down by military forces in the past, with Iran Air Flight 655 being one of the most frequently cited. On the other hand, there is no evidence that this happened specifically to Flight 370.[10]

Meteor strike

A meteor might have hit the plane. However, critics have countered that this would be extremely improbable.[11]

Black hole theory

A black hole might have opened up in the Indian Ocean and consumed the plane.[12]

Numerological theories

A number of numerological connections have been postulated by conspiracy theorists as well. One Reddit user posted, “Flight 370 disappears on 3/7 while reportedly traveling 3,700 km. Flight 370 flew at an altitude of 37,000 feet when it was last reported using flight tracking software. Luigi Maraldi, age 37, was one of the individuals whose passport was stolen. Malaysia Airlines is one of Asia’s largest, flying nearly 37,000 passengers daily. As of today, we are beginning the 37th month since the Fukushima tragedy, which is located on the 37th degree and initially caused 37 injuries at the plant.”[13]

North Korean involvement

Others, some of whom were also posting on Reddit, have suggested that the plane was hijacked by North Koreans and flown to Pyongyang. Some supporters of this hypothesis have argued that the plane had enough fuel to make it there while remaining in cellphone range. This has been proposed to explain the observation that some passengers' phones were still functioning after the flight disappeared.[13][14]

Phantom cellphone theory

As stated above, some have put forward a hypothesis which states that the passengers are still alive but cannot answer their cellphones--sometimes known as the "phantom cellphone theory". This was based on early reports that family members of Flight 370 passengers heard the passengers' phones ring after the plane disappeared.[6] However, it has been refuted by Jeff Kagan, a wireless analyst. In an interview with NBC News, Kagan said that a completely destroyed cellphone can still produce rings when called while the network searches for a connection.[15]

Conspiracy theories about the search

Some have argued that the governments of the United States, Malaysia, and an undefined number of other countries know where the plane is and are trying to cover up its true location. This theory also argues that the reason these agencies have not told the public of the plane's whereabouts is because they are scared.[16]


The hypothesis that a cyberattack may have been carried out on Flight 370 has been raised, primarily based on statements made by Sally Leivesley, a former anti-terrorism advisor to the UK government. Leivesley proposed that hackers may have changed the plane's speed, direction, and altitude using radio signals to the plane's flight management system.[17] Whether existing security on commercial flights is sufficient to prevent such an attack is also a matter of debate. While supporters of this theory have cited Hugo Teso's app which hacked into pilot training software, which Teso presented at a conference in April 2013, the Federal Aviation Administration and other major governmental bodies dismissed the significance of the app. They argued that the software on an actual plane would be different from the software on which Teso had tested his app.[18]
1 UFOs
2 Pitbull and Shakira
3 Shoot-down theory
4 Meteor strike
5 Black hole theory
6 Numerological theories
7 North Korean involvement
8 Phantom cellphone theory
9 Conspiracy theories about the search
10 Cyberattack

Well, what more can you say. :o
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