'Contact lost' with Malaysia Airlines plane

Yawn. This whole thing is a farce. By the weekend it'll be page 5, by next week it'll be page 11. And then it'll just fade into obscurity.

I'm of a similar opinion to be honest. In years to come, something random will happen that results in the location being discovered and a completely plausible set of events leading up to the crash uncovered. Much like the 1947 BSAA Avro Lancastrian Star Dust Accident
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That is odd, but what was actually said at the conference. as its extremely clear its not a single image hence nothing matches and theres the massive white line in the middle.

As I said the worthy news sites just have his upper body. So what was said in the conference, have some just posted certain images without the explanation.
Im lost with this case,

One minute there is oil slicks and debris, then they are not related
Next the plane changed direction, then it didnt, then it did.
It exploded into thousands of pieces at 35,000 feet, then it didnt.
The chinese shot it down, but they didnt.
The mobiles are ringing so it cant be under water.....

So my brain is scrambled the papers dont help, nobody has a clue whats going on and the likely explanation is what?

I dont understand.

Basically all the news outlets are trying to get the "scoop" so are reporting anything they can find... This is confusing the **** out of most people because other outlets are then running with the stories as fact and causing a massive cluster**** ... :p

A single body found? I'm not so sure. I'd expect to see multiple bodies and more to the point a ton of debris.
Especially in that area where illegal fishing and slavery on many boats means people "disappear" over the side quite a lot.
That is odd, but what was actually said at the conference. as its extremely clear its not a single image hence nothing matches and theres the massive white line in the middle.

As I said the worthy news sites just have his upper body. So what was said in the conference, have some just posted certain images without the explanation.

I think you've taken a passing joke just a little too seriously!

Not at all. If you look at all the decent news sites, they dont have his legs. I don't look at gutter press generally so hadn't seen those pictures and when he posted it, he gave no source. Hence the conclusion it was some random of the internet chopped it together, then people posting it as real.


I think you've taken a passing joke just a little too seriously!

It's not a joke though, it'll be a CT.
Not at all. If you look at all the decent news sites, they dont have his legs. I don't look at gutter press generally so hadn't seen those pictures and when he posted it, he gave no source. Hence the conclusion it was some random of the internet chopped it together, then people posting it as real.


It's not a joke though, it'll be a CT.

I think you've taken a passing joke (as in the one in this thread) just a little too seriously!
It's not a joie though is it. Especially with Lysander about. That is firmly in the conspiracy, incompetent or not posting what was said in conference. Two are more worrying than the other. I expect media to twist stuff and make stuff up to sale news. That much incompetence shouldn't be there.
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So, according to the media linked to above, there are...

36 aircraft
41 ships
10 satellites

...involved in the search.

Now I know it's a huge search area but with those resources and the range of the vehicles, if there was any wreckage/debris on the ocean surface surely it would be found in days?

More "theorising" but thought this was worth a post for info: http://mh370lost.tumblr.com/?og=1
It was a joke by Zbornak. Unless of course he was seriously trying to suggest they share the exact same legs.

You forgot the third and forth options.
Image faked by the nets. Or massive conspiracy theory and these images are totally faked.

There are some crazies on this board.
Not at all. If you look at all the decent news sites, they dont have his legs. I don't look at gutter press generally so hadn't seen those pictures and when he posted it, he gave no source. Hence the conclusion it was some random of the internet chopped it together, then people posting it as real.


It's not a joke though, it'll be a CT.

Since when was the independent gutter press?

The question still is, why did someone think it was wise to copy a pair of legs from one to the other and then use that at a news conference.:p

Nothing major but still strange!
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