*** Control (Remedy Games) ***

Picked this up last night, great fun! Very fun combat. However, at 1440p my 2080ti running it max craps it's self when RTX is turned on high. But the style of the game being what it is, I don't mind the lower frame rate.
That can’t be right, speak to @Gregster as he is on ultrawide which is even harder to run and apparently has it working silky smooth :p
I certainly don't have it set to max settings bud. Most are on high but a couple of the drainers are set lower.
Oh, thought it was all maxed out from the way you posted. As I recall you said you had no performance issues. Makes sense why now :p
For me the visual sweetspot is volumetric low, SSR & GR medium, MSAA 2x, textures medium (to prevent streaming lag; high/ultra is buggy, esp. in dx12), at 4K render (+reshade cas at 1.0). It stays in the mid 30s w/ a V64 that way even in full heavy fights. Too much noise on lower resos otherwise, even maxing everything out.
With everything set to max and res/render at 1440P I get 55-60FPS in the opening section, dropping render to 1080P brings it up to 80FPS. Didn't notice the RTX effects to start with, started switching them off/on and they do make quite a difference to the picture quality. Think I'm going to wait for a patch or two before I start playing the game propper. Noticed some of the wall textures seem to have a diffuse texture to them which I don't like, not sure if that's the game engine or something to do with RTX. Enabling DLSS has a dramatic effect on FPS, at 1440P it goes from sub 60 to 90FPS+.
I have a 2600x and a 1080 what kind of settings can I expect? I'm still deciding whether I should get it now or not.

I play it at 3440x1440 then 2560x1080 internal, with volumetric, LOD, Texture Filtering and shadow resolution set to high, shadow filtering (the highest it will go is medium), SSR and GR at medium, DX11, with a 1070 and an [email protected] and it plays around 45-60fps.

Looks great and I look forward to replaying it with all the fancy RT stuff when I get a 3 series next year.

Mainly stays around the mid fifties.

Having Gsync helps as well.
Tried it all on max and was decent.... Just occasional things made it feel a little sluggish

Yea, this is what it was like, it was ok in some areas but then dropped pretty low in others. I need to decide between everything max and no RTX, or RTX and other options set to high/medium.
In the end I had to bail. The gameplay just feels disjointed from the game I'm seeing. It has an interesting world & atmosphere but the sort of shooter it is feels like the wrong fit for it. On the other hand the solid gameplay also feels out of place in the levels of the game. Coupled with the annoying noisiness to the image, I just couldn't finish the last few hours. Sort of similar to the problem Rage 2 had, though in that case only the gunplay was solid but sadly it got stuck in the wrong game world to truly make good use of it.

Such a shame, the first 10-15 hours were strong, but the more I played this game the more it kinda fell apart. Coming to it after playing through Greedfall, which I enjoyed immensely & every minute of it, I realised it wasn't worth playing any further, especially as I also dabbled with The Surge which is also very enjoyable throughout while obviously nailing the gameplay.

Hear sales aren't doing so well either, which is a shame. I'd love to see Remedy do a less claustrophobic & limited Control, perhaps something more open.
So tell me what can one expect at 1440p with a 2070 super and a 2080 super?

Game can run on 2070 super and a 2080 super,with a proper fast CPU and not Intel/AMD from 2010.Hope that helps and these are real FPS numbers and not the nutbar numbers that's says my RTX 2080 can run the game 100FPS all the time.I dislike those people so much.

Gameplay is great and even after the game main ending,you still given quest and are able to play for hours.I got around 50+hours already.

Bought Control/Wolfenstein Youngblood bundle on ebay $23 USD dollars for both games all in.

Above Video Slow Motion Enabled Thru Cheat Max Detail RT On DLSS Off Native Resolution 3440x1440 -80FPS-150FPS
Max Detail Settings, RT HIGH, DLSS Off Native Resolution 3440x1440 -30FPS-45FPS
Max Detail Settings, RT High , DLSS Off Native Resolution 2560x1440 -35FPS-50FPS

Max Detail Settings ,RT Medium , DLSS On Native Resolution 3440x1440 ,Resolution Scale 2293x960 -45FPS-80FPS
Max Detail Settings ,RT Medium , DLSS On Native Resolution 3440x1440 ,Resolution Scale 1720x720 -55FPS-100FPS
Great game, and lots of fun ripping all the surrounds to pieces and hurling it at anything that moves, or doesn't :D And a breath of fresh air after finishing the boring Metro Exodus :rolleyes:
Runs pretty smooth maxed out on a 2700x & 1080Ti @ 1440p
Bought it for a tenner from the MM, bargain!
This is easily the most fun i've had with a single player experience for a long time. Once all the moves click together in your head. The dodge, the levitate, the PSI ability to pick up any item in the room and destroy your enemy with it. Switching to the Service weapon in shotgun mode and just blasting someone way. The combat is a lot of fun. This feels like the X-Files game I would have dreamed of when I was growing up. All the little extras really build the world. The classified documents and the short videos. 10/10 all the way. The Ashtray maze sequence was so much fun too.
Not really an ending, as the game carries on after. Supposedly going to be DLC that continues the story also.

I'm currently going round mopping up all the side quests. The Tomassi fight is driving me mad :D

That 2nd Tomassi fight was a real ****. A couple of times I was 1 or 2 hits away when one of those invis creatures, snuck up behind me and screamed in my face when I turned around in shock :D
Interested in this one but a quick glance here makes me think it's a pretty bad port? Would I be better going PS4 Pro on this one? I'm on a 1070 and it 2500k @4.5 16gb ram
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