Controversial thread.. - question for gays.

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I've slept with both guys and girls, I haven't labelled myself 'gay' or 'bi', I'm just me.

As to the why, stuff that happened when I was growing up I suspect (don't really want to go into it here).
My question is, you might like penis but why put on a gay voice ? you obviously wasn't born with that accent :p

There is (in my opinion) also an aesthetic attitude that some people (not only Homosexual Men) like to portray. They do it long enough and it becomes as part of them as your accent and prejudices are of you.

Some people have a certain style, being camp is just one of them.
I've slept with both guys and girls, I haven't labelled myself 'gay' or 'bi', I'm just me.

As to the why, stuff that happened when I was growing up I suspect (don't really want to go into it here).

Probably because you live in Brighton and its fashionable down there?
My question is, you might like penis but why put on a gay voice ? you obviously wasn't born with that accent :p

Yeah that really annoys me as well, it's such an obvious affectation. There is a reason for it though; if you're straight then all you have to do is find a single girl and hit it off, but if you're gay you can't exactly just start hitting on any guy in the room because chances are most of them are straight, so the effeminate voice is basically just a way of advertising you're gay to other gays. I guess it's also part of associating yourself with the gay community/culture or something as well.
Please don't discriminate against me because I am normal.

What is normal?

If only we could find other examples in nature of homosexuality but of course it doesn't happen - only humans do it and that's why they choose to be gay.
Am I right Jakee?

If we found other examples in nature then it would be normal but alas it will nevber happen.
This thread was born gay.

Seriously, what kind of question is that? It's not like people can flick a switch and change sexual preference. You answered your own question; It's just feelings.
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