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Core2 E6600 max voltage?

22 Dec 2002
Hi all,

Whats the suggested max safe voltage for a e6600? Currently under air cooling, but soon to be water. Are there different safe levels for each?

Thanks :)
2 Feb 2007
1.3525V is the maximum recommend +10% giving just shy of 1.5V (1.488V).

0.05V above the 10% is assumed to give an average increase of 3C in temp for an overclock of about 100Mhz

Maximum sustaniable safe temp is 65C, 80C is throtte temp and 85C is thermal limit.

Data from Tomshardware.
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5 Jan 2003
West Midlands
Intels thermal spec says its 65 degrees tCase, which is the temperature of the integrated heat spreader, and its supposed to me measured in the middle of the spreader, above where the chip is located. Of course thats normally buried under your heatsink, so not the easiest place to measure. If you measure temps with CoreTemp, or TAT, then its quite safe to go beyond 65, even 75 is quite acceptable for long term use, as long as the chip is stable.

85 degrees is the maximum junction temperature, no clue about the throttle point, but 80 seems possible.
2 Oct 2006
Corasik said:
Intels thermal spec says its 65 degrees tCase, which is the temperature of the integrated heat spreader, and its supposed to me measured in the middle of the spreader, above where the chip is located. Of course thats normally buried under your heatsink, so not the easiest place to measure. If you measure temps with CoreTemp, or TAT, then its quite safe to go beyond 65, even 75 is quite acceptable for long term use, as long as the chip is stable.

85 degrees is the maximum junction temperature, no clue about the throttle point, but 80 seems possible.

I am on air and put about 1.6V through my C2D to get over 3.6ghz, with core temp I occasionally reach 80's with dual orthos (nowhere near that high in gaming).

Would the scythe infinity http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-006-SY
be a worthy purchase to replace my zalman http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-020-ZA
Would temps change that much? :confused:
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2 Oct 2006
Justintime said:
I don't know if any Air cooler would be of that much benefit with that voltage tbh.

hmmm watercooling is expensive...maybe I should put 1.55v and run at 3.45ghz ish :confused:

I like to at least have my g.skill running at stock thats why I like 3.6ghz :( and divider with mem running faster throws up errors in orthos but is totally stable in games :confused:

I think it is the chipset, by all accounts the new Nvidia ones are divider happy :rolleyes:
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23 Mar 2005
deadkomodo said:
I am on air and put about 1.6V through my C2D to get over 3.6ghz, with core temp I occasionally reach 80's with dual orthos (nowhere near that high in gaming).

Would the scythe infinity http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-006-SY
be a worthy purchase to replace my zalman http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-020-ZA
Would temps change that much? :confused:

If you're happy to run with high temp/volt then you would definitely be a candidate for the Titan Amanda - The pelt will be working full time and should give you a nice cool down!
22 Dec 2002
My friend had the scythe Ninja plus and he didnt find it that good to be honest. Its very large so you might want to check your clearances around your motherboard etc.
2 Feb 2007
I took a look at that Titan when trying to decide what cooler to go for. It looks good but it also looks like it's gonna be huge. Plus the whole having to support it via a bunjie cord setup to the case just made it look like a total hassle. I opted for the Zalman CNPS9700-LED Aero Flower.

On the subject of Vcores we've talked about maximum but what's the minimum anyones got a C2D to run on, mine currently runs stable Oc'd at 3.0Ghz on 1.275v.
24 Jul 2006
Hoddesdon, London, UK
The Laughing Ma said:
I took a look at that Titan when trying to decide what cooler to go for. It looks good but it also looks like it's gonna be huge. Plus the whole having to support it via a bunjie cord setup to the case just made it look like a total hassle. I opted for the Zalman CNPS9700-LED Aero Flower.

On the subject of Vcores we've talked about maximum but what's the minimum anyones got a C2D to run on, mine currently runs stable Oc'd at 3.0Ghz on 1.275v.

All depends on the individual cpu. Lowest undervolt i have atm is a Opteron 144 at 1.2v but overclocked to 2.4Ghz, best of both worlds :D All my previous Opteron 144s would not go that low, neither did my 146.
Man of Honour
14 Nov 2005
Up North
<1.2v - Your pc is run by a h&D psu (hamster & dynamo). You fear the electricty bill so instead resort to the animal slavery trade. Your fear of electricty is only rivaled by your contempt for hamsters.

1.2v - Your the type of person who will tell your shivering kids to put another sweater on instead of turning the heating up. The wife once asked you to put another bar on the fire and you filed for divorce. You treat your cpu's the same way.

1.3v - You're the type of person who never breaks the speed limit and never walks under a ladder - you probably have a fish on the back of your car too, wear tweed and flat out refuse to try something that may excite your life.

1.4v - You like the occasional risk like having Brown sauce instead of ketchup. You get excited and yet fell naughty when the speedo hits 71 on the motorway.

1.5v - Now you're talking. Likes the thrill of taking a chance and pushing things but will not go to an uncomfortable 'its gonna blow' level. You value your hardware (and your wallet) and sense will always prevail over speed.

1.6v - Pushes everything they have to the max, lives life on a knife edge but still retains a sense or mortality. The type of person who, despite repeated warnings will still go against the grain to get what they want.

1.7v - Total lunatic. This is the type of guy who will sell his soul(children/wife/cat) for that extra 5mhz.

1.8v - See G.W.Bush
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26 Aug 2004
w3bbo said:
1.3v - You're the type of person who never breaks the speed limit and never walks under a ladder - you probably have a fish on the back of your car too, wear tweed and flat out refuse to try something that may excite your life.

1.4v - You like the occasional risk like having Brown sauce instead of ketchup. You get excited and yet fell naughty when the speedo hits 71 on the motorway.

1.5v - Now you're talking. Likes the thrill of taking a chance and pushing things but will not go to an uncomfortable 'its gonna blow' level. You value your hardware (and your wallet) and sense will always prevail over speed.

1.6v - Pushes everything they have to the max, lives life on a knife edge but still retains a sense or mortality. The type of person who, despite repeated warnings will still go against the grain to get what they want.

1.7v - Total lunatic. This is the type of guy who will sell his soul(children/wife/cat) for that extra 5mhz.

1.8v - See G.W.Bush

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