Bit of a pointless update today but I wanted to play
. First box arrived today! Half my fittings, primochill tubing, gpu blocks, some more IC7 and mayhem dye.
Thought I'd test out the gpu blocks and see how well they'd work with the original backplate. Quite well it turned out, but it also turned out that the backplate is really flexible and doesn't lend itself very well as a supporting brace for the block. Will have a think on this.
Then, for absolutely no reason at all, I decided to pointlessly watercool one of the gpus just to test idle temps. Idle because I don't have any passive VRM sinks at present and I'm not quite stupid enough to fry my card. So, blowing a fan directly at the naked VRM and booting from the WCed card:
On a
passive double radiator, idle temps were 23 degrees, which is 12 lower than the stock cooling I just swapped out. Don't know what that says about stock cooling tbh, though the IC7 must have helped too. Bear in mind my room is very warm atm. Don't dare load the gpu in case I burn out my VRM chips.
Now I have to disassemble my pointless temporary loop xD.