Finally got around to taking a couple of pictures of my build using my new camera and tripod, need to take some ones in the dark I think to really try and capture the glow, because in daylight the front panel was reflecting too much light so had to take it off to take pictures.
I modded the rear so I could fit my combo pump/reservoir high up without having to move the SSD cage, plus it allows me to be able to see the water level without taking the back off, and very easy to fill
Used an Alphacool NexXxoS UT60 Full Copper 360 radiator (fans outside case) & an Alphacool NexXxoS XT45 Full Copper 240 radiator (fans inside case).
It kinda looks like a Borg Cube
I just want a sexy SLI Bridge now, I hope those ones from EVGA come out soon
EDIT: Resized, forgot how big the pictures were
Can anyone wth the carbide confirm whether or not you are able to use both 3.5" hotswap bays with a setup like the above picture, please.
Can anyone wth the carbide confirm whether or not you are able to use both 3.5" hotswap bays with a setup like the above picture, please.
It Could be possible....maybe.
I have a Seagate SSHD which is a lot thinner than other hhd, it pretty much sits flush with the top of the hot swap bracket.
WD blue on the left, seagate sshd on the right.
If you have a thin hhd like the seagate and used some 45 degree adapters straight into the rad
1 x Bitspower G 1/4" Silver Shiny Rotary 45 Degree IG 1/4" Adapter - shiny silver £9.98
Total : £12.26 (includes shipping : £1.90).
It might just fit.
This is all guess work though, I've not tried it or seen it done myself.
The rad in the image you have posted is at least 10mm higher
yes it is, I off set my rad to give me more space over the drives.
I don't think it would work using a 60mm rad like mjgr33n has, he is also using 3/4 fittings which protrude into the hot swap bay more.
I think masscrazy is considering using a thinner rad?
It could possibly work if you where using a thinner hdd and a thinner rad but it would be tight.
like you say its probably easier to mount the hhd's in the back of the case but then you lose the hot swap ability and have the fuss of retro fitting the hhd's somewhere.
@famas thanks for the pic and info, yes I am considering a 30mm 360 rad for the front. That way i could possibly use both bays. Any thoughts on a 30mm rad? This one seems very good?[link]
@String can you post a pic of what the other side of your case looks like? Even though i'm planning on placing my pump/res combo there I'd like to see the way you setup your hdd on ssd cages. Also am considering having separate res and pump like you have. Might actually work out better! I'll need to do a quick mockup to be sure.