Steady now, I said it's not just because upscalings arrived.
Upscalling can be added as another reason/excuse/moan for unoptimised games is what I'm saying.
These games could have been incredible, but pressure to launch them too soon led to bugs, crashes, and other issues.
OG ARK is another good comparison, it ran like **** pre upscaling and it's replacement runs like **** with upscalling.
It's got worse, but historically there never used to be multi platform releases at launch, you mostly got console release, with a post launch PC port and they still needed optimised with patches, it's always been the case that nearly every game launched needs patching or maybe there's AAA games out there still running release build?
AAA games used to launch on two hardware configs in XB/PS, then they turned their attention to PC-add higher IQ, most recent tiles have been coded for-PS4/PS4pro/PS5/XB1/XBs/XBx/PC arguably add Steam Deck/Handhelds.
Covid was a thing, games getting larger and larger, you might have to implement Nv or AMD's tech into your game-which does not equate to flicking an upscaling toggle in UE engine, they're literally getting instructed by their bosses to implement RT/PT'ing tech that absolutely requires upscaling to run in the first place.
clearly don't test for performance to get a title out the door, they test and remove as much game breaking bugs they can find for launch-factoring in, gpu performance is going nowhere, vram is pathetic imo as it would free up dev time to do other stuff, which leaves them with the prority of making sure it can run on their lowest spec requirement upwards.