Could you hack prison?

Boys Behind Bars at Polmont?

Was brilliant!

They caught up with the guys from that about a year later in the follow up called boys beyond bars, the only one that got his act together was the red haired guy who used to go about battering people for nothing.
This is complete and utter rubbish. The punishment is being seperated from your loved ones, being unable to do what you want when you want, having to live your life to the systems' rules and timetable. Not being able to go home at the end of the day. Degradation is not part of the plan and if you think it should be then you are the kind of person who probably deserves some time behind bars - might teach you a thing or two.

it should be the plan

some people have no loved ones , have no home , have no timetable.

those are the people who continuously get themselves put back in prison. it is NOT a punishment for them which is why it needs to be stricter.
those are the people who continuously get themselves put back in prison. it is NOT a punishment for them which is why it needs to be stricter.

No it doesn't, it needs more resources in the form of more staff and more money. It would actually be pretty hard to make most prisons "stricter" - so stop repeating the nonsense you are picking up in the media.

The people you describe above need help, a purpose in life.

We need to stop with this silly obsession we have as a nation of locking up all criminals. Prison should be a last resort for only the most serious of offences.

We as a society have a duty to help people not to re-offend or - even better - prevent them offending in the first place.

Did you know over half the people in prison cannot read or write? How can we possibly expect these people to go straight if they can't even get a job in McDonalds because they can't read written instructions?

I for one would like to see society take some affirmative action towards helping people out of criminality - instead of displaying the kind of prejudice and venomous language that used to be "permissable" towards people of other races and religions.

If we had companies actively trying to help out ex-offenders and doing it publicly so the company could get some kudos and the offenders could be seen to be making an effort I think a large chunk of ex-offenders population could get back on their feet and stop their offending behaviour.

Instead too many people are prepared to just throw them on the scrap heap and then complain when they go back to stealing or drug dealing or whatever.

Not logical is it?

Prison can be wierd.

I had a friend, Who was into drugs. but thats all he was into, he was a really nice guy. But fell into a bad habit.

He went into prison for a good while because of his habit, I don't know the exact details.

But since he's come out of prison, He's skinny, On harsher drugs, has now moved up to stealing, Abuse, Benefit fraud and he's no longer a friendly person. He was only in prison for 6 months.

I blame the prison for the change in him, I think he fell in with the wrong crowd within the prison walls
if ya go to prison it doesnt matter if you can take it or not, its your fault for being in there

admitantly some people who are sent there shouldnt be
I believe to hack prison, you not only need to be a hardy one, but you need to be white. My cousin who landed himself in prison, as a muslim pakistani, was persecuted for his race.
prevent them offending in the first place.

How do you propose we do that then?

Did you know over half the people in prison cannot read or write? How can we possibly expect these people to go straight if they can't even get a job in McDonalds because they can't read written instructions?

They have pictures on the tills for a reason...

If we had companies actively trying to help out ex-offenders and doing it publicly so the company could get some kudos and the offenders could be seen to be making an effort I think a large chunk of ex-offenders population could get back on their feet and stop their offending behaviour.

Not worth the risk, why employ someone known to be untrustworthy and a possible thief ect when there is someone who's is not (or at least not known).
well a relitive of mine while not to bad but had just came out of prison for minor offences went to get a job and was trying his best.then along came a idiot and phones up the place where he was working and told them a bunch of lies and he got from there on in he thought whats the point cause im shagged no matter what i i might as well carry the end he went down further and further and got sent down for murder. all this could have been avoided im sure if he was given a proper chance to get on with his life after doing his sentance.
How do you propose we do that then?

Education, Opportunities, Work.

Not worth the risk, why employ someone known to be untrustworthy and a possible thief ect when there is someone who's is not (or at least not known).

And this is exactly the kind of prejudice I am talking about. For your information anyone with a criminal record can produce a document from the police stating the details of their crimes.

Companys can ask for this when employing ex-offenders and satisfy themselves that the person in question is genuine in their efforts to go straight and make a life for themselves.

But if the opportunity to put this kind of scheme into action arose, with employers around the country being able to participate and do something to help solve the "crime epidemic" the tabloids would have us believe exists and people like you thought it was too much hassle to do and/or put it down at every opportunity then what chance would people have to make amends for their crimes, go straight and contribute to society instead of feeding off it?

You see, society's attitude to criminals can and does have a bearing on how much crime there is out there.....
You should be fine, providing you don't draw bad attention to yourself which would induce a beating or being behinded in the shower.

Besides don't they gots playstations and porn channels now-a-days?
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