Council tax

if your in a min wage job, live in a council house and arnt getting any pay rises then im guessing youd just be better of on the dole. no council tax / no dentist bills / no pharmacy bills / no problem

every year along with council tax its everything else going up, electric / gas / virgin media put the bill up almost £2.50 every other month it seems. also in the north west united utilities wack there price up every year

Yep, it all goes up yet wages have been frozen since about 2008 for a lot of people :/

These companies declare ever bigger profits every year. CEOs and shareholders run away with millions. Absolute leeches tbh
Yeah I don't think it's sensible for me to go up any more bands. Especially if they soon roll in the stamp duty into council tax.

I do think council tax is right. If you can afford a 500k house you can afford the council tax. But it does squeeze you if you want a family. As you need more space, have less cash and have more council tax etc.

E-F seems a big jump!
Council tax band D here, £1,975.45 a year or £198 over 10 months representing a 3.4% overall increase.

When does it reach the levels where people are simply priced out of paying it? That is nearly 10% of my monthly wage.

I also work at the council so know that the coming years it’s going to get even more expensive as they’ll be pushing for the maximum allowed limit, we’re also quite possibly merging with Warwick and will be aligned with their rates which will be even higher!

I don’t even own this house, my CT is a quarter of what my monthly rent is, ******* joke.
Assume most people are subject to the stealth council taxes now, ie garden waste is now £50 a year. Despite paying £2902.38 a year already......

Is this just to get around limits on raising council tax?

delete as appropriate "bloody Brexit/bloody Tories/bloody mismanaged civil service/bloody covid"

It’s because it’s a discretionary service and costs them money to collect so have shifted it to a paid service now, we’ve introduced it here from April onwards at £40 per bin per year !
It’s because it’s a discretionary service and costs them money to collect so have shifted it to a paid service now, we’ve introduced it here from April onwards at £40 per bin per year !
Yes, and they can have their ******* green bin back. I'd rather concrete over the garden.
Yes, and they can have their ******* green bin back. I'd rather concrete over the garden.

I'm letting half the garden go wild! Should be able to compost the other half!

It'll be 60 the first year.. Then 70.
That's the problem with all these subscribe services. Once they start they always outstrip earnings.
Update for 2021, under Stafford Borough Council and Staffordshire County Council:

Staffordshire County Council +2.0%
Stafford Borough Council +1.9%
Police & crime commish +6.0% ... get in, Stafford :p
Fire & rescue +2.0%
Adult social care +3.0%
Stafford town +0.0%
Annual charge for property +4.7%

As per above posts, us Staffordians have to pay a premium for our garden bins as well. £36 per year per bin. It started on 1.Jan.2021, so they take payment around then instead of at the end of the tax year.
Put the garden waste in bin gags then into your normal bin. It's going to end up as landfill compost anyway I think? I think our brown bins (which are for our "green" garden waste, go figure) do go to fuel biomass but it's a bit cheeky having to pay to use it.

I offloaded a 3/4 full bin of dried mud/soil the other week. Must've weighted about 50kg. I did feel bad for the poor person who emptied it.
New build unfortunately. I found a couple of neighbours and they're registering as E/F, but I think one of those houses is larger than ours - the F. But the E I believe is a 2 bed, so it looks like our council tax has just gone up £500 a year!!

Yep its same where I live. Like i said, my 300 year old 4 bedroom detached house with 6 acres is in band B and the two new houses in the village which are only 3 bedroom and have no land have been put in band E.
Put the garden waste in bin gags then into your normal bin. It's going to end up as landfill compost anyway I think? I think our brown bins (which are for our "green" garden waste, go figure) do go to fuel biomass but it's a bit cheeky having to pay to use it.

I offloaded a 3/4 full bin of dried mud/soil the other week. Must've weighted about 50kg. I did feel bad for the poor person who emptied it.

Got to be careful there. I once put some "heavy" waste in our general bin and they refused to empty the bin.
Put the garden waste in bin gags then into your normal bin. It's going to end up as landfill compost anyway I think? I think our brown bins (which are for our "green" garden waste, go figure) do go to fuel biomass but it's a bit cheeky having to pay to use it.

I offloaded a 3/4 full bin of dried mud/soil the other week. Must've weighted about 50kg. I did feel bad for the poor person who emptied it.

depending on area they may not actually be be up in landfill, we do a whole lot of recycling your council might list what happens with the waste types on their website.
Put the garden waste in bin gags then into your normal bin. It's going to end up as landfill compost anyway I think? I think our brown bins (which are for our "green" garden waste, go figure) do go to fuel biomass but it's a bit cheeky having to pay to use it.

I offloaded a 3/4 full bin of dried mud/soil the other week. Must've weighted about 50kg. I did feel bad for the poor person who emptied it.

You technically aren't allowed to put soil in the green bin so there's no way it would be allowed in the other bin.

However I doubt anyone is going to check unless they are a real jobsworth
Just had the letter drop on the mat, Warwickshire 4.4% rise for us.
County council +3%
Adult social care +2%
Police and crime commissioner + 6.2% :eek:
District council +1%
Parish council -3.9% :confused:

Post your pain :p

Leeds city center

Leeds City council +2.0%
Adult social care +3.0%
Police and crime commissioner West Yorkshire + 7.6% :eek::eek::eek:
West Yorks Fire & Rescue Authority +2.0%


Thats quite a lot every year to say the coucil don't even seem to be able to empty street bins. 7.6% increase on police and crime, maybe they all had a raise (I expect not)
I have recently moved house so my council tax has doubled anyways then plus the increase! Gone from £1100 a year to £2600 a year. Annoyingly the street which our bungalow is on is £1400 a year... Go figure?
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