Hmm, think I'll half it and have a compromise
ATM my mouse moves 4.3cm/360. Sounds crazy compared to 50cm/360
One of my favourite players of all time must be Prof Chaos and he has that high sens same as you. He is a pro player and has played at a major, I got one of his stickers
He carries around a mousemat that is the size of his hand. Elige from liquid used to play high sens, like 8000dpi and also an extremely competent player. His setup was a collapsible desk with like a pullout drawer for the mouse. Thats fine for ms paint not good for flick shots. Very small area and both got used to a bad setup but Elige has retrained now
My reasoning then would well if theres a guy at pro who did this why cant I slug it out at Nova, how bad can it be to have high sens. Same reason I didnt bother changing inverted mouse for ages, Maniac plays invert.
However I'm not that uniquely skilled and it is a mistake unfortunately on both counts, almost everyone will find it easier going if adjusting sens down. It feels awkward at first but in the end your'll get headshots far more frequently. Pull down on mouse helps recoil control. I played invert because all the first pc games were flight sims, the original Doom did not use a mouse for aiming.
High sens feels best probably from a desk being too crowded, get a mat that covers the whole desk maybe. I just changed mats just now and again I'm worse off short term because its altered my default aim, just the different friction from it puts me off but it works out after some practise.
the game favours campers.
The game favours good movement. Its just really hard to be moving forward and get a headshot with AK47 but its possible and that is more deadly then sitting.
Original CS was biased to camping. Lowest ping wins.
CSGO has lag compensation. Its a really big deal, it creates an effect of peekers advantage. It means moving forward you get a slight time advantage over somebody sitting still.
The still person has to have amazing reactions, the actively moving person just has to get that first headshot and/or dodge the return fire from the person sitting.
Im probably not being clear but in game its very often the case people will jiggle or move around a lot. Its from that effect they dont want to be still.
I really despise a team that sits in Upper B tunnels on Dust 2. Its such a losing strategy and they become like fish in a barrel. Its far better certainly at lower ranks to have momentum and hopefully coordination.
This lag compensation ties into why so many silly kids are using a wall hack. The game provides this data and some very simple software then relays that to the player as X ray. It didnt work nearly as well on CS 1.6 to be like this.
If I was in charge of MM I'd really change some radical options to discourage this. People will always take the shortest route unfortunately and its obviously a negative for the gameplay.
I dont think Valve has any MM community manager, its a ship without a captain. Old CS we had servers run by players with admin who played themselves so that worked too [ESEA tries to give each game a captain of sorts, who can kick]
Firstly I think you need a decent size pad. QCK+ (45cm) min. Try lower for a week or so before switching back.
I just got 900x400x3. Actually I wanted like 900x500 as I rest my wrist (my forearm even) on the desk I really wanted a bit more depth in movement for the desk but its pretty close to ideal
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