Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CSGO)

Hmm, think I'll half it and have a compromise

ATM my mouse moves 4.3cm/360. Sounds crazy compared to 50cm/360
I heard CS GO is full of Russians?

"Russians" is just a term for anyone that is undesirable in CSGO, many other nationalities have been called "Russian" in game which is unfair considering 50% of the playerbase imo is rude as hell, funny thing is when you do meet someone nice in game they are really decent. (Decent in the terms of being polite and not ****ish.

Hmm, think I'll half it and have a compromise

ATM my mouse moves 4.3cm/360. Sounds crazy compared to 50cm/360

Best settings imo is 800dpi with 1.0 in game.
"Russians" is just a term for anyone that is undesirable in CSGO, many other nationalities have been called "Russian" in game which is unfair considering 50% of the playerbase imo is rude as hell, funny thing is when you do meet someone nice in game they are really decent. (Decent in the terms of being polite and not ****ish.

I don't recall any shooter that hasn't had rude as hell people. Even Quake Champions hasn't changed from what I remember of Quake 3 Arena with the abusive comments.

From what I read about CS GO people were saying the game dominated by Russian players... Since they're always talking in their own language.
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Give it a proper try you may like it. Firstly I think you need a decent size pad. QCK+ (45cm) min. Try lower for a week or so before switching back. Allow the muscles to adapt and see what you think. I've played with 60cm/360 (1.72@ 400dpi) for years and switching to a low sense completely stepped up my enjoyment of gaming. I have been lower on cs (1.3 and 1.48/ 70cm/80cm 360) and while these were great for CS I play so many other games that I need something which I can use across all games I play. Lowering the sens can add accuracy to a point, but its something you'll have to monitor in stats to see if you benefit, no point in lowering it too far if it's not reflected in increased accuracy %. You obviously trade awareness and movement for aim up to a degree, something that isn't as important in CS but can hinder you in other games that are more dynamic. Most people however hold themselves back thinking higher is better (every new player that has gone on to low sens has been there). But forget that a slow hit is better then a fast miss.

And just one final point if turning on people in CS is a concern then the problem lies elsewhere and not in your sensitivity. People should rarely be getting behind you in this game. And with practice 180s even at 1.5 400dpi should be fast and consistent.

iBSOD this wasn't really directed at you just turned in a to a ramble. XD

how do you sweep corners and such, or behind doors, etc with such a low sens. or are you a camper? awper?

i run and gun and i think high sens suits that more but a compromise does need to be made. if the guy is far away i will tend to miss more shots than land as i want to hit him before he hits me so i just pop shots off hoping they hit.
how do you sweep corners and such, or behind doors, etc with such a low sens. or are you a camper? awper?

i run and gun and i think high sens suits that more but a compromise does need to be made. if the guy is far away i will tend to miss more shots than land as i want to hit him before he hits me so i just pop shots off hoping they hit.

Do you despise campers as well? Or is it just me?
Do you despise campers as well? Or is it just me?

it's just so boring. i could get lots of kills too sitting on a corner waiting for someone to pop round then hit them.

in fact it's what i do if i'm a CT on dust 2 covering B bomb site on my own. if someone else is covering it i'll just run and gun. the game doesn't like people who run and gun though. your aim and recoil is all over the place. if your running straight at a guy and you line up a shot and shoot it will miss most times. but if hes standing still and lines up a shot he will hit you. the game favours campers.
Hmm, think I'll half it and have a compromise

ATM my mouse moves 4.3cm/360. Sounds crazy compared to 50cm/360

One of my favourite players of all time must be Prof Chaos and he has that high sens same as you. He is a pro player and has played at a major, I got one of his stickers :D
He carries around a mousemat that is the size of his hand. Elige from liquid used to play high sens, like 8000dpi and also an extremely competent player. His setup was a collapsible desk with like a pullout drawer for the mouse. Thats fine for ms paint not good for flick shots. Very small area and both got used to a bad setup but Elige has retrained now

My reasoning then would well if theres a guy at pro who did this why cant I slug it out at Nova, how bad can it be to have high sens. Same reason I didnt bother changing inverted mouse for ages, Maniac plays invert.

However I'm not that uniquely skilled and it is a mistake unfortunately on both counts, almost everyone will find it easier going if adjusting sens down. It feels awkward at first but in the end your'll get headshots far more frequently. Pull down on mouse helps recoil control. I played invert because all the first pc games were flight sims, the original Doom did not use a mouse for aiming.
High sens feels best probably from a desk being too crowded, get a mat that covers the whole desk maybe. I just changed mats just now and again I'm worse off short term because its altered my default aim, just the different friction from it puts me off but it works out after some practise.

the game favours campers.

The game favours good movement. Its just really hard to be moving forward and get a headshot with AK47 but its possible and that is more deadly then sitting.

Original CS was biased to camping. Lowest ping wins.

CSGO has lag compensation. Its a really big deal, it creates an effect of peekers advantage. It means moving forward you get a slight time advantage over somebody sitting still.
The still person has to have amazing reactions, the actively moving person just has to get that first headshot and/or dodge the return fire from the person sitting.

Im probably not being clear but in game its very often the case people will jiggle or move around a lot. Its from that effect they dont want to be still.

I really despise a team that sits in Upper B tunnels on Dust 2. Its such a losing strategy and they become like fish in a barrel. Its far better certainly at lower ranks to have momentum and hopefully coordination.

This lag compensation ties into why so many silly kids are using a wall hack. The game provides this data and some very simple software then relays that to the player as X ray. It didnt work nearly as well on CS 1.6 to be like this.
If I was in charge of MM I'd really change some radical options to discourage this. People will always take the shortest route unfortunately and its obviously a negative for the gameplay.
I dont think Valve has any MM community manager, its a ship without a captain. Old CS we had servers run by players with admin who played themselves so that worked too [ESEA tries to give each game a captain of sorts, who can kick]

Firstly I think you need a decent size pad. QCK+ (45cm) min. Try lower for a week or so before switching back.
I just got 900x400x3. Actually I wanted like 900x500 as I rest my wrist (my forearm even) on the desk I really wanted a bit more depth in movement for the desk but its pretty close to ideal
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so what is a rough ballpark then for decent settings? my mouse does up to 5600 DPI (roccat tyon).

i'll try this slow speed thing. could be what i need to start hitting those long range shots
I think I'll install CS GO for a laugh as I simply haven't played it since 2012. Most I've read, 400 - 450 dpi with 1.0 - 1.5?
so what is a rough ballpark then for decent settings? my mouse does up to 5600 DPI (roccat tyon).

i'll try this slow speed thing. could be what i need to start hitting those long range shots

I game with 800 dpi in all games, the DPI of a mouse seems to be just a marketing gimmick.
The DPI best for anyone will vary. Also it depends on your desk, mouse, etc so nobody can tell you exactly. Watch this video and follow the instructions and should save you a lot of pain and time, its boring to do but trying to guess best sensitivity by playing deathmatch etc will take forever.

I cant find the original video, but its good advice repeated here. Also swearing :eek: :p

^^ The quick version.

This is the longer proper version I think
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I've forgotten how fun CS:GO really is but it is weird playing a game like this that isn't bullet sponges.
how do you sweep corners and such, or behind doors, etc with such a low sens. or are you a camper? awper?

i run and gun and i think high sens suits that more but a compromise does need to be made. if the guy is far away i will tend to miss more shots than land as i want to hit him before he hits me so i just pop shots off hoping they hit.
You just learn to be quicker with your whole arm. I consider a 60cm/360 medium sens really. Certainly by CS standards when you have some really amazing players using 100cm+
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tried low sens. k/d improved immensely. I was hitting shots I would normally miss, spraying was better too. however i did get caught out when i didn't sweep right as by the time i sweeped left i didn't have enough time to sweep right before i had been shot.

it was a proper workout though playing. constantly having to lift the mouse up and sweeping across the way. it suits cs go but it wouldn't suit PUBG I imagine with the way 3rd person view and the aiming and shooting works.
PUBG is going to get a mode for 1st person view servers ? Might have to try it if that happens.

I can still just about 180 and headshot someone (or attempt to ) in like quarter of a second even with low sens. I think its awareness also, if you have to do that too often you were not aware of being flanked or your team just left you 3 vs 1 perhaps. Most often we're talking about covering ramp from toll box and maybe flicking to platform and thats like 45 degrees?

I pretty much hate deathmatch on low sens though, my desk is too small
tried low sens. k/d improved immensely. I was hitting shots I would normally miss, spraying was better too. however i did get caught out when i didn't sweep right as by the time i sweeped left i didn't have enough time to sweep right before i had been shot.

it was a proper workout though playing. constantly having to lift the mouse up and sweeping across the way. it suits cs go but it wouldn't suit PUBG I imagine with the way 3rd person view and the aiming and shooting works.
Actually one of the top rated pubG players uses 80cm/360. Its just whatever you are use to. Also there's an old COD 4 pro that uses 154cm/360 and plays aggressive against other pro teams. And of course Ryujehong on Overwatch who uses 74cm/360.

Here's COD 4 at professional level played at 154cm (now this is proper low sens)

TF2 pro at 90cm/360

And here's a crazy flick from Ryujelong at 74cm/360 in overwatch putting a sleep dart in to Winston as he jumps over him. What's crazy is he regularly pulls off stuff like this with consistence.


I'm not suggesting people switch to low sens but its worth having a proper go at the extremes to see where you land.

Personally for me I would have quit gaming if I hadn't got hooked on low sens. The feeling of control and mastery is what keeps me coming back. Another big plus for me is avoiding small RSI inducing movements. Not an issue for some but the switch saved my brother. and myself.

It can be like playing tennis though XD
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oh it's definetely been a learning experience. i'm going to have to practice doing sweeps but I don't have a lot of space to work with as a printer takes up all the space to my left. so i'm left with two thirds to half a desk for the mouse and keyboard. i'll see if i can find a new home for the printer that will help immensely.
oh it's definetely been a learning experience. i'm going to have to practice doing sweeps but I don't have a lot of space to work with as a printer takes up all the space to my left. so i'm left with two thirds to half a desk for the mouse and keyboard. i'll see if i can find a new home for the printer that will help immensely.
Yeah set up makes a big difference. When I play super low I use a 1.2m desk pad. A 60% keyboard and a monitor arm. This gives me a mousing space of 90cm x 45cm so I never ever run out of mousing space.
Looks like gold next week :
So everyone will be able to get diamond if they want I guess. I'm way behind with hydra, the bots are too hard lol I got flanked on three sides all at the same time and they pre fire sometimes because of course all bots are sitting on the server. If anyone wants to do those missions let me know. The best tactic is use of nades, the bot code cannot handle smoke properly

Personally for me I would have quit gaming if I hadn't got hooked on low sens. The feeling of control and mastery is what keeps me coming back.
I think that is a large part of why to play on PC. The console controller is nothing close to as precise as a mouse can be. So not using that is underplaying the game and your own ability probably
CSGO originally was going to have console and pc players on the same servers. I'd like that idea for fun but realistically its not fair and it kinda shows the devs dont really play CS I keep thinking. They did a really wonky update at some point in the last month, not sure what they did and maybe its slight but a lot of pro players complaining its noticable
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