So everyone will be able to get diamond if they want I guess. I'm way behind with hydra, the bots are too hard lol I got flanked on three sides all at the same time and they pre fire sometimes because of course all bots are sitting on the server. If anyone wants to do those missions let me know. The best tactic is use of nades, the bot code cannot handle smoke properly
The hardest mode of the bots can be sometimes quite fun. Lots of maps I really do not know in this game except dust2.
I think that is a large part of why to play on PC. The console controller is nothing close to as precise as a mouse can be. So not using that is underplaying the game and your own ability probably
CSGO originally was going to have console and pc players on the same servers. I'd like that idea for fun but realistically its not fair and it kinda shows the devs dont really play CS I keep thinking. They did a really wonky update at some point in the last month, not sure what they did and maybe its slight but a lot of pro players complaining its noticable
I'm starting to really despise controllers now.