I didn't really want to start a new thread so I thought I'd post here.
It applies to anyone, but interested in what the faceit/ESEA players have to say.
I've been struggling coming from MM 64tick to faceit 128tick servers. Now I appreciate that better players may have ditched MM ages ago and I'm just trash
But I'm asking for advice as I've become a 31 year old man shouting at his computer screen and thumping his desk because he died...in a video game. I'm not that guy and I don't want to be that guy. xD
But a bit of background, I have been playing CS a long time, since beta 7.1 back in 1999. I've been Global rank since 2015 and I've maintained that all but a couple of times (losing rank after not being active).
My PC is fine: i5 @ 4ghz, 1070GTX, 165hz monitor. Internet is 200mb from virgin media
When I play it feels like everything is faster, the model movement, my deaths. It is as if my reaction time has tripled.
I cannot hold an angle, it's not like I'm even being prefire. I will be holding my usual cross hair distance off the wall, my opponent will run around the corner and will be past by cross hair before I can even react. But I go back to MM and my reactions are fine. I don't know if I'm missing frames but it is almost every corner.
My second "issue" is that after my 3rd bullet they seem to disappear. I am always doing 50-90 damage, Its not uncommon for me to have more assists than kills on faceit. I will get over 10 assists a lot of the time. Is the 128tick spray pattern different?
Third "issue" is I don't "feel" I've been hit, I can't tell I've been tagged after an engagement. I look down and my HP and realise it. Again, this is not the case on MM, I know I've been hit.
Still, I'm not sure what I expect from this post, just a little rant maybe. I'll keep grinding away on faceit (lvl 5). I will say ALL of my games when the server is base in the UK are great.
Maybe everything is in my head
TL;DR I fine 128tick servers a worst experience than 64tick - help