Sent you an invite Steam name is SL][DER with RIP clan tagadd me i posted a link to my id a few posts back
i have probably most people off here. then just either join me or send a message whenever you are on.
Sent you an invite Steam name is SL][DER with RIP clan tagadd me i posted a link to my id a few posts back
i have probably most people off here. then just either join me or send a message whenever you are on.
Starting to play more of this again since the major - if anyone fancies some games feel free to add/ invite me if I already have you on steam, I'm GN2
Added youIf anyone wants to play some OcUK matches tonight i'm down!
Add me on steam:
I think steam are having issues at the minute
Please can you upvote this, 1 single caster pointed out its completely screwed up -