Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CSGO)

I too have started playing again. Not that i am any good! Anyone know of any decent servers?

add me and bounce we have posted in the thread several times. we play this near enough daily. we have a discord we use so we can send you those details through steam and get a group together. we have around 6 regulars we play with a lot off of here.
add me and bounce we have posted in the thread several times. we play this near enough daily. we have a discord we use so we can send you those details through steam and get a group together. we have around 6 regulars we play with a lot off of here.

Yeah sure. Sounds like a plan to me although be warned.... I need some practice

Pass me your steam ID.
Quick Q guys - a little problem..

When I am now in game, if I receive a message in steam , it minimises the game and takes me to desktop..can someone please guide me to sort the settings on this??

Sounds like you game is running in bordered or windowed mode. Set it to full screen.

sounds like the opposite to me. he is running full screen so needs to minimise the game to do anything rather than overlay it on top.

the best way to run is windowed full screen IMO. and use alt-tab to read messages in game.

or he has steam overlay disabled in his settings somewhere.

those 2 scousers were off their ritalin last night.
sounds like the opposite to me. he is running full screen so needs to minimise the game to do anything rather than overlay it on top.

the best way to run is windowed full screen IMO. and use alt-tab to read messages in game.

or he has steam overlay disabled in his settings somewhere.

those 2 scousers were off their ritalin last night.
If he has it set to full screen, it should take priority so other back ground apps won't force CS to minimize which is what appears to be happening now.

I know i run mine full screen, and i've never had it minimize. You probably run yours Windowed and never had it minimize, so who knows hahah :-)
hey guys,

just finished a few CS comps on my new setup..but i have an issue in game..every now and then i get a small black bar flashing across part of the screen for like a micro second, then back to normal, it doesnt affect my game its that fast. but it shouldnt happen.

i tried BFV and its fine, and the menus, and windows 10 in general is fine, JUST in-game for CS :confused:
in the past 2 weeks ive gone from being LE for 2 months to LEM for like 2 days and now from LEM to MG2 in the space of about 3 days, had a 19 game loss streak, here's a few reasons why from random deathmatch encounters, somethings definitely wrong with my settings, i lost them all and now they're up the wall!

ranks are completely silly imo. I started a free account and got eagle, my accounts I've had for years are nova 3 or 4. I have now taken that through to rank 21 xp and its given prime at that point, no phone is required any more. About 80% of my games show with bans against them so I'll miss non prime for that instant justice
Played against a supreme yesterday in prime nova game, complete nonsense imo and not demonstrating any skill i respect tbh

The doors open on 5 v 5 games for anyone on ocuk just let me know, I far prefer to know the people in the game. I'll make sure the invite link is upto date on my profile. You can mute everyone on the discord server if you prefer, they are all about uni age mostly just so long as you are wanting to be in the actual game server thats fine and just message me on steam. Speak in game if you like as I much prefer push to talk personally less noise

Jany DP cable do?
any is fine for DP, I think its hdmi where its a maybe at higher res. To check this in game type mat_info into console and look for the hz
If you prefer Teamspeak there is 5 v 5 games arranged on Tuesdays and that centres around Reddit with some moderators sorting the chaos there. In theory its mentioned on reddit or just ask me and I give a link or someone to add who always attends. These games ideally you would be near eagle or so though I go anyway :p

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Hi all I have recently got back into CSGO after a long hiatus and am looking for some laid back matches. Steam name is Wicksikle please feel free to add me and if you see me online please do say hello! I won't pretend to be any good, used to float around DMG +/- a rank or two but I wouldn't hold myself to that standard now!
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