Counter-Strike: Source New Update Released

29 Aug 2003
I must've not read the update news properly as it does say "Removed -tickrate command line option", and I didn't read that before, I assumed the option would still be there, which I would've thought would've been common sense. That truely is shocking, I thought they had actually fixed the door bugs and stuff, instead they have just removed the option of having different tick rates :mad:. This is going to be a big pain for all the server hosts paying for their 100 tick packages, and now can't get it, and I haven't played in a match or mix on a 66 tick server for years, even most of the largish public servers I go on are mostly 100 tick. So on this point, and the performance it's definately a step back.

I've liked and welcomed updates in the past, but with the exception of the stats which I do like, this isn't progress at all, instead of fixing bugs they have just removed commands, some of which are widely used such as -tickrate, to remove the chance of players coming into contact with the bugs that are still there. Don't get me wrong css is still one of the most complete well made games I've ever played, which is perhaps why so many people are still hooked after so long, but they should've fixed the bugs rather then glossing over them. It seems before I was being a bit optimistic that they had actually made progress.

I agree 100%.

They couldn't fix the problems, so the neuter the game instead. They didn't need fixed that badly in the first place! You could 'play around it' as such.

But, you've to just shut up and deal with it 'cause OcUK says so.


I know valve will do didly squat, but this is game breaking.
10 Dec 2006
Tefal's Kitchen
It will probably survive, just, but this is not progress.

Leaving the game alone and coming up with HL3/CSS2 would be progress.
Aren't you just proving this here?

They have always opposed the changes and said it was better before, and argued the old version should be left alone and the new version released as a different game..
29 Aug 2003
So basically you're just proving this.

Hows that?

How can one person prove a generalisation? :rolleyes:

If this is them trying to IMPROVE the game then yes, they should have just put the effort into the next one. You admitted yourself there is very little change to the substance of the game anyway, positive or negative.

So what are we left with? They have broken some aspects to the game, and reduced performance for no reason. This has nothing to do with resenting change for changes sake on my behalf.

I resent change when it breaks the game and makes it run worse for people with very little benefits in return, except UI, which is debatable.

I can remember reading pc gamer when there was a small snippet about a HL mod called CS coming, I couldn't wait it sounded great! I have played CS since the very first beta, and all versions up to 1.6. I then made the jump to CSS without issue and loved it (graphically amazing at the time) it was free with HL2 anyway. I've never grumbled about this game before, never like this. I've never had to, its been ace up until now.

Never had any problems really until yesterday, so you tell me again how I prove some stupid statement to be correct?
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10 Dec 2006
Tefal's Kitchen
Hows that?

How can one person prove a generalisation? :rolleyes:
Maybe proving wasn't the right word but you have to admit that you basically said exactly the generalisation.

You like CS:S but you don't like the changes they make so say they should leave it alone and release a new version.

Again, valve should be considerate to the community that brings their games great success.
Maybe they should but everyone should be used to them updating anyway by now.

And whats 'change' how you play got to do with moderating your own server? :confused:
I thought you meant mute them for you alone but in that case fair enough.

Well we didn't have any major trouble until yesterday
I wasn't trying to say it hasn't changed, just that someone always complains about it no matter what.

lol no it hasn't, not to the levels like what I and others am experiencing now.
Then I'm sure it'll get fixed.

Well you were the one saying this didn't effect me tombo, which it clearly does.. and for many others too.
I said apart from performance issues it doesn't affect you, I accept performance issues may affect you but that's not what I have issue with.

bhop maps and servers are exploits?

bhop is not an exploit in its own right anyway.
Well it itself is, you're not supposed to do it.

Why should I have to? binds everything lost.

Yes, really userfriendly.
Because you decided to use them, they weren't provided by Valve.

I use netgraph3 to monitor choke etc on the servers, now I can't because its too resource heavy and actually gets well in the way of things with the redesigned graph
Why do you need to check it constantly, you'll need to do things if it gets too severe anyway.

I just did.
Explain how it affects your ability to do that

I never said they did, and this goes no where near the point I was making either.

Neither can you say with any knowledge that they will all come back. Bhop and surf maps/servers for a start.
You're complaining that custom game modes and therefore code aren't working, so why does it matter if an update breaks it if they have no responsibility.

When players are more interested in personal goals than the team goals, yes it does.
How is this any different to how it's ever been chasing after K/D ratio.

They add nothing to the game, except claiming everyone to be hackers because they are ****.
It's always been that way.

No its not, but I agree nothing of real change has been added.
Of course it is, that isn't going to happen and you know it, what else CoD like has been added? Killcam hardly counts.

Yes they have tombo, because you aren't me, you aren't my clan and you clearly don't extract the same enjoyment from the game as i do.
And you are not everyone who plays the game.

Don't see how you think you could even start to make knowledgable comments like this.
Yet you think you can make comments about how much enjoyment the game gives me?

It doesn't matter how smooth the game is presented to me above 35fps, if its not screeding above the hundred the whole game runs jerky and slow for my reaction times.

Again, you are not me. So don't try to pretend that you can comment on my game perception, reactions or skill.
lol yeah you're the best. Spiderman.

And even if you still believe this, why should I take a 30-40fps hit in performance for something you have said yourself doesn't actually add anything to the game?
Not saying you should, just saying you can play.

I am angry, but I am neither hysterical or overreacting.

Overreacting would be making stuff up etc, which I haven't, I am experiencing problems with a game I've played without issue for 6 years.
You're overreacting by suggesting they might add extra CoD-like features when there's nothing to suggest that and it clearly won't happen.

Wouldn't you be?
Evidently not as I'm not.
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29 Aug 2003
Maybe proving wasn't the right word but you have to admit that you basically said exactly the generalisation.

You like CS:S but you don't like the changes they make so say they should leave it alone and release a new version.

The changes are negative and make a less enjoyable game, this has got nothing to do about arguing which game has more accurate hit boxes etc ala 1.6vsCSS into which that comment is directed at.

So no, I haven't proved or said the generalisation in the context you want to use it in. No.

Look, if it all pans out in a couple of months fine i'll come back and say as such and eat my hat (only if all the issues have been resolved, particularly fps). But valve could have dealt with this in a more transparent fashion with the community and players.

I am not berating this for the heck of it, if I genuinely felt the new features were of greater benefit than the drawbacks of the update I'd be more than likely sucked into a gg server right now not discussing how crap this with you.

Edit: As for your not so quick edit to cover all my points - I cba arguing the finer points of this with someone who clearly can't put themselves into someone else shoes.

So you keep banging on about how great this update is, how ALL these problems will be fixed, cause I simply don't believe it. Now be a good boy and run along...
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7 Nov 2009
I just had a play and it seems to be riddled in bugs, people just vanishing entirely, lots of lag, the scoreboard is awful, takes ages to load back up from alttabbing out and then crashes a lot anyway.
29 Aug 2003
I just had a play and it seems to be riddled in bugs, people just vanishing entirely, lots of lag, the scoreboard is awful, takes ages to load back up from alttabbing out and then crashes a lot anyway.

Nope, its all for the good these changes.

You are not allowed to speak out or you are just a woman.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Stop moaning about 1.6 plz ta thnx

10 Dec 2006
Tefal's Kitchen
The changes are negative and make a less enjoyable game, this has got nothing to do about arguing which game has more accurate hit boxes etc ala 1.6vsCSS into which that comment is directed at.
It could apply to any number of changes, it's basically the same.

So no, I haven't proved or said the generalisation in the context you want to use it in. No.
Well you have in the context I already stated.

But valve could have dealt with this in a more transparent fashion with the community and players.
While it's true they could have when have you ever known them to.

I am not berating this for the heck of it, if I genuinely felt the new features were of greater benefit than the drawbacks of the update I'd be more than likely sucked into a gg server right now not discussing how crap this with you.
I don't think you are and I understand you're angry and I know you're saying what you genuinely feel, I just think that in general people are overreacting.

Not trying to dissect your posts or anything it's just easier to comment on each point.
29 Aug 2003
It could apply to any number of changes, it's basically the same.

Well you have in the context I already stated.

While it's true they could have when have you ever known them to.

Its not basically the same, because I am not other people and other people are not me.

Look, I don't care what you think I think, but you are wrong.

So a bunch of people in the past moaned about version this compared to version that.

This has no relation to me, or what I am saying about this update now - not version, update. Operative point here.

The update is game breaking, none of the others were like this for me afaik and can remember.

Ten YEARS i've played this game without a peep or problem.

But no you are adamant to wrap me up in some generalisation about the never happy community?

So no, give up. I'm not some 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6CSS1.1.12etc moaner.

I've never had a single problem up till now, so please stick your generalisation of CS version moaners that somehow applies to me where the sun dont shine thanks.

I couldn't even tell you which build or version we have now, or what we using HAPPILY last week. All I know is the game isn't the same, and the update is what caused it.
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10 Dec 2006
Tefal's Kitchen
You're accusing me of saying something I'm not, Basically for both of them there are changes that someone doesn't like and they argue a new version should have been made, you can't deny that and that's all I'm getting at.

I never said you complained about other versions so please stop bleating on about the generalisation I'm making.

It's a nice argument you have of I am right, you are wrong, shove what I don't agree with up your ****. I'm not attacking you so stop acting like I am.
29 Aug 2003
Maybe they should but everyone should be used to them updating anyway by now.

Do you work for steam or something?

No we shouldn't be used to them issuing game wrecking updates for CSS.

Cause it hasn't happened before numpty. :rolleyes:

I thought you meant mute them for you alone but in that case fair enough.

Well look what thought did..

I wasn't trying to say it hasn't changed, just that someone always complains about it no matter what..

Why are you trying to make out like I am some serial complainer when it comes to CSS? I'll post you a tenner if you can find me moaning about CSS previous to this thread, EVER.

In fact search the whole internet, Biohazard & Soneji - Bet you find nothing.

We never had this many server issues, our server guy is ripping his hair out our server is still dead.

We are also paying for 100rate servers that we can't get proper use of anymore.

Plus a ded. server for zombie mod, so we are left paying for stuff we can't even use.

Then I'm sure it'll get fixed..


I said apart from performance issues it doesn't affect you, I accept performance issues may affect you but that's not what I have issue with...

Yes ok, other than straightfoward performance of the system NOTHING else gamewise has any relation to gameplay.


Well it itself is, you're not supposed to do it....

Says who?

They sorted that out several updates ago, and it is no where near as bad as it once was. There were also uses for it.

Because you decided to use them, they weren't provided by Valve.....

What has this got to do with how unuserfriendly this whole caper has been to the community at large?

They need to be accepting of the community, not try and force them into ways they do not like.

They didn't need to reset all setting.

Why do you need to check it constantly, you'll need to do things if it gets too severe anyway.

Because I do, simply.

And how do I know if they get too severe tombo? :rolleyes:

Explain how it affects your ability to do that.....

If your too stupid to work this out I cba explaining it to you.

You're complaining that custom game modes and therefore code aren't working, so why does it matter if an update breaks it if they have no responsibility

I'm not arguing anything else regarding this with you, as you clearly don't appreciate the problems experienced or the work put in by the community to keep CSS going.

It certainly hasn't been valve that kept it going so long - something you'll just not accept as you'd rather have a pop at me cause I made you look silly.

How is this any different to how it's ever been chasing after K/D ratio.

Do you really need me to explain how the game works to you?


It's always been that way.

It'll only get worse, and tbh its not always been this way. New players to CSS on average are pretty rare.

Of course it is, that isn't going to happen and you know it, what else CoD like has been added? Killcam hardly counts..

Of course it isn't.

And you are not everyone who plays the game...

Neither are you, but your the one waving generalisations about like some freaky willy waving competition.

Yet you think you can make comments about how much enjoyment the game gives me?

What, in response to your generalisations and assumptions about me?

Why not!

lol yeah you're the best. Spiderman.

Get bent knob cheese.

You know exactly the point I'm making, and can't accept it.

I also have no doubt what so ever I'm better than you - if you fancy it name a date and IP.


Not saying you should, just saying you can play.

I can play sure, but it is no longer enjoyable.

Thats when the servers aren't crashing.

You're overreacting by suggesting they might add extra CoD-like features when there's nothing to suggest that and it clearly won't happen..

It was tongue in cheek, need it all spelt out for you?
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29 Aug 2003
You're accusing me of saying something I'm not, Basically for both of them there are changes that someone doesn't like and they argue a new version should have been made, you can't deny that and that's all I'm getting at.

I never said you complained about other versions so please stop bleating on about the generalisation I'm making.

It's a nice argument you have of I am right, you are wrong, shove what I don't agree with up your ****. I'm not attacking you so stop acting like I am.

Blah blah blah.

You can't hold me account to a generalisation then say 'stop bleating on' about the generalisation.

No insults calm down!
10 Dec 2006
Tefal's Kitchen
I said you did something you did but thanks for the personal attack, it's nice to see your ability to debate without resorting to insults.

Do you work for steam or something?

No we shouldn't be used to them issuing game wrecking updates for CSS.

Cause it hasn't happened before numpty. :rolleyes:
Good job I didn't say that

Why are you trying to make out like I am some serial complainer when it comes to CSS? I'll post you a tenner if you can find me moaning about CSS previous to this thread, EVER.
I said no such thing.


Yes ok, other than straightfoward performance of the system NOTHING else gamewise has any relation to gameplay.

That's not what I said.

Says who?
Valve, they removed it.

What has this got to do with how unuserfriendly this whole caper has been?

They need to be accepting of the community, not try and force them into ways they do not like.

They didn't need to reset all setting.
It's not their responsibility if your configs work.

And how do I know if they get too severe tombo? :rolleyes:
You check it...

If your too stupid to work this out I cba explaining it to you.
Thanks for the personal attack, that helps a lot.

I'm not arguing anything else regarding this with you, as you clearly don't appreciate the problems experienced or the work put in by the community to keep CSS going.

It certainly hasn't been valve that kept it going so long - something you'll just not accept as you'd rather have a pop at me cause I made you look silly.
I'm responding to you because you're the one posting, and no, you didn't make me look silly.

Do you really need me to explain how the game works to you?

No you don't...just explain how it's different.

It'll only get worse, and tbh its not always been this way. New players to CSS on average are pretty rare.
It died down with age but it's always happened.

Neither are you, but your the one waving generalisations about like some freaky willy waving competition.
I am doing no such thing.

What, in response to your generalisations and assumptions about me?

Why not!
I am not generalising you...

Get bent knob cheese.

You know exactly the point I'm making, and can't accept it.

I also have no doubt what so ever I'm better than you - if you fancy it name a date and IP.

Yes that's why I ask.

I can play sure, but it is no longer enjoyable.
That's your problem.

It was tongue in cheek, need it all spelt out for you?
Yes because the rest of your posts have been so facetious...
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29 Aug 2003
Good job I didn't say that

You clearly implied it.

I said no such thing.

Yes you did.

Well if your so full of the answers why don't you tell us then?

That's not what I said.

Again, its what you imply through what you are saying - "the game isn't broke".

Valve, they removed it.


it wasn't a problem, so why remove it?

It's not their responsibility if your configs work..

What about that half of all the 30k servers out there were running stuff that was not original game maps? or even the original game?

Do you not think this had something to do with the games continued success over the last 6 years?

Ie the modding community and variations in games.

I don't care how often you want to bleet on about its not valves responsibility, but they do have to be considerate of what the community created for itself.

You check it...

by running netgraph by any chance?


Thanks for the personal attack, that helps a lot.

Calling you stupid isn't a personal attack.

I'm responding to you because you're the one posting, and no, you didn't make me look silly..

Ok, you keep telling yourself that.

No you don't...just explain how it's different...

No, try being a admin then you may see what I'm going on about.. I'm not explaining such a simple process to you.

It died down with age but it's always happened.


I am doing no such thing.

Yes you are.

I am not generalising you...

Oh ******* yes you were.

That's your problem.


Well why have a go at people who want to discuss the problems? Instead of outright trying to pretend that none of the problems are problems or really exist.

On the face of it yes, but when large swathes of the community are having the same problem it isn't mine alone.

So its still an issue for valve, go have a look at the steam forums.. may give you an inclination - unless you are one of the sycophants from there... would make sense.

Yes because the rest of your posts have been so facetious...[/QUOTE]

Clearly don't know me then do ya?
5 Oct 2008
I think you've made your point BioHazard. Can you stop repeating yourself now? I'm sure most people get the point that you don't like the update. As for Tombo I agree, but stop baiting him... ;)

I have played CSS for years and although I would have preferred a new version and them leaving the old one alone I actually do like that they have finally updated it with support for multicore and the new engine, which people have been moaning that they haven't for ages. Some people are never happy.
29 Aug 2003
I think you've made your point BioHazard. Can you stop repeating yourself now? I'm sure most people get the point that you don't like the update. As for Tombo I agree, but stop baiting him... ;)

get back on your horse. if you don't like the thread, or what I'm saying simply don't post about it then.

I wouldn't keep going on had he not repeatedly pulled me up trying to say its the communities fault for not being officially apart of valve or what have you.

bloody ridiculous point of view to take, given how much the community variety makes the game. not valve.
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10 Dec 2006
Tefal's Kitchen
I'm not saying it's the communities fault, I'm just saying it's up for the community to fix it's own plugins.

You clearly implied it.

Yes you did.
Correction, you assumed.

Well if your so full of the answers why don't you tell us then?
That was my answer.

Again, its what you imply through what you are saying - "the game isn't broke".
Well I wasn't implying that.

I don't care how often you want to bleet on about its not valves responsibility, but they do have to be considerate of what the community created for itself./quote]
Obviously not.

by running netgraph by any chance?

Yes and then turn it off afterwards, like any sensible person would do.

Ok, you keep telling yourself that.

No, try being a admin then you may see what I'm going on about.. I'm not explaining such a simple process to you.
Clearly I have done no such thing. Ever. Not possible.

Yes you are.

Oh ******* yes you were.

As for Tombo I agree, but stop baiting him... ;).
I don't have a problem with you and I appreciate all the servers you run and all the stuff you've done with Left 4 Dead and anything else.
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