vaultingSlinky said:ta mikol, i was just about to start ranting about the misconceptions and bad press animal testing gets. You saved me a job, and put it much better than i could have
No problem. Any questions, I'm happy to reply.
vaultingSlinky said:ta mikol, i was just about to start ranting about the misconceptions and bad press animal testing gets. You saved me a job, and put it much better than i could have
Le_Petit_Lapin said:Now, dont get me wrong here people, I accept that the testing has to be done on something and if it has to be animals then so be it, its just personally, I'd rather those wastrels in prison were put to good use.
Moredhel said:Why is animal testing often wrong?
Because the animals get all nervous and give the wrong answers!
Sorry, i'll get my coat.
Tru said:Wait a minute, if rapists and kiddie fiddlers we're detered from commiting crime by the prospect of being used as test subjects, we'd have no-one to test drugs on! We'd have resort to using animals, oh the humanity!
geeza said:these types of people should only be testing cures for things like aids... but giving them a very large dose of it
Tru said:That's harsh. We should give them just 1 AID and see if it multiplies.
Tru said:That's harsh. We should give them just 1 AID and see if it multiplies.