It's the same sort of reasoning that leads to people not bothering to have things like smoke alarms, or on a much more mundane thing, a couple of torches* and some candles because "nah we don't get powercuts" followed by "if need be i'll use my phone's torch function" (at which point i'm mentally shaking my head and rolling my eyes as that's relying utterly on a device that's used for other things and likely to be low on charge when you most need it).
Things like the lack of usable PPE is unforgivable, the idea of the "stockpile" we did have was that it should be usable in an emergency, not be out of date, rotting, and in such a disorganised state that the Army had to be drafted in because the private companies that had been running it had been doing so without any regard for the most basic tenets of warehousing and stock control, such as "you keep track of where you put it" and "you put it so that the oldest stuff gets rotated out first", and moving it from one leaky warehouse to another and just throwing it in any old how.
*I'll admit I may take it a bit far, I've got a bunch I keep charged up, but then they're all also used primarily for other things (such as using them if i go out to the garage at night, you only nearly step on a badger once before you start taking precautions to let it know you're coming, and see it).