I've no idea who this chap is, but a quick look says he holds a Diploma in Nursing, a bachelor's degree in Biology, a master's degree in health science and a doctorate for work on teaching via digital methods.
What's funny is if you
check his youtube page, he tells you in the
introductory video about his background, and from what I can see, makes no claim to be an MD.
You can't argue on one page that you listen to a paramedic about mask efficacy, but don't listen to anything this guy says?
We are way too divided on almost every topic now, including this. The tendency is to denounce the other side, or try to make each other look stupid. Case in point - check the guys Wikipedia page. In the opening paragraph it says, and I quote:
All of which probably need an update, to show he was correct. We know the Covid deaths were overcounted. We know ivermectin was initially demonised but is now ok to talk about. And we know the shots are not what you'd call "safe" compared to any traditional vaccine.
I've just been called a conspiracy theorist a few posts up, and when asked to show me why he suddenly went quiet. I've probably been guilty of doing something similar myself - you get so frustrated listening to what you consider drivel, a personal attack is easy to reach for. So let's stop with the labels - on both sides; sheep, tinfoil hatter etc and maybe we can have a constructive conversation.
i think you make some fair points however iirc (and it is from memory i do not have time to research it)
but iirc the main problem with ivermectin was that 1) people were using vetinary grade drugs, which whilst in reality were probably (ok almost certainly) safe, much like no official food organisation could ever publicly say it is ok to eat dog food, no health organisation were ever going to say "sure take horse pills!" .
and the other problem is there were fears it would lead to widespread shortages of the human approved drug for people needing it for what it definitely WAS confirmed to be useful for.
I am no expert and if i am wrong so be it, but i thought ivermectin far from being demonised WAS tested back in the day and there was no confirmed proof that it helped. Perhaps this has changed now but last i heard the jury was still out?.
as for the vaccine. it IS safe in so far as any drug is safe. I knew of the possible side effects of the vaccine before i took it, i knew there was an incredibly small risk of clotting issues for instance and also knew i was quite likely to feel rough for a day or 2 after taking it (1st jab is was rough, 2nd i was ok, and my 2 boosters after that no reaction at all - but they were a different vaccine)
Think of the 100s of millions of doses which have been given world wide, IF it wasnt safe then we would know. the covid vaccines have now probably had more human testing done on them than 90% of other vaccines in the world.
Sadly a tiny small number did have really serious reactions.
BUT a lot of the deaths initially blamed on the vaccine ended up with the people having other risks - sometimes covid itself as well.
Also you know what was really dangerous back in 2020/2021? getting covid when not vaccinated.
There is a question regarding young kids. We jabbed our lad but that was a personal choice, i would never ever question a parent choosing to go the other way on that, the benefits are hugely lower for kids than they are adults and for some the even tiny risk was not worth it.
for tweens / teens my personal view is leave it up to them to decide........... but adults? it was a total no brainer imo to have the vaccination. The vaccine wasnt perfect but come on............ worse than letting covid run unchecked? really?
And the mask thing again, its all about the quality of the mask, how it is worn and how it is used. 2 people passing in a shopping isle for 10 seconds both wearing a properly fitted mask is going to help a lot more than a 2 week old disposible one not covering someones nose having a 30 min chat indoors.........................
There were some really bone headed ideas however..... the notion that it was not safe to go in a shop without a mask on but was fine to go to a restaurant ... That double standard was always going to make people question the logic of masks indoors.