I keep my eyes on the new medications and treatments on the horizon to combat covids lingering effects.
Unfortunately the much hyped BC007 as failed in continuingly beating the placebo in its trials so as shut down.
There are many different trials going on with all kinds of either off label medications or new created treatments.
The one I'm looking closely at for now is called Rapamycin.
Project Summary: A double blinded randomized controlled pilot clinical trial to determine if low-dose rapamycin can improve symptoms in patients with...
It as already had some success stories, so the trial is more about documenting it properly.
There seems to be various subsets of how covid attacks different people, so will need different treatments.
It's interesting people are mentioning allergic reactions. When I had covid the first time I started getting an allergic reaction to shampoo touching my lower leg (just above my ankle). I'd get an itchy rash. At the time I never thought of a covid connection. But looking back it seems the likely trigger.