COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Starting to get a bit nervous about this one. It seems to be progressing slowly in a not great direction and post Covid I doubt many will take it seriously.

At least for now it doesn't seem to be able to sustain human to human infection chains.


If it does develop to efficiently transmit in humans it will not be good.

On another note so far I seem to have dodged the flu going around at work though did have a couple of days I felt tired and achy so maybe had it mildly - I've noted in the past I seem to have decent resistance to actual flu so fingers crossed that holds up should we get a pandemic of other forms of it :s
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At least for now it doesn't seem to be able to sustain human to human infection chains.


If it does develop to efficiently transmit in humans it will not be good.

On another note so far I seem to have dodged the flu going around at work though did have a couple of days I felt tired and achy so maybe had it mildly - I've noted in the past I seem to have decent resistance to actual flu so fingers crossed that holds up should we get a pandemic of other forms of it :s
No. At least not yet. But like as one of the articles said everytime someone gets infected its like pulling on a one armed bandit sooner or later the virus is going to hit the jackpot. Not to worry though the govt has ordered 5m vaccine doses in the event of an H1N1 outbreak, that ought to be enough for NHS workers and the vunerable, everyone else gets to shift for themselves. Lucky us.
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The flu going around here is pretty brutal - two perfectly healthy people that I know of been put in hospital by it. Unlike COVID though people are bouncing back pretty quickly once the symptoms subside but most are flat on their backs in bed for 1-3 days at the peak of it - even those who normally try to power on through.
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Another report about the economic impact of long covid on the UK economy.

We need treatments as soon as possible. I think the doctors should be much more open to trialing off label medications ie those already on the market for other conditions. We're wasting a lot of time.

You guys don't want long covid. Trust me on that.
We need treatments as soon as possible. I think the doctors should be much more open to trialing off label medications ie those already on the market for other conditions. We're wasting a lot of time.

Problem is long COVID is an umbrella of conditions not one condition and for many people the impact of the disease is relatively unique to them, even with some overlap with other people. COVID often exposes weaknesses people were oblivious to previously and/or were a hair away from normally and have now developed into a chronic condition due to the impact of COVID either directly (due to that part of the body being damaged) or indirectly (due to the overall impact on their immune or other systems).

Latest research meta analysis from BMJ, CBT/mental health and light excercise still the most effective treatment for "long covid".

Only person I know latterly with long covid, was somebody at work who already had the nickname "sicknote" before 2020.

Latest research meta analysis from BMJ, CBT/mental health and light excercise still the most effective treatment for "long covid".

Only person I know latterly with long covid, was somebody at work who already had the nickname "sicknote" before 2020.

Now you know another one. I've had tinnitus since covid that's never fully gone away. :)
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